20. Powerfull NPCs: Darley
...some more infos and tips about Darley:
for everyone who didn't know: Darley is definetly the coolest (and one of the best) NPCs in TOEE !
the main and AFAIK only difference between her human and alu-demon shape is the AB:
- as human she has AB 7 - but as alu-demon she has AB 12 !!!
- AFAIK her shape has *no* influence on her HP !
- Everytime she joins for the 1st time she gets her HP via hitdice !
- tried this several times with a HP range from 83 to 107 !
...her hit-dice could be (10(level) x 1D4(Sorc) + 3(CON)) + ~50 (alu-demon bonus)
...and there doesn't seem to be any difference if she is in her human or demon shape...
how Darley gets most powerfull:
...she might be a sorc (with only few spells) but she is a great melee fighter (only in her alu-demon shape) when she uses the right items !
...give her bracers +5, a ring of prot. +2, a deep red ioun stone, let Kella cast barkskin on her, and let your wizard craft a wand of shield for her:
this way she will have a more or less permant AC 41 !
...then craft a +3 weapon and gauntlets of STR+6 for her:
then she will have an AB of 18 !
then she should use a greatsword or a glaive...
...and she seems to be able to use holy (!) weapons (she only loses 10HP that way) but I'm still testing this...
additional I would give her an amulet of CON +6
and a cloak of CHA+6 or a cloak of resistance +3 (but her saves are bad so you better rely on her SR and give her the CHA+6 to power-up her charm spells)
...btw. heighten her charm spells to level 5, with SF, GSF and CHA+6 they will get very hard to save against !
...her only minus is that she doesn't have any comabt feats (cleave or whirlwind)
but when using her stoneskin spells in melee she definetly rocks !