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Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 11:57 am
by baileyatbrats
Keep in mind that Rangers gain spell ability starting at 4th level.
There are some summoning spells. "Summon Natures, ally"
POlymorph self too. Not many offensive spells, but some okay ones. I imagine "Magic Fang" will be cool. It enchant's an animal's teeth so that it can affect creatures that are immune to normal attack, etc.

Kayless may disagree, but Ranger's have always been my favorite Class.

The spell casting abilities help give you something to do in most encounters.

We'll see how the game goes

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 7:19 pm
by Kayless
Originally posted by baileyatbrats
Kayless may disagree, but Ranger's have always been my favorite Class.
I don't have any problem with rangers, only the way the 3e PHB has portrayed them (i.e. as feckless weaklings). Image Maybe in 4e they'll get it right. Image
Originally posted by Mianna
I want a stealthy warrior good in a fight and a little bit of magical abilities (related to nature if possible) but I´m still not sure what class I should take! I´ve prefered rogue/ranger so far but still...maybe I should give the thief abilities to my half-elf what class should go with a ranger :confused: How about a ranger with few classes of sorceror?
A single classed ranger will get you where you're going (spells, stealth, fighting), but you'll be weaker than others who take a different path. But if your heart's set on it, more power to you (you'll need it). Image

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2002 2:25 am
by Mianna
Well I´m not going to take a single class. So would a rogue be the best choise as a rangers partner class?

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2002 3:58 am
by /-\lastor
I'd think fighter or mage would be better but rogue/ranger is faaaaarr more stylish, and better into character (sneaking trough the woods, preying upon an enemy) :)

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2002 5:43 am
by Kayless
Originally posted by Mianna
Well I´m not going to take a single class. So would a rogue be the best choise as a rangers partner class?
Definitely, as long as you plan on being mostly roguish with only a single level of ranger. But since you said you wanted some spells, I suggest a Rog2/Sor1/FtrXX. Your two rogue levels gives you 1D6 sneak attack and evasion (not to mention lots of begining skill points), while your single level of sorcerer will let you cast Mage Armor (a nice long lasting protection spell). You can take off your armor, cast the spell without chance of failure, then put it back on for maximum protection. It works well, but I think that's stretching a character pretty thin. On the other hand, you could try a Rog3/PalXX character (perhaps an Aasimar). They'll have 2D6 sneak attack, evasion, uncanny dodge, and later on paladin spells.
Originally posted by /-\lastor
I'd think fighter or mage would be better but rogue/ranger is faaaaarr more stylish, and better into character (sneaking trough the woods, preying upon an enemy) :)
Damn straight. Image Nothing is cooler than the rogue/ranger. They just mesh together so well.

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2002 6:40 am
by Mianna
So why not more ranger levels? I still don´t get it...I want to be MOSTLY ranger. What if I first advance myself as a rogue to get good find traps and lockpick skills and then I advance myself as a ranger til´ the end of the game? What´s wrong with that?
(Pleaaase don´t start about the powerplay. I only need my character to handle him self so he won´t die all the time, I don´t need a super effective character...)

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2002 7:25 am
by /-\lastor
Well, in the other thread (my colorful ID2 party) you mentioned your character was mostly ranger and not so in to his thieving skills.

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2002 7:39 am
by Mianna
True. I meant skills like pick pockets and backstab. I think that rangers should have the set traps and remove traps skills (they are hunters, aren´t they?) and I want to have the lock picking skills for gameplay as well for roleplaying (Mianna learned to pick locks when he freed some animals that were locked in cages by poachers :D )

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2002 2:45 pm
by /-\lastor
The skills in pickpocket and pick lock do not increase with level (they're skills in 3d ed you've gotta put skill points in them, which you get every level, no matter which class you are, as long as you have at least 1 lvl rogue you can optimise these skills), I dont know anything about disarming and setting traps (why would she set traps if she frees animals anyway? :D ). Backstab (sneak attack in 3d) does however increase with level and if you wanna be good at it you've gotta take several levels of rogue.

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2002 6:46 pm
by Kayless
Originally posted by Mianna
So why not more ranger levels? I still don´t get it...I want to be MOSTLY ranger.
The thing is... rangers suck. Big time. They're weak (compared to fighters and barbarians), have sh!tty spells (compared to everyone else), and are way front-loaded. I consider it a personal failure if I have to take more than one level of ranger. Unfortunately, your character concept fits best with a single class ranger. Image *Sigh* I suppose you could do a Rog3/Ftr4/RngXX. That'll give 2d6 sneak attack, evasion, uncanny dodge, 3 bonus feats, and access to Weapon Specialization, as well as all the ranger abilities and no exp. penalty (provided you're a human or half-elf and level evenly at first).

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2002 2:03 am
by Mianna
So would a Rog3/Fight4/RangXX be a good warrior? I mean GOOD...How about a fighter/rogue? :D The only thing I want is that I come to think of it. And fighter can have LOTS of profiency points and more hitpoints :rolleyes: There´s no point in combining double stealth abilities. A good fighter who can hide in shadows...rogue/fighter?

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2002 6:07 am
by Kayless
Originally posted by Mianna
So would a Rog3/Fight4/RangXX be a good warrior? I mean GOOD...
Yeah, it'll be a pretty solid combatant. But anything with too many ranger levels is going to be a little underpowered. Image
Originally posted by Mianna
How about a fighter/rogue? :D The only thing I want is that I come to think of it. And fighter can have LOTS of profiency points and more hitpoints :rolleyes: There´s no point in combining double stealth abilities. A good fighter who can hide in shadows...rogue/fighter?
A rogue fighter is actually a very good combo. I'd recommend Rog3/FtrXX, so you'll have the much-vaunted evasion and uncanny dodge, plus a 2d6 sneak attack (and your BAB will only be one behind a straight class fighter). If you're playing human or half-elf and really want to up your melee ability you can make a slight alteration and become a Rog3/Bbn2/FtrXX. The two barbarian levels will give you fast movement (as long as you're in medium or lighter armor), Rage once per day (that can be improved with certain feats) and an uncanny dodge (that will stack with the rogue's to prevent flanking). Since the barbarian and rogue levels are so close you won't get an exp. penalty either. Heh, I think we found a winner. Image

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2002 7:23 am
by Mianna
Rog 3/Bar 2 / Fight XX ...Got it :D That´ll do but...what about lockpicking and find traps with 3 rogue levels? And what about stealth? :confused:

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2002 8:23 am
by /-\lastor
Pickpocket and stealth (move silently and hide) are skills, if you only had 1 lvl of rogue you could already max them out like a full rogue.
3d edition again :)

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2002 9:44 am
by Kayless
Yep. A Rog3/Bbn2/FtrXX should be able to sneak and steal with the best of them (well, maybe not with the best, but he/she will still be decent at that sort of thing). Image

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2002 12:09 pm
by /-\lastor
The only disadvantage is not being able to wear armour heavier than leather. But ignore that and you've got a great character :)

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2002 12:57 pm
by Kayless
Well a barbarian can wear up to medium armor and still get fast movement (a breastplate is the heaviest medium armor). But for the best results a high Dex character in lighter armor is recommended.

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2002 1:07 pm
by /-\lastor
If you're gonna wear medium armour you might just as well take no rogue levels, all the benefits are lost.

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2002 3:33 pm
by Kayless
Not really. You still get uncanny dodge, plus sneak attack whenever your opponent is denied a Dex bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), like when you flank them. The only real drawlback is that you can't sneak as good (but in 3E you don't necessarily need to be sneaking to use sneak attack) and can't use evasion.