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Posted: Wed May 08, 2002 1:35 pm
by Platter
Re: mmmnnn...
Originally posted by Azmodan
but did why did Ravel keep him them?!.. or atleast wanted to keep him?! (as a little pet perhaps).. but im of the belief that she fancyed him. and wanted him to her self!
Yes, Ravel was in love with NO. But the first time they met was when NO asked her to make him immortal. You get this memory when talking to her. He says that is why he was looking for her.

Posted: Wed May 08, 2002 7:29 pm
by Azmodan

you are RIGHT both of you!. (has been WAY too long since i played that game)

Yes, it's you who makes Ravel do the ritual. Sorry!.. i just rememberd the love bit!.

The Immortal blade?!.. as far, as i remember it's called that (who am i kidding i can't remember anything!) :D
It's the blade made by Coaxmetal (the irongolem) And it's the only thing that can kill you. (for real, so you don't wake up again).

I have never played as Chaotic..

Posted: Wed May 08, 2002 7:33 pm
by Azmodan
Re: Re: my teori!
Originally posted by UncleScratchy

Adahn is a real person, but not the NO. Next time you play the game try selecting the "My name is Adahn" dialog text every time its available. Toward the end of the game the real Adahn will show up and give you grief for using his name. BTW - it counts as lying so it will affect your alignment.
Wierd!.. i have allways lied (and gotten away with it) and said my name was Adahn.. And i NEVER had someone come and claim that it was not my name..

But you're proberly right!, because you are warned that you shall remain nameless

Posted: Thu May 09, 2002 7:11 am
by Azmodan
Spoiler: (highlight to read)

i have always used the brimstone hammer from the Ladys maze, and then later the Axe (heartgrinder) i lure out of the demon Agril-Sharlak in the tower of Curst.. (those work for me).. i have never gotten Celestrial fury.. (isn't that the Deva's sword?).. but i have NEVER won over my mortality without the immortal blade

Posted: Thu May 09, 2002 7:14 am
by fable
@Azmodan, Celestial Fury is from BG2, and one of the best weapons before the ToB add-on. You're thinking of Celestial Fire.

Posted: Thu May 09, 2002 7:36 am
by Azmodan
Originally posted by fable
@Azmodan, Celestial Fury is from BG2, and one of the best weapons before the ToB add-on. You're thinking of Celestial Fire.
you are right!... :D maby i should have a RPG break!..

Posted: Thu May 09, 2002 9:55 am
by Azmodan
Just to eliminate every doubt about the blade of the Imortal i postet a pic here!.