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Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 9:43 am
by Galuf the Dwarf
Re: Re: Well, no kidding...
Originally posted by fable
Very true. Historically, dwarves, kobolds and the like were elemental forces, the equivalent of elves, sylphs, salamanders, etc. They were specifically custodians of the mountain, and hid their secrets as the mountains (to people living and working in Eastern and Central Europe) hid their wealth underground. Theirs is the silence of the mountain, and the distrust of all spirits for those who want treasure easily, quickly. Neat stuff. :)

True. My mother has a book of collected information of mythical/magical beings and monsters, including Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, and Kobolds.

The section about Dwarves mentions that if you gain a Dwarf's trust and confidence (in your capabilities), they'd practically be a friend for the rest of your life.

The Kobolds, though, are not represented as the tyrannical reptilian things that D&D incarnated. They were small, human-looking, and mostly benign (especially if regularly given a minor offering). If their hard work is appreciated, they'd help to create a very peaceful atmosphere within a person's home.

This book also has information about goblins and hobgoblins. Pretty neat, eh?

Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 10:13 am
by Luis Antonio
Re: Re: Re: Well, no kidding...
The Kobolds, though, are not represented as the tyrannical reptilian things that D&D incarnated. They were small, human-looking, and mostly benign (especially if regularly given a minor offering). If their hard work is appreciated, they'd help to create a very peaceful atmosphere within a person's home.

Maybe something like a civilized Xvart from BG1?

Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 12:01 pm
by Galuf the Dwarf
Re: Re: Re: Re: Well, no kidding...
Originally posted by Luis Antonio
Maybe something like a civilized Xvart from BG1?

I'm not very sure about that.

Oh, and I was thinking of some other battlecries.

- "Steel and stone both make my bones, and foes shall never break them!"

- "For Shanatar!" (Shanatar is one of the greatest cities of Dwarven history in the Forgotten Realms, though it was conquered by encroachments of Duergar and Drow. The FR sourcebook 'Races of Faerun' details this in full.)

- "By Gorm's flaming eyes!" (I'd suggest this for a heroic Dwarf character concerned with protecting his trust.)

Also, one of the sound sets from the Icewind Dale PC games seems to be made for dwarves. IIRC, It's the Fighter4 soundset, which includes the phrase in Mulligan's sig for when you place a character with that soundset as party leader.

Correction: It's the Fighter2 sound set.

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 5:03 pm
by Klorox
[QUOTE=Krynus]I'm writing dialogue for a new soundset for a dwarven character of mine. I'm just wondering what sort of battlecry such a character would have. If it helps, he is going to be neutral or good (i'm thinking chaotic good right now). What are the dwarven deities in the Forgotten Realms?[/QUOTE]

I'm looking for a cool dwarven soundset. How'd your workout?

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 5:08 pm
by Klorox
[QUOTE=Galuf the Dwarf]
Also, one of the sound sets from the Icewind Dale PC games seems to be made for dwarves. IIRC, It's the Fighter4 soundset, which includes the phrase in Mulligan's sig for when you place a character with that soundset as party leader.

Correction: It's the Fighter2 sound set.[/QUOTE]

Is there any way for me (I do not own IWD) to get ahold of that soundset? Even if I do, will I be able to use it in my BGII game?

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 6:38 pm
by Ekental
[QUOTE=Galuf the Dwarf]But is the Dwarven language of D&D and the Forgotten Realms the same thing as Tolkien's Dwarven language? :confused: [/QUOTE]

No... Tolkien made up all his languages. D&D did not use his language though.

@Klorox... you should be able to

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 11:53 pm
by Galuf the Dwarf
[QUOTE=Ekental]No... Tolkien made up all his languages. D&D did not use his language though.

@Klorox... you should be able to[/QUOTE]

Well, I'm surprised that this thread was revived. Anyhoo...

fable pretty much confirmed that D&D Dwarven is not Tolkien Dwarven earlier in this thread.

Fortunately, I have found one article that details a significant amount of Dwarven language, particularly to names of Dwarves, buildings, and other titles. It's from the recent D&D sourcebook Races of Stone.

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 3:48 am
by Edar Macilrille
Reading Icewind Dale trilogy right after RoTK is, IMNSHO, somewhat like trying to get a thrill from jumping off a chair right after one has parachuted (sorry Salvatore, but you are by no menas a Tolkien).
Tolien was, BTW, not a professor of history, but a professor of ancient anglo-saxon. This tied into English history of course, which he also held a passion for. Many of his Dwarves carry the names of the Dwarves of ancient norse mythology so that may be a good source for names and language. In one of the "History of Middle Earth" (I am too lazy to go and check which), it also says that during the First and Second Ages the Dwarves and Northmen east of Beleriand forged an alliance where the Dwarves provided the Northmen with weapons and the latter "tamed" the countryside around the Dwarven cities (Dale and Erebor provides a case-study) They probably provided some foodstuff as well. This ties in well with the Norse theory, the Northmen of the First and Second ages would be speaking ancient Germanic tongues. So, find an Icelander and have him do the battlecries;-)

Best wishes; Palle, Historian and viking reenactor, and lover of Tolkien's work.

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 9:14 am
by fable
[QUOTE=Edar Macilrille]
Tolien was, BTW, not a professor of history, but a professor of ancient anglo-saxon.[/QUOTE]

This is absolutely true, though I knew better: I just didn't want to get into a discussion of Tolkien as the last major representative of the now-disregarded historical (diachronic) method of philology. I should have just relied on "philology," and let it go at that. :rolleyes:

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 6:08 am
by Squee

I got it! I got it!

"You! You stole me ale!" ( he sounds really angry....)

that's good and funny :cool: