I am rather confused, as I do not know who this journalist in question is, and I don't know where this discussion came from, and everyone seems to be discussing rather different things -
So I will react to the quotes from her journalism, and give my general thoughts on racism and freedom of Speech with regards to it...:
She is mistaken in her judgements of the Islam world for this reason (and the same reason applies to all racist sentiments IMO):
In my opinion, and the opinion of all right-thinking people in the world, some of the teachings of the Bible and the Qu'ran are immoral: I'm sure everyone agrees that both texts contain passages which can be interrpreted as commandments to do bad things.
However, most good theists ignore these teachings, recognize human fallacy, the pressures of the times etc, and try to do good, sometimes disregarding the literal word of the Book in favour of acting virtuously and morally.
Some theists follow literally their interpretation of the Book, in order to do bad...to oppress women, or to commit genocide in South America.
I'm sure we can see that both the good theists and bad theists are
both theists. It is unarguable that an evil Muslim is more or less of a Muslim than a virtuous one. They are both equally muslim, so evidently it is not their Muslim-ity (sorry, made up word
) which makes them either good or bad. The goodness or badness is clearly in their own soul, and good muslims (or Christians or whatever) will use holy teachings to explain their goodness, while bad ones will use it to justify their badness.
I hope that this is logical and everyone can see that it is true...
So while we can logically say 'That man is evil', and 'That man is also a muslim' we absolutely
cannot say 'Therefore all muslims are evil'. I am shocked that people still say and believe this type of thing. It is exactly the same fallacy as 'I am a woman, the Virgin Mary was a woman, therefore I am the Virgin Mary.' It is prepostorous, and an utterly invalid position.
Therefore, it
may even be the case that all Muslims are evil. It could conceivably happen that millions of bad people were all born into Muslim families, and then eventually every single Muslim in the world could be a bad person (of course this will never happen in real life, but it is a logical posibility). In this case,
it will still be wrong to say 'All Muslims are evil', because it is not necessarily the case that all muslims are evil. It is a pure coincedence whether a bad man happens to be a muslim, or whether a muslim happens to be a bad man. The very existence of moral good muslims destroys the notion that islam
makes the believer evil, and therefore any judgement as to the goodness or evillness of the
whole of Islam is irrational.
I hope that made sense, and it should explain why, IMO, any racist beliefs are illogical (just change the word 'muslim' to your choice of racism-target
All that said, I think that Whats-her-face has every right to say these things. I have thought about Freedom of Speech, and I think that it is a necessary right in the world today. She has the right to say that all Muslims are bad, and I have the right to tell her why she is wrong
Sorry if this had nothing to do with the discussion
Originally posted by Littiz
Fanatics exist, you are not negating this.
Let me add that the "pool" of fanatics has to be large, if they managed to find
30 of them ready to die for the terroristic attack.
You couldn't find a *single* italian ready to die for anything! (I challenge you! )
Now, we "western" people cannot reason with fanatics.
But we can reason with YOU and all the moderate representants of your religion.
Littiz, please do not make any judgements about entire races. Although I know that you don't hold racist beliefs yourself, if you are prepared to say things are true of
All Italians or
All Westerners, you could in theory be prepared to say that
bad things are true of all Italians, or all muslims..all blacks or all Jews. To remain free of racism you must realise that no judgements can be made about people based on only their race...see my above post for the reasoning
. If I were an Italian I would be insulted that you are prepared to judge my willingness to die without even having met me.
PS - Also it is of course not true that being born into a muslim family makes a person more willing to die for the causes of terrorism. It is absolutely
not a racial, religious or geographical issue. If exactly the same situation were taking place in Italy as is taking place in the middle east, then Italians would be killing themselves to hurt others. Do not think that just happening to exist on one point of the globe changes peoples psychological make-up. Just pray that such a situation never happens in your home town, and try to find peace where there is none by understanding the similarities which unite us all as humans.