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Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2003 7:36 pm
by CrownHead
It's too bad I didn't see this poll earlier, cause I would have posted some interesting points.

Where are all the non-wusses? (forgive me for saying that it's just... You guys are wusses!)

Slayer Change is an extremely useful, especially (atleast with me) with my assassin. For some reason, I'm still able to backstab with him when he's the slayer.

The Slayer is immune to basicly everything, has a strength, dex and con around 25 each and seems to take down your rep. (always a good thing, can never have too much of the garrison and the cowled wizards. Hehehe...)

Some points are, yes, when your a fighter Slayer change is potentially useless. When your a mage it's annoying cause you can't cast spells and you can always cast shapechange at a high level.

But when your evil, it's fun for the whole family! :D