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Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2002 4:56 pm
by Kameleon
Re: Thrust
Originally posted by Archimedez
I have to try out the Monk sometime his constitution says that he will have equal life to the half orc later
That could be tough, since a barbarian rolls a d12 and a monk rolls d8...

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2002 5:40 pm
by Archimedez

Well the monk has 6 constitution more than the barbarian and maybe that will be more at the end.
However 6 con are 60 hp at the end.
The barbarian roles 1d12, the monk 1d8, thats 1d4 more for the babarian which should result in something like 2-3 more hp per level.
At the end they should be equal.
I will check the level 19 henchman in in 2 days I guess.

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2002 7:13 pm
by Nygma
I will check the level 19 henchman in in 2 days I guess.

I couldn't get any henchman to level up over 14. They stopped leveling up when I did and there was no option to talk them into leveling up.

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2002 11:47 pm
by NightFallMyriad
Meh, I'm still liking Linu and Daelan.

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2002 12:32 pm
by Mathurin
I've read somewhere that 14th level is the henchmen max.