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Aerie, Nalia or Imoen?

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Post by Dangerman »

Originally posted by Giles the Sorcerer:
Just to elaborate on combined arms, air, armour and infantry are seperate, it's not a bunch of people who attack in tanks, jump outa the tanks and act like infantry then go after the enemy with aircraaft,

it is a combination of air, armour and infantry, but each individual person does one of those things well, none of them mediocerly?
please, i know what combined arms is. i said it is a mix of tactical units, not a single unit that does all the tasks.

but my point is that multi class characters do more than one task at a good enough standard - maybe mediocre but good enough nonetheless - which is better because they save space in your party rather than having 2 spaces taken up for needles excess.

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Post by Mythalos »

You know what it comes down to ladies and gentleman? The need to have the "best" and most powerful class and/or party in the game. Just play what it is that you like...keep who you like for whatever reasons, and use your brain and less "Uber" characters during battle.
Keep Aerie if you want to. Just don't get rid of her because you "think" she is too weak. Figure out her strengths and utilize them.

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Post by Craig »

Originally posted by Slyweasel:
I still say Stoner Cold doesn't need 3 healers redundant what is three healers.
He might of at the start and goten used to them
(this is not advased)

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Post by Stoner Cold »

thanks for all the ideas. i think ill dump nalia and get mazzy.

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Drakron Du´Dark
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Post by Drakron Du´Dark »

Nalia and Imoen are very alike but Imoen is better thief and have a extra spell slot.
So keep Imoen
Aerie is very usefull as a secondary spell caster, so keep her.
Now, the fighter.
Well this is hard now, keldorn is a paladin, as you are also a paladin so you really dont need him.
Amomen is a fighter/cleric his active class is Cleric but he can became master of any weapon that clerics can use (with the XP cap on, if you take it he can became grand master) and he is the only good aligned cleric in the game that can reach high spells levels in the game.
Korgan is evil, great fighter but evil (and he picks on Aerie).
Of all I say Amomen, but its best to see who you like the most and suit your gameplay.
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Post by Slyweasel »

Originally posted by Drakron Du´Dark:
Nalia and Imoen are very alike but Imoen is better thief and have a extra spell slot.
So keep Imoen
Aerie is very usefull as a secondary spell caster, so keep her.
Now, the fighter.
Well this is hard now, keldorn is a paladin, as you are also a paladin so you really dont need him.
Amomen is a fighter/cleric his active class is Cleric but he can became master of any weapon that clerics can use (with the XP cap on, if you take it he can became grand master) and he is the only good aligned cleric in the game that can reach high spells levels in the game.
Korgan is evil, great fighter but evil (and he picks on Aerie).
Of all I say Amomen, but its best to see who you like the most and suit your gameplay. know I trust your opinion...but I have to disagree with dropping a mage/thief for fighter/cleric when there is already Paladin<healer,Aerie<healer,Jaheria<healer in the group.

IMHO to have a more even group dropping Aerie for Amomen is the best.

1.Paladin> Fighter/Healer
2.Minsc> Fighter
3.Amomen> Fighter/Healer
5.Imoen > Mage/Thief
6.Nalia > Mage/Thief


1.Paladin> Fighter/Healer
2.Minsc> Fighter
3.Amomen> Fighter/Healer
5.Imoen > Mage/Thief
6.Jan > Mage/Thief

At the later levels Aerie is at a disadvantage because of the cap.As for Keldorn and Korgan I agree with you.As for the rest I will agree to disagree.

[This message has been edited by Slyweasel (edited 02-20-2001).]
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Drakron Du´Dark
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Post by Drakron Du´Dark »

Somewhat of a spoiler.

I am quite partial to Amomen since he is the only romance for girls.(I play a female F/M)
Weasel is correct in the healers department, unless you manage to fully make use of cleric spells its dificult to use a cleric.
Now I also forget all about Mazzy (she is small after all), its quite a correct use for her, give her a bow and you got a great archer besides hers unique skills.

[This message has been edited by Drakron Du´Dark (edited 02-20-2001).]
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Post by Slyweasel »

@Drakron..I agree Mazzy would be a good addition too
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