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Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 1:22 am
by AARON31
yea, its working now i did exactly like this, i directly targeted setup.exe from the command line and added the flag -lgntforce with it.
fable wrote:If you're having problems installing to XP systems, target the setup.exe file from your command line, and add the flag -lgntforce to it, then run it. This tip courtesy of Tricky, and it works.
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 7:52 am
by bdmulder
I don't really know who to adress for this, (and please excuse my poor English, it's been a while), but I have a few add-ons for the planescape torment walkthrough!
Warning spoilers: After returning from Curst and having learnend how to get to the fortress of regrets, you can do a few things first!
One of them is to visit all 3 characters that Ravel Puzlewell "was" in Sigil; Ei-Vene on [url='']the second floor of the Mortuary[/url], Mebbeth in [url='']Ragpicker's Square[/url], and Marta in the Buried Village. I found it yeald some interesting dialogue options and if I'm not mistaken, some goodies and experience.
The second thing to do, is to revisit her daughter (Kesai-Serris ) in the Brothel and tell of you're experience with her mother. And if I'm not mistaken you wil be able to acces the dream machine again, but be sure you're ready, because a few tough battle's will take place.
That's all I found out, and it's been a while since I played this game, but I thought you might be interested, with the rumors of Black Isle going around and people's new found intererest in this great game.