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Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 6:58 am
by Mr.Waesel
Originally posted by /-\lastor
Is it that bad?

Since you like story, get the upcoming Player's Guide to Faerûn (apparently has a lot of bacxkground in it), or Serpent Kingdoms, or Waterdeep, all upcoming (can you tell I'm an FR fan? :D )

Yes it is that bad *cough*Teflammar Shadowlord Iajutsu (sp?) master*cough*

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 3:15 pm
by Odhanan
1/ Races- there is the excellent Unapproachable East, a FR regional sourcebook; Races of Faerun is a sourcebook about all the subraces of the main ethnicities of the Realms. GREAT for what you are searching for.

2/ Prestige Classes- really there, ANY sourcebook will do. Prestige Classes are the most common content you will find in 3e D&D books. Best among these ? Of course the DMG (Dungeon Master's Guide) is one of the core rulebooks, so it is necessary in any case, particularly to unexperienced dungeon masters, like you seem to be. In the most classical supplements (non FR), I'd advice you to search for the "class rulebooks". In 3.0 rules, you have Sword and Fist, Song and Silence, Masters of the Wild, Defenders of Faith, and Tome and Blood. Each present advice to play precise classes and present some PrC specially designed for this style of characters (respectively, the books are for fighters and monks, bards and rogues, druids and barbarians, clerics and paladins, and finally wizards and sorcerers). Soon, the contents of Sword and Fist will be updated for 3.5 edition in the Complete Warrior handbook.

3/ Cleric Domains- the TOP book for this particular thing you are searching for is a sourcebook about the religions in the Forgotten Realms. It's name : Faith and Pantheons. Check it out.

Where could I find information about Githyanki and Gitzverai?

In the Manual of the Planes.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 3:43 pm
by Galuf the Dwarf
Just so you'd know, Odhanan, I already have Faiths & Pantheons. That's where my interest in Domain spells first came from. What I'm really searching for is a resource to find out EVERY bit of info about Domains - their character benefits, the spells they offer, and so on. What do you suggest then?

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 6:23 pm
by Odhanan
Okay. :)

Apart of the PHB and Faiths and Pantheons, I do not know of another supplement that would develop cleric domains. Did you try to look at the Book of Vile Darkness and the Heroic Deeds to see if there's something about them?

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2004 8:28 pm
by Odhanan
May I ask, then, what you particularly need about domains? What would you like to find, in fact? New domains? Parameters/rules to create them yourself?

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2004 11:53 pm
by Galuf the Dwarf
Originally posted by Odhanan
May I ask, then, what you particularly need about domains? What would you like to find, in fact? New domains? Parameters/rules to create them yourself?

1) What special ability does each domain give. According to D&D, Sun Domain allows a cleric to automatically attain the "Improved Turning" feat. What do the Repose & Craft Domains allow? What about all the others?

2) What spells do all of the domains that are not in the Temple of Elemental Evil game have? That game was my real exposure to domain spells, but wasn't enough.

These are my biggest questions.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 12:18 pm
by Odhanan

Do you actually own the PHB? (Player's Handbook of Dungeons and Dragons)
There you will find most of the domains, the special abilities they give, and the additional spells (in the Chapter about magic, at the beginning, in the spell lists of all classes). Those are the domains reproduced in Temple of Elemental Evil.

Then, apart of Faith and Pantheons for the FR, you have the FRCS (Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting), which I suspect you own as well? There you will find the new domains that were used in Faiths and Pantheons, in the chapter related to magic and spells. That includes special abilities and spells related to those domains.

Can I ask why you would like information? To play on tabletop as well I suppose? Then, PHB, MM (Monster Manual) and DMG (Dungeon Master's Guide) are the first books on your buy-list.

(sorry if you think I ask and "teach" too much. I write all this to be as clear as possible and understand what you might need or not)

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 2:26 pm
by Galuf the Dwarf
Originally posted by Odhanan

Do you actually own the PHB? (Player's Handbook of Dungeons and Dragons)
There you will find most of the domains, the special abilities they give, and the additional spells (in the Chapter about magic, at the beginning, in the spell lists of all classes). Those are the domains reproduced in Temple of Elemental Evil.

Then, apart of Faith and Pantheons for the FR, you have the FRCS (Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting), which I suspect you own as well? There you will find the new domains that were used in Faiths and Pantheons, in the chapter related to magic and spells. That includes special abilities and spells related to those domains.

Can I ask why you would like information? To play on tabletop as well I suppose? Then, PHB, MM (Monster Manual) and DMG (Dungeon Master's Guide) are the first books on your buy-list.

