Originally posted by at99
You Americans
Oh that's a classic, ranked up there with you women...fable is a little more intellectual than the average American and too be honest with such a large and diverse country I don't think there really is an average American.
The anti-war marches are organized here by people who think North Korea is a great place and we have no right to interfere, and Iraq , well whats wrong with them and china (now thats a fantastic government).........but US must die! Have I said it enough yet....and constant anti-US slants are in the media ....and ...and.... Ever heard of the australian ABC !
It isn't the same in the UK media, they are mostly very much behind Blair which means they are very much behind Bush's current campaign, they pander to whichever government is in power, even down to making the weather features more Scotland orientated
I have quite conflicting views from people I know, probably a 60/40 slant anti to pro war. What do you mean by anti-US slants? Could you give some examples?
Now Tony Blair is the important player here , he has the persuasive influence (problably over Europe) not Bush and I dont know what you are taught about America but in Australia and Britain (the US is well ....shall we say 'not ideal').
Blair, persuasive influence lol! The interesting thing is that Americans like Anne Coulter (hock and spit) think Blair is wonderful and doing a really great job at uniting people, most of us fringe British people don't rate him very highly. He did get Silvio Berlisconi to support things which doesn't surprise me all that much, Berlisconi is really in a tight spot, with every pro-war statement matching the name Saddam with Hitler it's no surprise that a country like Italy would feel the need to get behind the war effort, well that's my spin on it anyway.
I doubt if many people in Aus/Britain knows much about US politics or even cares but the US have a problem with Iraq and so does Blair (who is labor and is supporting the US Bush (republican) and thats what gets peoples attrention. DO you know how weird this for a labor man to want to goto war with a american republican ! The Blair support has got people thinking here that maybe there is a point to this, not Bush who just has the 'guns'.
It's quite incredible the way that Blair has marketed himself to the world but not his own country, everyone around the world doesn't see the day to day of Blair and Brown's Britain, but they see this supposedly charasmatic bloke wander the globe like some kind of diplomat, I think Bush has been a lot more respectable on this point, okay his country might be hitting one of it's worst dephicits ever but at least he isn't swanning off to other countries while it happens. I am always weary of someone who will go out of their way to improve the world (in his own eyes) but not his own country. For instance, waiting lists in this country are down so say the government...that's only because they have created supplementary waiting lists up the yin yang to get the figures down
I know what lets build something which costs 750'000'000 and can only possibly last 25 years but we can't give the fireman a fairly meagre wage increase. The list does go on.
People outside the US will listen to Blair
They certainly didn't listen to him during all the "moving over the Euro" crap, with England posturing and making no definitive choices.
Even Nelson Mandela hates the US!
He has a contrary opinoin that does not mean he hates the US, I quite often have contrary opinoins to my family members that doesn't mean I hate them.
(if these people only knew....)
If these people only new what? That their "savages"( © Ann Coulter), that Bush is so righteous and just, that Blair isn't a moron "Oh look I'll play some guitar with some kids while the world is getting more and more unstable, that will endear me to everyone"
what is your point? What don't people know? Educate us