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Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 5:21 pm
by Scayde
I hate to be the bringer of bad news, but in the Planescape section, the pages are loading really squirly. Here is an exaple of one. They load properly if you refresh. Also, the program is still not registering me as 'logged-in' when I navigate from one game section to another, and ifI do not go back and log out, before I log in at the new site, I get the "not Found' message in the lace of the usual messages.
Hmm...that did not work.
BAsically, it was all white, and in plain text, with pics inserted sort of like clip art images.
I am sorry, but I don't know how to do a 'screen capture' properly.
Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 5:28 pm
by Scayde
I do not understand what any of this means, but here is the coding for the page I was talking about in the post above. I hope this helps
Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 10:53 pm
by Xandax
It does infact seem that the loading of the main page is fixed now, but as Scayde comments, it seems the loading problem have moved to the subsections now.
Sometimes when I click on a forum name and it starts loading it seriously mess up the coding. It seems to often show the http-header and some "left over" code from the main page can also be seen sometimes in the top.
The forum usually loads under these things and after a reload it is fine again.
It still seems like some pages are sent to the client to fast, before the server has generated the page. or rather - it looks that way, don't know if that is the problem
Posted: Mon May 19, 2003 9:35 pm
by Scayde
I am still having a problem navigating from the forums out to the main page and then into and around within the game sites. It logs in fine on the home page, and in the forums, but when ever I navigate to one of the game's sections, I get adds and pop-ups. If I try to re-log in, the adds and pop-ups go away, but the page content doesn't display. I get the 'page not found' message. I wonder if I am the only one having these problems. It seems as though the problem might be in reading the cookies. ....*shrugs*.
I wish I knew more about computers, so I could be more helpful
Posted: Mon May 19, 2003 10:42 pm
by Xandax
I get a similar error.
I log in on the main page and all is fine - then I choose a subsection of the site, and my log-in dissaperes.
Then if I log in at this sub-page I get returned to the main page and am logged in - untill I go to a sub-section again.
Besides - my log-in isn't kept if I close the browser and open on GB again.
As it seems to me it might very well be a cookie problem, but it also seems to be something similar to sessionvariables (in .asp, don't know much about .php) that aren't set proberly so the site only knows you are logged in at the main page.
Posted: Tue May 20, 2003 3:49 am
by Beldin
Sorry to bother you...
..but I'm still not able to change my Password.
After logging in with the pw I try to change it and get the message "Wrong Password" - but it's the same pw I'm using to log into GB.
No worries,
Posted: Tue May 20, 2003 8:35 am
by Vicsun
Another thing - I don't know if it's a bug or an intended change, but I am unable to delete my posts. When I try I get a standard "You do not have permission to access this page" error.
Posted: Tue May 20, 2003 10:51 am
by Vicsun
I've set SYM as my homepage (don't ask
) and SYM never completely loads from the first time (screenshot attatched). I have the same problem if I try to access SYM thru a bookmark on my browser. However it seems to always load if I access it from another one of the forums, or from the link on GB's mainpage.
edit=> I use IE6 with SP1, if that makes any difference...
Posted: Tue May 20, 2003 10:51 pm
by Xandax
I still get the following error when entering a sub-forum from the forum list.
I always get it the first time, and sometimes I get it a few more times.
120KB jpeg image of error (looks like http-header)
Posted: Wed May 21, 2003 12:42 pm
by Scayde
I get that sometimes as well.
Posted: Sun May 25, 2003 4:07 am
by Mr Flibble
Here's an odd one..
I'm running a screen resolution of 1024x768, but GB appears as if it's been hardcoded at 800x600. Is this right?
I've attached a screenshot as an example.
Posted: Sun May 25, 2003 6:18 am
by Bloodmist
Originally posted by Mr Flibble
Here's an odd one..
I'm running a screen resolution of 1024x768, but GB appears as if it's been hardcoded at 800x600. Is this right?
I've attached a screenshot as an example.
I think it's just the forum adapted to the new layout.
Slim line
Posted: Sun May 25, 2003 8:47 am
by Robnark
yup, it's just the - rather nice - new layout.
Posted: Sun May 25, 2003 10:48 am
by Aegis
Changing the forums to be viewed at fullscreen only applies to the forums index, but the forums themselves remain unchanged.
Posted: Wed May 28, 2003 8:35 pm
by KidD01
I try to open SYM and got this display (image attached) for several times. My PC display was set on 1024 x 768. refershing the page can turn the page back to normal though.
Posted: Wed May 28, 2003 8:40 pm
by KidD01
This is the bottom of the page when the error occur.
Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 12:58 pm
by Vicsun
KidD, what browser do you use? Maybe it's a broswer-related thing; I get the same error whenever I try to access SYM from somewhere outside of GB , but never when I'm already browsing in GB... I posted a screenshot on page 2...
Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 11:53 pm
by KidD01
IE 5.00.2614.3500
Posted: Fri May 30, 2003 8:29 am
by Kameleon
This is a screenshot at 1152x864 of what my forums look like all the time - the actual posts are all left-justified, but the footer is centred. I'm using Opera 6.05.
EDIT: It worked! Ph34r my image-compression madskillz
Posted: Fri May 30, 2003 9:08 am
by Bloodmist
Originally posted by Kameleon
This is a screenshot at 1152x864 of what my forums look like all the time - the actual posts are all left-justified, but the footer is centred. I'm using Opera 6.05.
Maybe you should update your browser... I'm using Opera 7, and It's working fine here.