(sorry if you think I ask and "teach" too much. I write all this to be as clear as possible and understand what you might need or not)

Well, the Player's Handbook and Campaign Setting sound like my best bets. P&P D&D/FR doesn't appeal to me as much as a game on the computer or a Forgotten Realms book does. I just want a deeper understanding of every aspect of character creation.

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 4:58 pm
by Galuf the Dwarf
Okay, here's another question. Where can I find out about the Expert class? I can't seem to find any reference to it.

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 6:42 pm
by Rob-hin
That doesn't sound like a class.
You can be an expert at anything, from magic to swordfighting.
You can say that all subclasses are an expert at a certain thing.

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 7:42 pm
by Galuf the Dwarf
Originally posted by Rob-hin
That doesn't sound like a class.
You can be an expert at anything, from magic to swordfighting.
You can say that all subclasses are an expert at a certain thing.

Well, the favored class of Urdunnir (Deep Dwarf) in RoF is Expert. I've also read character statistics of sorts in various sources where characters have the Expert class. Trust me, it exists.

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 5:33 am
by Mr.Waesel
Rob-Hin. you don't know the NPC classes in the DMG? Then what did you think all those "warriors" and "commoners" in the organization entries of MM monsters were?

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 6:46 am
by Rob-hin
Well blow me down, there it is indeed, the expert.
I knew the warrior, aristocrat and the commoner but I had forgotten the expert.

The experts are craftsfolk and the professionals in the wolds, mercants and such. Not really an adventurer though...

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 11:03 am
by Galuf the Dwarf
More suggestions needed.

Well, I have been enjoying RoF and Underdark since I got them for Christmas, in case you were wondering. Still, there is much that I hope to learn, so here's some more questions.

Do any of you suggest the Silver Marches or Unapproachable East FR accessory books? I know that SM deals with the area around Icewind Dale (Mithral Hall, Silverymoon, etc.), and was wondering what I should expect in the book. Unapproachable East deals with the region of Rasheman and Thay, and what else?

Where could I find out information about Mountain Dwarves, Hill Dwarves, and Giants (namely Cloud and Storm Giants)? Do any of the other books have information that will fill me in. I was hoping for information on their statistics like in Races of Faerun (example: Bonuses to ability scores, general alignments, and deities they worship).

I'm definitely looking at getting the FRCS, after getting a decent feel for the content thanks to,


Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 5:53 am
by Mr.Waesel
I don't know about the story, but Unnaproachable East is great for min/maxing! :D

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 9:17 pm
by Galuf the Dwarf
And so I find respite...

Just thought I'd mention that I just bought the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting yesterday, and many of my burning questions were answered. :cool:

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 10:02 am
by Galuf the Dwarf
Recently, I got the Draconomicon and the 3.5 Edition Monster Manual, which were both interesting, and the latter being MEGA-HELPFUL on getting character stats from various creatures, including Githyanki and Gitzverai. I'm just hoping that there's a PC game that utilizes many of these features that I read about AND have A LOT of satisfactory gameplay elements.

Okay, here's some more descriptions I'm looking for:

1) Holy Avenger and Luckblade swords. I was wondering if they were still in 3.5 Edition, and whether or not that's the case, I'm hoping to find more about their capabilities.

2) Weapon and armor enchantments for 3.5 Edition. After reading about numerous ones in Faiths and Pantheons and by enchanting weapons in ToEE, I'm even more intrigued to find out more about them.

Any ideas?

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 10:53 am
by Rob-hin
Well, you can create you own weapons with the DMG.
It contains rules about creating magioc weapons and it has a lott of magic weapons and items.

Also, you can use the 'Magic of Faerun' addition.
A very nice book about magic items and weapons in the Forgotten Realms aka Faerun.

You can find it here: ... /882410000

I suggest you take a loot at any book before you buy it. This way you know if it's what you are looking for. :)

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 10:23 pm
by Galuf the Dwarf
Originally posted by Rob-hin
Well, you can create you own weapons with the DMG.
It contains rules about creating magioc weapons and it has a lott of magic weapons and items.

Also, you can use the 'Magic of Faerun' addition.
A very nice book about magic items and weapons in the Forgotten Realms aka Faerun.

You can find it here: ... /882410000

I suggest you take a loot at any book before you buy it. This way you know if it's what you are looking for. :)

1) DMG definitely is the book for the Holy Avenger. I have a hunch that the Luckblade will be in there as well.

2) Something inside almost says "MUST HAVE!" right now...

3) Actually, I prefer to use to research alot of what I get, which really allows me to view portions of the book, especially the glossary and table of contents.

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 5:06 pm
by Galuf the Dwarf
Well, it's been quite a while since I've posted in this topic, but now I've wondering about one thing in particular: crafting materials. I was hoping to understanding the properties that things such as mithril, adamantine, and others give to weapons, armor, and whatever else they could be applied to.