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Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 11:37 pm
by UserUnfriendly
Originally posted by fable
@UU, will the Swarm transfer when the foe is unswarmable?
urm..nope...i've made my pc unswarmable once, and no simply makes them immune...also, spell immunity works...

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 2:45 am
by Bloodstalker
My opinion of Aerie.....kill her before she drives you insane with her whining

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 3:28 am
by Idioteque
Aerie is one of my favorite characters, if you lay one finger on her BS you will have to answer to me!

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 11:05 am
by nephtu
Aerie is like Anomen, people seem to love or hate her. I have a lot of ambivalence to both of them, for me they're both annoying and appealing.
NB - the spell immunity for bugs is conjuration, used that for fights like Improved Bodhi. I love those bugs, they're so univversally useful

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 11:26 am
by Aegis
Re: Aerie..
Originally posted by nephtu
Aerie is like Anomen, people seem to love or hate her. I have a lot of ambivalence to both of them, for me they're both annoying and appealing.
WHAT! Who likes Anomen!

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 11:40 am
by fable
Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 11:46 am
by Screaming Johny
I love Aerie. My favourite character to play is the Fighter/Theif (with various kits), so together with Aerie we have the 4 major classes covered.
I usually give her Bracers AC4, Girdle of Strength, Flail of Ages, and some good Sheilds. Then she can hold her own in a fight even if she doesn't blast the baddies with her magic.
It's also kind of cool us two love birds running around Amn together saving the world. Isn't it romantic?
Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 11:51 am
by nephtu
I think Anomen is a really well-written character, his story is poignant, and he's no cliched fantasy stereotype, though he seems like one at first. So, yeah I like Anomen, in a wierd & annoying kind of way.
Aerie's cleric/mage abilities are certainly cool, and she's also well written, but she gives me an allergic reation with all that sugary fragility, personal tragedies notwithstanding.
I can't say either is really a fave, though ALL the basic characters are well written, even poor old lamer Cernd.
Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 1:50 pm
by Mini Me
i personally love aerie. Her and Haer make a welcome change to the stoic macho-ness of the other characters. She is also an excellent character gameplay-wise, with the right equip (flail, flail, flail!) and triggers.
PS u like my new avatar?
Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 10:15 am
by Sir Redweed
I can't believe everyone wants to argue this point. Simply put Aerie can be the strongest char in your party by the time you reach TOB.
My PC is a Paladin so that elimates all evil char if you play the Paladin char correctly.
Which means no Edwin, no Korgin, no Vincona. When I played through to the end of TOB my party was
PC Paladin
Who cares if Aerie can fight she has enough spells that she never runs out before you need to stop and rest.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 10:34 am
by fable
Originally posted by Sir Redweed
I can't believe everyone wants to argue this point. Simply put Aerie can be the strongest char in your party by the time you reach TOB.
The negative reaction is a perception based IMO on two things. First is her weakness in the early stages SoA, when her multi-class status means slow leveling as both a cleric and mage. Second is her complaints and tentativeness, which is perceived by some people as weakness. They don't seem to realize that weakness isn't a matter of articulating hesitancy, but of not acknowledging and working through your own failings. Aerie's self-examination is actually a strength.
And by ToB, she kicks butt. Everywhere.

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 12:02 pm
by nephtu
Two instructive errors here:
Originally posted by Sir Redweed
I can't believe everyone wants to argue this point. Simply put Aerie can be the strongest char in your party by the time you reach TOB.
1) There IS no strongest character in any meaningful sense even for the most munchkin of players - playstyle effects and character interactions (if not soloing) make that claim nugatory.
Originally posted by Sir Redweed
My PC is a Paladin so that elimates all evil char if you play the Paladin char correctly.
2) "play correctly".... Oh no, it's the RP police! Good & evil charactgers, even from a strict RP perspective, make for interesting parties. And there simply is no correct way to play.
Good gaming!
Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2003 11:53 am
by Shin Jaon
I like Anomen, his story isn't the best but he's strong. Rather rude and neurotic sometimes but I've learned to use him...
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 8:10 am
by fable
Originally posted by nephtu
1) There IS no strongest character in any meaningful sense even for the most munchkin of players - playstyle effects and character interactions (if not soloing) make that claim nugatory.
I think Redweed's comment about Aerie being the strongest among your possible party members was more of an emotional reaction, @Nephtu. All too often, players who have never really tried her beyond a few obligatory SoA levels assume her power level is extremely weak; and they're oh-so-wrong in the long run, which is what anybody plays for. In that sense, Aerie's among the strongest party members you can add to your group.
But like you, I agree that there really isn't a strongest or weakest party member. SoA is fairly easy, and a gamer who truly fancies themselves as a strategist could try all sorts of party arrangements which emphasize anything but obvious power. Besides, what's the value of powerplaying in a game environment where you have all the answers? Every battle's result is a foregone conclusion: how boring. Winning over a difficult challenge is far more interesting, and really produces a sense of accomplishment.

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 10:09 am
by nephtu
Yet more...
Your point is well taken, Fable.
With the possible exception of the astonishly limp Cernd, all the NPCs bring something pretty worthwhile to the party, and Aerie's Cleric/Mage combo has some real oomph, especially sticking higher level cleric spells in triggers & contingemcies.
Certainly she's a bit of a surprise once she gets some levels and gear - at least if you play her right. My first time through, she was in my party - basically, the first six NPCs I met - I was too much of a softy to kick anyone out

Anyway, I never used anywhere near her real abilities, which was a pity.
I do kind of like the idea of playing a party of all the dissed NPCs - Anomen, Nalia, Haer'Dalis, Aerie, Cernd - I could drag out my old wizard slayer to lead it - imagine them in the Eclipse fight

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 11:04 am
by Sir Redweed
Everyone's view is taken into consideration on this topic. Thanks for the input and opinions.
I still have to disagree about the party mix with a Paladin and an evil character. (Imagine that) I've been playing a paladin so long that to me it breaks the very core of RPG to mix it up this way. If you want evil character's in your party play a fighter.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2003 8:48 am
by Olmer
In my opinion Aerie is good spellcaster, whe she's an add-on to single-class mage and cleric. Then she boosts up number of both clerical and mystical spells casted per round. With Robe of Vecna she can casts spells very quickly and is able to put clerical spells to chain contingencies and sequencers (three Implosions or one Greater Restoration, Summon Deva etc.)
Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2003 9:03 am
by Olmer
Originally posted by UserUnfriendly
jahiera imho is the most powerful fighter in the game...
including saravok, korgan, minsc and keldorn...
armor of faith+hardiness...50% immune to weapons...
globe of blades+aura of flaming death...improve haste, and the globe does double damage...
regenerate makes her unkillable...
ironskin on top of armor...ironskin is unbreachable..
now here is a fun trick i haven't experimented personally with...prebuff her, and cast insect swarm on to the enemy, on improved haste, and the swarm should transfer to the enemy...
used properly, she is the ultimate killing npc...
I tried to face lvl.26 Jaheira against Haer'Dalis and she loses ( in pchysical fight with all buffs active). Haer'Dalis is protected by Mirror Images and Stoneskin, what gives him protection from about 30 attacks. Also, Jaheira needs to strike him with normal weapon because of his Protection from Magical Weapons. I also tried a duel between Haer'Dalis and Viconia with all buffs (including Blade Barrier and Sphere of Blades). She had Crom Faeyr, which gave her 25 STR and even that couldn't stop Tiefling...