I said they were ideas and I was just getting some info. Were you people not able to see that at all?
It seems to me that you didn't even give Buck the benefit of the doubt with anything. I mean, what are you thinking? That he built this web-site, then woke up one day and said "Hmm... I wonder what to do now". Especially since he's pretty much annoted and answered everyones "complaints" as well as gone above and beyond by detailing every step along the way... or were you too busy to throw your 2 cents in without bothering to read anything else he has posted?
I've lurked around these message boards for quite some time now, and haven't posted too much, but I must commend Buck for his civility. He doesn't do this for the money, or the glory, or does he even ask you to write a column about him. Instead, he says "Here, use these forums, and there's a pay service as well". If it were me, and people told me how they have other sites they go to, I'd pretty much say "C'Ya, wouldn't want to be ya".
Of course, Buck seems much less confrontational than I am, but for the life of me, I can't understand why he puts up with some of the junk people put him through.
People who complain about the simple things in life like this are the same people who listen to something on the radio, and instead of changing the channel, they complain to everyone and their brother about how awful this is, or how terrible that is. Geesh.... here's a quarter, go call someone who cares.
Of course, I don't speak for Buck, I don't even know Buck.. seems like a nice enough gent though. But on behalf of those of us who lurk in the corners, and read this message board, and are named Bri Guy, I say this "BACK OFF AND LEAVE HIM ALONE" A simple "Thank you for all your had work, Buck" will do, and perhaps even a tip of the cap. If you don't like it, bon voyage and don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you.
Sorry... I had a 2nd cup of coffee today, and am feeling a bit... brawlish.