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Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 4:14 pm
by Xyx
Re: More Questions!
Originally posted by Lafortezza
7) The spell 'miscast magic', I've tried to cast this a few times in battles against mages, but I dunno if it ever actually works, they always seem to be able to continue casting spells, am I missing something?
It gives them 80% chance of spell failure, so they still get the occasional spell off. Moreover, the spell has a saving throw, so about half of them won't even be affected by it to begin with.

I'd suggest Hold Person or Holy Smite over Miscast Magic. Not being able to do anything at all sure beats just not being able to cast.

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 11:27 am
by Gaal Dornik
Summon using is a cheesy tactic. The best example for this is killing Drizt with skeletons :D :rolleyes:

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 3:32 am
by Phantom Lord
2) Some items are quest specific and otherwise useless, eg the wardstone. I collect them anyway, as memories. Warning: Never ever store items in a stronghold that don't belong to you yet, because it will be completely reset if you get it (spell: all items gone).

3) The lich will probably make short of your summons, which isn't necessarily bad, because otherwise the party would suffer the impact. One important point in fighting liches is to rip their magical defences asap, Breach, Pierce Magic, Ruby Ray etc work good. Another point one is to have someone in the front row who is able to withstand the initial timestop attack (different liches do different things during timestop).

7) Chromatic Orb on high levels far better. It has a saving throw, but it's level 1 and easily rivals higher level spells concerning effects.

About cheesiness and power of summons: Summons are common tools of the wizard. He simply has the choice to summon, buff, blast or whatever. On higher levels, most summons are basically cannon fodder, except for some HLA summons, which can be damn powerful. There are some cheesy variants, like the turned vampire army from intentional wish abuse in combination with an evil cleric, but there are other powerful tactics at those levels as well (the truly murderous ring of / spike trap combo for example).

As long as you don't abuse the engine like especially UserUnfriendly describes it in The Improved Guide To Cheese and similar posts sophisticated tactics ain't cheese, though maybe powerful.

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 5:53 am
by Elemental ZOOT
Originally posted by UserUnfriendly
i love summons..try skeleton warriors hasted for more fun...

there are a lot of cheesy things you can do with summons, but just using them in battle is not cheesy...and i would know... ;)

User Unfriendly
I do something like that but MY tactic is so cheesy i can;t believe it.
I had edwin cast all protections on him-stoneskin etc, and i gave him 3 items- stone golem book,silver horn of Vahlla, black spider figurine. I then cast the Lvl 9 spell shape change and then i did sirculim making a copy of edwin- he had everything the orginal had. i turned them into juggernaut golems, and made then use the book,horn,figurine. i completly anillated yaga sura in 3 rounds plus with a deva,2 skeletons, greater earth elemental,dejini all hasted as well :D

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 9:25 am
by UserUnfriendly
Originally posted by Elemental ZOOT
User Unfriendly
I do something like that but MY tactic is so cheesy i can;t believe it.
I had edwin cast all protections on him-stoneskin etc, and i gave him 3 items- stone golem book,silver horn of Vahlla, black spider figurine. I then cast the Lvl 9 spell shape change and then i did sirculim making a copy of edwin- he had everything the orginal had. i turned them into juggernaut golems, and made then use the book,horn,figurine. i completly anillated yaga sura in 3 rounds plus with a deva,2 skeletons, greater earth elemental,dejini all hasted as well :D

try this... :p :p :p load up chain contingency with triple project image, set condition helpless, and cast on, cast project now have 4 images...each image improve hastes itself, then cast shapechange...

a image can't attack in melee, but shapeshifted it can...each of the four images shapechanges to mind flayer, and now you have an army of 4 mindflayers under improved haste attacking yaga, and draining intelligence with every hit... ;) ;) ;)

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 12:05 pm
by Xyx
You don't need four Improved Hasted mind flayers, you just need one with a Time Stop scrolls. :D Just equip a Time Stop scroll and a Shapechange scroll and cast Project Image or Simulacrum. Quickest way to end boss fights. I sucked the brains out of at least two SoA dragons this way. :D

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 1:02 pm
by UserUnfriendly
Originally posted by Xyx
You don't need four Improved Hasted mind flayers, you just need one with a Time Stop scrolls. :D Just equip a Time Stop scroll and a Shapechange scroll and cast Project Image or Simulacrum. Quickest way to end boss fights. I sucked the brains out of at least two SoA dragons this way. :D

Bbbbrrraaaaiiiiinnnnnsss....yummy, slurpy brains....yummm!!!

forgot about timestop and every attack hits... :p :p :p

now here is a many melee attacks does it normally take to drain brain??? i so rarely use that naughty tactic i forget.. ;)

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 1:47 pm
by Numinor
I think they drain 4 or 5 int per hit, so it depends on the opponent.
For the Shadow Dragon you'd need 3-4 hits (14 int), 4-5 for Mellisan (18 int) etc.

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 5:25 pm
by drew_jarvie
Going a bit off topic, someone said that there was no +5 scimitars in the game? I though Drizzt had one... Oh well.

Anyways time stop+ flayer change .... lol what a combo.... you can even take out quest important and imoen belt characters with that right?

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 5:55 pm
by UserUnfriendly
Originally posted by drew_jarvie
Going a bit off topic, someone said that there was no +5 scimitars in the game? I though Drizzt had one... Oh well.

Anyways time stop+ flayer change .... lol what a combo.... you can even take out quest important and imoen belt characters with that right?

you can get one if you installed tob...and i think one of drizzt's is +5...

you also get no xp... :p

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 8:01 pm
by FilipeTeles

There is one +5 scimitar in ToB. The name is Spectral Brand