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Posted: Tue May 04, 2004 8:52 am
by dragon wench
Originally posted by Dark Master
I hate the way everything is so slow after the boots of blinding speed. Starting a new character is hell.
WOOHOO!! 100th post!!
I know that feeling, lol!

I recently started a Breton mage for variety and I am trying to figure out if at level one I should try risking the escort journey so as to obtain the boots

Posted: Tue May 04, 2004 9:32 am
by ikim
Well, I haven't played Morrowind long enough to tell exactly what I like and don't like, since now is pretty much fantastic. The only thing that came to my mind, by now, is that NPC are very much life-less (as a lot of people in this thread already said).
What bugs me (actually I think it is a gameplay choice, made by the producers) is that if at 2 am in the morning, I want to go and sell-buy items, I find the shopkeeprs there, waiting for me.
Don't they ever go to sleep????

Posted: Tue May 04, 2004 9:36 am
by dragon wench
Originally posted by ikim
What bugs me (actually I think it is a gameplay choice, made by the producers) is that if at 2 am in the morning, I want to go and sell-buy items, I find the shopkeeprs there, waiting for me.
Don't they ever go to sleep????
I don't know if you are playing the game on XBox or PC, but if the latter I am pretty sure I read of a mod out there that ensures NPCs are asleep during the standard hours.
Posted: Tue May 04, 2004 9:45 am
by ikim
I play on the x-box, so no mods for me.
I dunno if it is the same thing for the PC game, but loads are very very long. Maybe because I am usually used to fast loads on the x-box.
Posted: Tue May 04, 2004 10:36 am
by arno_v
I don't know if you are playing the game on XBox or PC, but if the latter I am pretty sure I read of a mod out there that ensures NPCs are asleep during the standard hours.
Yes I read the same, and the people on the street get teleported back to there homes, you can find the mod on
Posted: Tue May 04, 2004 12:39 pm
by Monolith
Originally posted by arno_v
Yes I read the same, and the people on the street get teleported back to there homes, you can find the mod on
The name's "Nighttime Door Locks-LD 1.1a".
Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 1:32 am
by ikim
Uh, one thing, not from a gameplay point of view, but from a graphical one, is that while 3rd person view is good only to walk around, but not for sneaking or fighting (for instance), 1st person view is flat.
Since 1995, 1st person shooters had bobbing, that made 1st person view more realistic, instead of making you think you were on a conveior belt, or something similar.
Of course, these are just details, that don't exclude all the awsome things Morrowind has to offer.
Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 8:58 am
by Monolith
Alright, here's my second part.
What really suck ( and it was the first thing that really disappointed me) are the fighting animations and the meele fighting at all. Three ways of hitting an opponent in a very unrealistic manner, no manual blocking, the animations aren't connected to the level of the skill ( it doesn't matter if you have the long sword skill at level 20 or 100 - with level 100 you only hit oftener), you can't block with a weapon ( unless you have the dual wielding mod), no dual wielding ( if you have the mod you can use the second weapon only for blockin...), no combos and no realistic moves at all. It also would be nice if it was possible to hurt arms and legs and cut throats.
Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 9:10 am
by arno_v
Your right, that was the first thing that really dissapointed me. There is nothing to learn in the fighting, the only thing you have to do is press your mousse button and jump. It should have had more like mortal kombat

Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 9:11 am
by ikim
Originally posted by Monolith
Alright, here's my second part.
What really suck ( and it was the first thing that really disappointed me) are the fighting animations and the meele fighting at all. Three ways of hitting an opponent in a very unrealistic manner, no manual blocking, the animations aren't connected to the level of the skill ( it doesn't matter if you have the long sword skill at level 20 or 100 - with level 100 you only hit oftener), you can't block with a weapon ( unless you have the dual wielding mod), no dual wielding ( if you have the mod you can use the second weapon only for blockin...), no combos and no realistic moves at all. It also would be nice if it was possible to hurt arms and legs and cut throats.
You're right, but rember, we are talking about an RPG, not Mortal Combat, or a 1st person shooter (Quake like): what makes a RPG great is the length of the quests, the depth of the charatcer/s, the story that's behind the game, and not really the fights for themselves (in most RPGs fights don't even take place, but are only planned).
Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 9:29 am
by arno_v
Of course I know its not MK but a say it should be a BIT more like it. Now the fighting is a bit dull.
Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 12:10 pm
by Monolith
Originally posted by ikim
You're right, but rember, we are talking about an RPG, not Mortal Combat, or a 1st person shooter (Quake like): what makes a RPG great is the length of the quests, the depth of the charatcer/s, the story that's behind the game, and not really the fights for themselves (in most RPGs fights don't even take place, but are only planned).
Yup, and you should remember, that the quality of the quests and the depth of the characters is what Morrowind doesn't has.
And being a RPG doesn't justify having a dull and crab combat system. Not today. Not after Gothic, which has great graphics, a good plot, character depth and nice quests...
and an innovative combat system.
You have to do a lot of fighting in Morrowind and it's a big part of the game, so they really could have made a better combat system - or at least give us an opportunity to make a better one ourselves. But it's not possible to change the fighting animations and/or to change and add functions like manual blocking.
Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 3:52 pm
by Shikaku
I just hate the wakazashis on that game, they look like toothpicks!

Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 7:09 pm
by pepsi
I have a love/hate relationship with the fact how when you drop Items, or take items they're gone, or they stay put. Forever.
Sure its all fine and dandy when you see a pretty object and go "ooo! I'll just put!" but other times such as when you pick up and Item you need for a quest before you get that quest and sell the bastard and don't remember who you sold it too, It REALLY pisses me off. I put this in another thread, but God damn it!!!!!!111oneone I wanted to own the thieves guild!!! I really wanted to complete all the quests! but NOOOOOOO! morrowind just makes the item stay put, and NOW WHAT?!!!!!11 NOW WHAT??1!!!!1111!!! I can't complete the quest! thats what! thats what!!!111wtfz00rzr00zr111oneone.
Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 1:33 am
by ikim
Originally posted by Monolith
Yup, and you should remember, that the quality of the quests and the depth of the characters is what Morrowind doesn't has.
And being a RPG doesn't justify having a dull and crab combat system. Not today. Not after Gothic, which has great graphics, a good plot, character depth and nice quests...and an innovative combat system.
You have to do a lot of fighting in Morrowind and it's a big part of the game, so they really could have made a better combat system - or at least give us an opportunity to make a better one ourselves. But it's not possible to change the fighting animations and/or to change and add functions like manual blocking.
Maybe I am just too happy with MW (because I just started playing, and I am still at the beginning), but, until now, I think MW has depth in characters and has, also, some nice quests.
Infact: regarding depth, just think of the guilds, the thief guild that is starting to gain power, the conflicts between guilds, the fact that you can upgrade in the guilds, etc.
Of course, I also would have liked a little story to NPC, and having them live their own lives, instead of just standing there 24/7, waiting for you to talk to them (I am thinking of the lady stands near the road between Balmora and Pelagiad, that you have to help finding the Dunmer who stole her jewels). This is very unrealistic.
And for what concerns the quests: there are a lot of types of quests: searching, killing, stealing, take this over there, bring me that thing etc. (and I am only at the beginning of the game). I suppose these are the type of quests a RPG has to give.
Do you have other quests i mind?
Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 6:02 am
by Monolith
Somehow. There are nice quests, I have to admit that. But the lack of innovation sometime is a real pain in the a**. For instance the Thieves Guild quests. Tell me one quest where you really have to sneak, similar to the sneaking in "Dark Project"/"Thief". There are quests you have to steal, alright. You use the sneaking skill for that, but that's not what I'm talking about. Having to break into a warehouse and being forced to sneak around without being seen is what thieves really do. Not in Morrowind, unfortunately not, because all the guard does is greeting you...( unless you steal something).
Still, Morrowind is a great game...all I say is that it could be so much greater...
Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 7:34 am
by ikim
Originally posted by Monolith
Somehow. There are nice quests, I have to admit that. But the lack of innovation sometime is a real pain in the a**. For instance the Thieves Guild quests. Tell me one quest where you really have to sneak, similar to the sneaking in "Dark Project"/"Thief". There are quests you have to steal, alright. You use the sneaking skill for that, but that's not what I'm talking about. Having to break into a warehouse and being forced to sneak around without being seen is what thieves really do. Not in Morrowind, unfortunately not, because all the guard does is greeting you...( unless you steal something).
Still, Morrowind is a great game...all I say is that it could be so much greater...
I agree by all means.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 8:38 am
by dragon wench
Originally posted by ikim
Do you have other quests i mind?
The game Baldurs Gate Two: Shadows of Amn, has some awesome quests, especially those you have to complete in order to obtain your stronghold. For example: to acquire the bard's stronghold you have to rescue somebody by travelling to an extra planar dimension, to get the thieve's stronghold you must expose a rival operative, the fighter's stronghold quest involve's ridding an NPC's heriditary castle from a troll invasion, and then ensuring she is not forced into marrying a a slimeball character.. and these are just a few examples. Plus, the NPCs (especially those that join your party) have very real depth and personal stories, not to mention great quests.
Perhaps those of us who have played Baldur's Gate Two are very spoiled, but this game shows just how complex and interesting RPG quests can be.
Of course the attractions of Morrowind are very different: it is completely non-linear, and very creative in terms of what you can do with your character, not to mention awesome graphics.
lol! I just want it all...

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 8:44 am
by Monolith
Originally posted by dragon wench
Perhaps those of us who have played Baldur's Gate Two are very spoiled, but this game shows just how complex and interesting RPG quests can be.
LOL, possible...
Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 8:58 am
by dragon wench
Originally posted by Monolith
LOL, possible...
*grin* Well SoA inspired a whole group of us to collectively write an immensely long saga of what could be vaguely called 'fan fiction.' I don't think I could really see Morrowind doing that, since in SoA it were the personal stories of the NPCs and the depth of the game that initially compelled us