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Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2002 4:35 pm
by C Elegans
Originally posted by Yshania
Probably...but then there are times (not from you) that I believe a smilie would be a good indication of mood and tone. Call me sensitive, but if I don't see a smilie, I may read it wrong...and if I don't use a smilie it is because I am not smiling ;) It all comes down to context though...and there are some here that will take the mick out of my appreciation for some indication of tone ;)
I agree, for me who has English as a 2nd language, subtile ironies are easily lost when I don't hear the intonation of the speaker. So smilies are a help - although I have never had any problems with HLD:s posts.

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2002 4:39 pm
by Yshania
@CE - I can see this as more of a problem to those who speak English as a second or subsequent language. But, I feel that in this form of communication - where we lack body language and tone of voice - that it is necessary to not be misunderstood :) (and this does not refer to HLD :D ) That said - the sarcastic :rolleyes: smilie, if not followed by a kind smilie riles me also ;)

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2002 4:45 pm
by Mr Sleep
Originally posted by Yshania
@CE - I can see this as more of a problem to those who speak English as a second or subsequent language. But, I feel that in this form of communication - where we lack body language and tone of voice - that it is necessary to not be misunderstood :) (and this does not refer to HLD :D ) That said - the sarcastic :rolleyes: smilie, if not followed by a kind smilie riles me also ;)
I still want my groainal thrust smilie :( :o

Seriously ( :D ) I do think that emoticons in general are a good idea, i tend to avoid them when i am being serious but a little smile here and there never hurt anyone :) I over use smilies but then i spend most of my time smiling and/or joking so i guess i probably have the correct ratio :)

The only problem becomes that one want's to end every letter or email with a smilie :D

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2002 9:19 pm
by Aragorn Returns
:D :cool: :rolleyes: :)

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2002 9:48 pm
by KidD01
SIGH Don't tell me this thread gonna end up like a smilies contest thread :o :eek: :D

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2002 9:51 pm
by Aragorn Returns
your mom is gonna end up a smilie contest thread :rolleyes: :D :) :p :cool:

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2002 9:57 pm
by KidD01
SIGH, just as I thought :o

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2002 10:00 pm
by Aragorn Returns
your mom doe..., oh, ok. the thing is that nobody will post anything good to respond to in my most annoying thing ever thread. :rolleyes: :cool: :eek: :p ;) :D :) :o

Posted: Wed May 01, 2002 6:22 am
by HighLordDave
@C Elegans and Yshania:
I am happy to see that some of us can post without the smilies and still be understood. I would also hope that if I ever am unclear in my meaning (or have been in the past) that someone would call me on it and allow me to explain further (even though I think my average post length is longer than most anyone else here). Maybe I'm just old-fashioned, but I've never used smilies and I try my darndest to avoid abbreviations like (BTW or IMO) because I just like to write longhand.

Perhaps I will splurge in a post and fill it with smilies and internet jargon in honor of Mr Sleep's 10,000th post because no one has yet claimed that case of 5W-30 motor oil.

Posted: Wed May 01, 2002 6:46 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
I regret that AR can't 'your mom' any of my comments. Well, not really.

I agree with Ysh and CE, smilies are helpful in expressing tone, which is a fairly important aspect of english. Sarcasm, for instance, is based (in speech, anyway) almost entirely in the tone of voice used. As many of our members don't have english as their first language (though in most cases it's not really noticeable), smilies help clarify the meaning we want people to pick up in our words.

I actually don't have many regrets, as I decided long ago to make my own decisions and live with them, and not to regret anything that came about because of my choosing. Sure, I make mistakes, but after learning what not to do next time I move on and don't dwell on them. It's surprisingly easy once you get used to it and it's a good way to live your life.

Posted: Wed May 01, 2002 11:37 pm
by Aragorn Returns
well, i rarely did smilies before. but then aegis PM'd me and told me to start using them, so i have, after all, he is a mod. :D

Posted: Thu May 02, 2002 12:33 am
by Georgi
Originally posted by Aragorn Returns
after all, he is a mod.
Not in SYM :p

Don't let him fool you into thinking he has any real power ;)

@HLD I use abbreviations all the time online (and smilies, probably cos I'm a little bit sarcastic occasionally :D ), but I really hate people using them on cellphone text messages, like writing "Hi, how R U, want 2 go 2 pub l8r?" :mad: Go figure... ;)

Posted: Thu May 02, 2002 12:36 am
by Weasel
Originally posted by Aragorn Returns
well, i rarely did smilies before. but then aegis PM'd me and told me to start using them, so i have, after all, he is a mod. :D