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Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 8:09 am
by thousandfrac
i'm agreed with chimp
i can spend ages at the character creation screen, thinking up story and personality and mannerisms for new characters
that goes for every rpg where you can make your own character

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2004 11:17 am
by lifeishell91
If we can go back to the original idea........

My new favourite name is 'Desdemona'
it means 'Of the Devil'.

Anyone else like it? :)

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 4:57 pm
by hwesta_elf
Originally posted by lifeishell91
If we can go back to the original idea........

My new favourite name is 'Desdemona'
it means 'Of the Devil'.

Anyone else like it? :)

i guess i'm just one of those people who aren't evil...
I sorta like the good side of everything: fighting for whats right, the shiny paladins and whatever so I prefer to make my name an elven name...
I guess some people like 'Desdemona' , it's okay, nice use of latin (i think) though...

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 5:23 pm
by Moraelyne
Ah, character generation is really important. You spend a lot of time with this person and it's sort of you in a different world. You put in thing's that's a reflection of you, or what you would like to be (in an extreme unreal way ofcourse)

Funny anecdote. I bought morrowind and became a mage (really like fantasy books and film)
Then my flatmate tried it and became a stealth character. He is actually a bit of sneaking bastard. Likes LOTR, but no other fantasy stuff. Then we thought, we have to get our other flatmate hooked, he will probably become a knight, a nord or redguard and join the fighters/imperial legion. And voila! it came through, without us saying anything.

Anyway, My roommate uses whatever is in his mind at that time, He now is Calve pindakaas, which means peanutbutter (pindakaas) of a certain brand (Calve) the best BTW

Other roomy uses names fitting for the race. he is a redguard and has I think an african name. (abu someting)

I like a beautifull name. Something which sounds a bit gaelic perhaps. Currently I'm named Moraelyne, sometimes Moira, but are also using Dallandra (from a book). or Nicci, Kahlan all for mages.Sliver or Slitherin (for a sneak)
My old favorite was Nevyn, which means No-one, Also for a sneak
I also like elvish sounding names, but do make up my own then.

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 7:32 pm
by dairy
recently i've been using Termagant for my female characters. it means "shrill woman" ;)

failing that i often use names from movies (Ash, the greatest action hero ever) or variations of those names

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 7:41 pm
by Gromph
You guys have trouble with names? isnt it obvious what the name shoudl be? either rip of a good name from a book or other game or name the char either "Chuckle Brother, Lumpy Custard, or if all else fails, Puff Bunny"