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Post by Mr.Waesel »

Say Stilgar, if you've got the robe of vecna with hood, could you attach it so I could use it as well? Thanx :)
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Post by UncleScratchy »

Prettified Robe of Vecna Mod
Originally posted by Stilgar
I'm having problems with editing colors to (jsut started to try some editing myself)

I want to change to color of the robe of vecna to either red or blue instead of that brightgreen.

How do i do this exactly?

If you don't want to edit it yourself there is a mod you can download. Here's what the readme file for the mod states:

"Prettified Robes of Vecna for Baldur's Gate 2


-Pick a colour and unzip the corresponding wa2robe.itm.x file to your BG2\Override directory.
-Note that the red/black and green/black robes will override the major colour set in your inventory and set it to pitch black while wearing the Robe of Vecna, while the non-black versions will leave your selected colours alone.
-Rename the file to wa2robe.itm and enjoy the stylin' new Robe of Vecna.

Use at your own risk, but email Rob Little if you have a problem and he will try to help you.

Sorry, I don't remember where I downloaded it from.

To edit the colors extract the item file into your game's override file using something like Shadowkeeper. I think its WA2ROBE.ITM that you want. Use IEEP to load that item file into Item Maker. Go to the Equipping Effects dropdown menu. You will see three "Set Item Color" parameter entries. One entry controls the color of hem/center strip on the robe, another the major trim and another the amulet on the robe. If you haven't done it already you should print out the "Known Color Gradients for Baldur's Gate" file and renumber the hexidecimal color codes with decimal codes starting with 00h which would be renumbered to 0 and continuing on down the list. Here is how the Robe of Vecna is coded using the color gradient number and location (on the robe):

Location 0 is the amulet color and is set to color gradient 29 (red tinted black).
Location 4 is the hem/center strip and is set to color gradient 34 (ghostly green).
Location 5 is the major trim and is set to color gradient 32 (dark sea green).

Click on the drop down menu and select the first "Set Item Color" parameter to open the effects screen and then click on "Click to Edit Parameters" box. You will see location code 5 is set to color gradient 32. Replace the color gradient code with the color you want. Repeat with the other two "Set Item Color" settings and then save the file back into your override folder (you should copy the orignial vecna item file somewhere else where you can recover it later on if you want to). That's about it. If your char already has the robe the new color scheme should show up when you open the game.

The color gradient codes for red are 11, 19, 46, 47, 70, 76, and 101. Blues are 17, 18, 31,56, 57, 58, 68, 71, 78, 82, 96, and 97. Good luck.
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Post by Stilgar »

I figured the colloring out (atleast i think so, it somtimes has some weird effect, but i'm getting the hang of it).
Next stap, editing ability's :D
Originally posted by Mr.Waesel
Say Stilgar, if you've got the robe of vecna with hood, could you attach it so I could use it as well? Thanx :)
i'm currently at my parents house, so no BG2 or editing for me. (have to study :( :( :( ) As soon as i get home, ill attach it (or you could PM me if you want to have it in a different collor)
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Post by Stilgar »

Originally posted by Mr.Waesel
Say Stilgar, if you've got the robe of vecna with hood, could you attach it so I could use it as well? Thanx :)

Here they are!

[The extension bmp has been deactivated and can no longer be displayed.]

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Post by Stilgar »

And another
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Post by Mr.Waesel »


De kat krabt de krullen van de trap...
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Post by Sytze »

Originally posted by Mr.Waesel

De kat krabt de krullen van de trap...

Thats one cheap way to point out ure from Holland :p :D
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Post by Astafas »

I'm trying to edit Wyvern's Tail, making it a Club instead of a Morning Star. However, when I try to save after editing the item description I get the following error message:

There has been an error in the program. The specific information for this error is as follows:
Permission denied at Dialog_Write.12.

Any ideas?
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Post by Sytze »

Make sure the only program you have open is IEEP. If you have SK or the game itself open u get an error.

Of course, Im guessing you already know this, so I'll keep brainstorming
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Post by Astafas »

Originally posted by Sytze
Make sure the only program you have open is IEEP. If you have SK or the game itself open u get an error.

Of course, Im guessing you already know this, so I'll keep brainstorming

Eh, no, I had no idea... I'll try that right away for at starter!
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Post by Astafas »

Oh my, as easy as that... I managed to change Wyvern's Tail into a Club instead, setting Damage to 1D6 +2 with Speed Factor and Weight to 4 and 3 respectively (standard Club). And it is of course usuable by all but pure Mages...

On a sidenote, there is no animation for Morning Stars, is there? I mean, WT normally looks like a Flail, which is kind of odd...
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Post by Sytze »

Im actually not sure....there is an option to make a morningstar, but Im not sure if that also gives you the animation of a morningstar...

And Im asuming you indeed had another program running?
So its working now right?
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Post by Astafas »

Yaeh, I belive I had both program in the background... :D
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Post by Sytze »

lol......but when you got that error. Didnt it say you might have had a program open?? :p
Cause thats what it said when I first had that error.

Ever made your own item from scratch by the way?? Its incredible much work (well, depends on what abilities you want to give it), but once youve completed it, you finally have an item in the game which hasent been wielded by anyone else yet :)
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Post by Astafas »

No, it didn't say. And no once more, I never have. But maybe I should think some more - I thought about a Moonblade once, but thyen considered it too complicated... However, now I got some more info on how to use the IIEP. Maybe a "Bards's Blade" or something similiar...
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Post by Galmar »

You know, you really should use the teambg forums, they have a lot more people who can help with these sorta things, a search button would answer any and all questions you have.

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