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Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2003 8:10 pm
by lightningpig
I made a very interesting discovery today. I was trying out some new solo characters and I was finding it a bit difficult, so I set up a four character game just to alleviate my pain a bit and strangely enough, they didn't seem to do as well as my cleric. So finally deep into chapter 1, I checked the difficulty setting and it was maxed out. I was stunned, so I loaded my pre-final battle game from my solo campaign and sure enough, it was maxed out too. It kinda makes sense because I knew in the back of my mind that the Shaengarne orcs couldn't possibly do so much damage. So it turns out I had been playing it at that level the entire time and didn't notice - I guess I had always attributed the difficulty to it being a solo game. How silly of me. I had unknowingly subjected myself to incredible amounts of stress which I could have avoided if I had just had enough intiative to check the difficulty meter before I started the game.
Anyway, I also found out today that if you have a moon elf talk to Koluhm, you can translate the entire message into something readily comprehendable - plus you get twice the experience for doing so. Good stuff.
I think I will start another solo game tomorrow - and this time it will be on normal.
Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2003 5:23 am
by Patrick
So was that on hearty of Fury Mode or not? How long in time, (our time), did it take for you to complete the game? I would think that it would be harder to play it with just one charactor.?.. But I don.t know.?.. I guess that there would be less prep time than having six charactors. I play every day and I started way before you and you blew right through it. I'm still in chapter 4. Thats couragous.
Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2003 8:20 am
by lightningpig
It wasn't on Heart of Fury. I don't think I'd be able to finish it solo in HoF from level 1 - besides I'd probably be level 30 if I had been able to pull that off.
It was just set on Insane, so the monsters had boosted hit and damage rolls (but not modified hit points).
I played it over the span of twelve days, with roughly (I don't really know, I guess I should time myself) 3-4 hours of gameplay a day (on the average, since I didn't play every one of those 12 days). That should give me a range of 36-48 hours, which is 1.5-2 whole days of playing.
Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2003 6:54 pm
by lightningpig
Did it again!
I finished my new solo game - this time playing as monk. I had a lot of fun, considering monk is one of my favorite classes.
I did have a bit of trouble with people who were totally immune to bludgeoning damage, namely: Veddion Kairne, Isair, and Madae. So against them, I had to resort to throwing weapons (Lamia's Tongue and the ever reliable Cloudkiss). Melee-wise, my character was really powerful; instead of having to run and gun Slayer Knights of Xvim, I could stop and hammer them into submission (if there were many of them, stop hit and them once or twice with power attack: 5 and then back up, wait for the attack to be ready and move in). One of the biggest difficulties I had was the lack of healing spells, but this was merely a matter of convenience - I must have rested just a grand total of six times in the entire game just to preserve my game clock.
The two most notable fights were the Chahopek slaying and the final battle.
Without Heal, it was pretty tough coz the guardian could do up to 80 damage (critical) which was a good fraction of my hit points. So I whacked at him with my normal attack (power attack: 0) until I was just about dead, drank a sanctuary potion, ran away so he couldn't follow (you can't naturally run from him since he can do Teleport Without Error at will) and then drank potions until I was full healed. I repeated this three times to kill him.
As for the final battle, I used a ring of Invisibility to cloak myself before I met Buvai, then once I was in the throne room I got him with my quivering palm. The rest of the minions, I killed with power attack: 5. For some reason, I was not able to break the Globe of Essence (must be a bug, since this is the first time this has ever happened to me - I DID talk to Drohan and I did taint the pool), so the two immortal Glabrezu were in the throne room as well which made it kinda exciting. It actually worked to my advantage, since the Glabrezu (even it they were invulnerable) had a lower AC than the twins. Since Cloudkiss' spread effect works once you get a hit, all I had to do was target them and let the residue damage the twins. As for the radiant pool room, I took out the Xvim knights by outrunning everyone (monks are incredibly fast) and then getting them one-on-one, where they were no match for me. And everything after that was Cloudkiss.
So there. Now that that's done with, I'm thinking of another class to solo. Maybe a paladin.
Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 2:18 pm
by keeB
good job bud!
i had to abandon RPG's because i had a tournament, now im back in ful swing and playing through baldurs gate2. when i finish that, it's on to iwd2 again