[QUOTE=Thrifalas]Impaler is good, but being just a +3 weapon it has difficulties with hitting things that's immune to lower-level weapon. Ixil's Spike is way better when you recieve it, sure it has 7 less damage, but the ability combined with the +3 THAC0 and being able to hit way more creatures surely makes it worth.
I'd say that Spectral is the way to go anyway. THAC0 bonus of 10, Negative Plane Protection, additional Cold damage, a friendly sword thingie... :]]][/QUOTE]
I'd say the Brand is easily better for a straight druid and probably a multi kensai/druid, but not a kensai dualled over.
I'm playing a kensai/druid right now

and Impaler is easily the best thing for it in SOA. I'm pretty sure the only thing Impaler can't touch is Kangaxx's Demi-Lich form (unless you like to leave baddies protections in place). More damage, special 'Operation Human Shield' ability with its reach(
really nice for someone who can't wear armor, which everyone overlooks, and for spell casting in combat), and
extra criticals from two handed weapon style 
(everyone overlooks that too) make it the best weapon for a dual kensai/druid, at least until TOB-where Ixil's Nail might take over (don't know if I'll play TOB to find out how easy it is to make the save)
The Brand is a scimitar+4, +1-4 cold in SOA, no extra criticals, which can be used against the Demi-Lich; it's not even close to Impaler
IMO there's no real advantage in TOB either:
--With Grand Mastery attacks are almost the same as the Brand with Belm(7/2 rds versus 4/rd-the fifth with Belm doesn't work against anything where you really want it, and a 0 speed factor) for less damage (average is 16.5 vs 13 per hit, not counting criticals).
--The second weapon slot gives you the summoned sword
--Neg plane protection is a must for spells (always better to have the conferred ability, but it's there if you need it)
--The additional +5 to THACO for three rounds... few things have an extremely low AC so after buffing I rarely miss unless I roll a 1, and with the additional levels before I finish SOA-only at 12 right now-I doubt the buffs will be needed (since it's usually nothing more than Bless and Chant) and I don't doubt this will continue in TOB--if I play it (maybe I'd miss Balthazar and Demogorgon a bunch) so it doesn't do anything for THIS class combo (at least so far).
--'Way more creatures'... are there very many? The only ones I can think of are the two Demi-Lichs and Demogorgon (and just one Demi-Lich in SOA without including mantle/improved mantle, which needs to be Breached anyway (Prot Magic Weps is just as effective against +5 as +3, especially with that stupid Spell Shield that always goes with it). Since a mage wearing the Robe of Vecna Breaches before a kensai/druid can cover the ground, those mantles/improved mantles don't really matter.
--You didn't mention that some things are resistant to piercing damage

. The only thing I can think of off the top of my head is clay golems, but I know there are others (which-unlike clay golems-aren't ALSO immune to slashing damage

--You still attack from the second row and get those extra criticals.
Ixil's Spike is probably better when the save is missed, but if that requires malison (and maybe doom) it's only worth switching for those few times that you need to stake things to the ground. Otherwise I'd rather use Impaler (but by then I'd probably use the upgraded Staff of the Ram-gotta keep taking advantage of two handed style after all).