Originally posted by CM
In the first Arab - Israeli war, the Sinai pensula was taken by israel. later it was re-taken by Egypt. Following the norms of peace the lands should have been returned on both sides. That this a moot point.
A bit of history:
The first Arab-Israeli war was from 1947-1949, Israel's war of Independance. The Arabs attacked the day after the partition plan was approved, which was understandibly unacceptable to the Arabs. But what were the Arabs planning, if not conquering Israel and staying there for good?
In 1956 Israel attacked Egypt because Nasser wouldn't allow any access to the Israeli port of Eilat through the red sea. Israel conquered the Gaza strip, the entire Sinai Peninsula, the straits of Tiran and, together with France and England, also conquered the Suez canal. France and England offered a truce plan, approved by Israel, but which Nasser didn't agree to, after which he called for a general subscription. Israel responded, and beat the Egyptian army.
Ben-Gurion anounced the day after fighting ceased that Israel would evacuate the entire peninsula, with stipulation that no international forces would be placed on Israeli land after the evacuation.
The U.S.S.R and China threatened to send over half a million troups there to force Israel out, while France, The U.K. and The U.S.A said that they in turn would send their own forces, and for a time it seemed to be the setting for a mini world war.
In a two point plan, Israel evacuated all land conquered the the exception of Gaza strip. A U.N. vote of 74 to 2 called for Israel to complete the evacuation, and in a quiet night operation, the Israeli army evacuated Gaza.
In May 1967, Nasser demanded that the U.N. remove all forces from the area. Immeidatly after the U.N. evacuated, Nasser sent thousands of soldiers to the border. On May 22nd, Nasser closed the straits of Tiran to Israeli ships, something that could eventualy criple Israeli trade.
On June 5th, after Egypt and Jordan signed a defence agreement, Israel, fearing an attack, launched a first strike. Within 8 hours, Israeli planes totaly destoryed the Egyptian air force, the Jordanian air force, 2/3 of the Syrian air force, and an airport in Iraq. Within 6 days, Israel conquered The Golan Heights from Syria, the West Bank (Including the old City and east Jerusalem) from Jordan, The Gaza strip and the Sinai peninsula from Egypt.
Israel declared that it would totaly evacuate all lands captured if Egypt, Syria and Jordan would officialy acknowledge Israel's right to exist, which they refused to do. Nasser resigned, but his resignation was not accepted by the Egyptian people.
On October 6th 1973, Yom Kippur, Egypt and Syria attacked Israel, and Israel suffered great losses and after Several counter offences failed, and Israel faced defeat. But within a few days, Israel regrouped, and initially held off the offensive, and later pushed on into Syria, stopping less than 30 miles from Damasscus, and in the south, pushed through and managed to totaly incircle the Egyptian 3rd army, which numbered 20,000 troups.
A truce was reached on the 23rd of October, but the 3rd army kept on attacking, trying to breach it's way through the canal, and the Egyptian air force attacked, but all planes attempting to breach were shot down. Israel released a lot of the captives, and, following a request by the Red Cross evacuated 2000 wounded Egyptian soldiers.
On November 11th an official 6 point truce was signed. The two countries agreed to A. A total cessation of hostilities B. Negotiations must begin to returning to the October 22nd borders C. Israel is to allow a daily supply of food and medicine to the city of Suez D. Israel is to allow non military supplies to the 3rd army E. The U.N. would send troups to guard the road from Suez to Cairo and F. Prisoner exchange must begin immediatly.
On November 15th, the prisoner exchange began. Within a week, 241 Israeli prisoners were freed, as were 8,301 Egyptian soldiers and 3 Iraqi pilots. Israel lodged a complaint with the U.N., stating the dozens of soldiers that were captured healthy were murdered after the truce was reached.
In 1979 a piece plan signed with Egypt, and in 1982 Menchem Begin, the first right wing Israel PM, evacuated the Sinai peninsula, drawing huge critisism from supporters.