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Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2002 2:48 am
by serjeLeBlade
I used poor spectral blade once... the shortest lasting summon ever...
I was wondering, if Anomen is turned into a dog, then kicked out of the party and charmed, does it qualify as sacrifce for the demogorgon's altar?
Has anybody tested it?
Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2002 7:08 am
by Koveras
you can also use wizard eye...
Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2002 4:04 pm
by UserUnfriendly
yes, you can use another party member....
pc: hey anomen, get on this platform....
anomen: but this is not a helm altar....
pc: shut up, and git.....
i dont remember if it kills them or not, i think it just hurts them....
Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2002 4:25 pm
by Xyx
Another update. Naturally not as massive as the last one, but some details have been added and a few errors corrected. All listed in the History, of course.
Plus, it's moved.
Here. Should load much faster now.
Posted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 4:45 pm
by Xyx
[size=-1]Blast from the past...[/size]
...and another update!
Posted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 5:30 pm
by fable
What have you changed, O Xyx?

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 12:49 pm
by Xyx
From the History:
- Completely reworked the huge immunity tables in the Appendix.
- Added elemental protection overview to Spell Protections.
- Added magic resistance to the spell protection removal overview.
- Mentioned haste not giving whole bonus attacks if you already have a half one.
- Mentioned polymorped Project Images being able to attack.
- Mentioned Throne of Bhaal bosses immune to Time Stop not being immune to the Wish Time Stop.
- Mentioned Simulacra not losing special abilities.
- Mentioned Magic Missiles striking in pairs.
- Mentioned Draw Upon Holy Might's regenerative use.
- Mentioned Mislead decoys being able to sing Bardsongs.
- Corrected the Fallen Deva's spell selection.
- Mentioned Shadow Door, Mislead and Improved Invisibility not providing the Armor Class bonus improved invisibility is supposed to provide.
- Mentioned Limited Wish for riches not giving the 2000 gold.
- Mentioned the Shapechange Mindflayer shape not having the usual magic resistance.
- Described the way haste makes you live twice as fast.
- Mentioned Tenser's Transformation possibly worsening THAC0 for Fighter/Mages.
- Minor changes.

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 4:36 pm
by fable
Thanks! Good work