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Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2002 12:23 pm
by Rattman
thank you very much Zelgadis i will now have to name my hamster familer Boo

i have no choice :mad:

damn my weak will power

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2002 10:51 pm
by Sir Doak
wondering im Chaotic Evil and im going with a bat, what do you guys think is the most rewarding and useful + kewl familar out there.

I personally love my bat :p

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2002 5:57 am
so far I have had the pixie - I am playing a mostly fighter/ some sorceror, and the pixie's abilitiy to pick locks and disarm traps is really really handy. Also the pixie is cute and has a funny little voice and says weird nonsense. Also some enemies will get distracted and attack the pixie instead of the fighter in platemail w/ a greatsword :) - the pixie is very weak but quite hard to hit so they usually just waste their time. The pixie will zoom into battle though and get toasted quite frequently - its' attacks do 1 point usually - earlier tonight the pixie killed a (weak) enemy mage though :) I was very proud - there was much feeding, petting and playing with the familiar after that. I think if I played a full mage I would be tempted to get the devil dog though, something that could tank for me. You know you can change your familiar each level you gain depending on your needs.