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Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 7:30 pm
by hwesta_elf
hi guys!
thanks for your help but I found it in one of my "houses" scattered across Vvardenfell.[ack! well, I guess this could help people with the same problem.]

Okay, well, I'm done the main quest now I have to find the note about the stolen goods in Bloodmoon... *sigh* :rolleyes:

Umm... well, this thread is pretty old... I don't even know why it got revived... If anyone wants to clear space on the forum you can lock this one up...

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 12:44 am
by robot flux
Since I had read here that the book could be found at Jobasha's I scoured his stock *many* times over, but it was very definitely not there. I ended up using stealth to steal the copy in the library.

I have seen various other people post that they have not been able to find The Progress of Truth at Jobasha's, which leads me to believe that perhaps Jobasha selling it, or not, is random or maybe related to whatever edition/patch of the game people have.
When you say that they scourged his stock, do you mean they actually tried to BUY it from him (see his stock) or that they just tried to look around the store itself? I'm telling you, I've played the game many times with different characters and everytime Joshaba has the progress of thruth in his stock, waiting to be bought.

The thing is to go EVERY book single-handedly thru, and since he does not have more than one copy, those with a little index number 2 or 3 can be easily disregarded.

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 1:22 am
by dragon wench
[QUOTE=robot flux]When you say that they scourged his stock, do you mean they actually tried to BUY it from him (see his stock) or that they just tried to look around the store itself? I'm telling you, I've played the game many times with different characters and everytime Joshaba has the progress of thruth in his stock, waiting to be bought.

The thing is to go EVERY book single-handedly thru, and since he does not have more than one copy, those with a little index number 2 or 3 can be easily disregarded.[/QUOTE]

Both, several times over. I am very thorough generally, and not too quick to scream "I can't find it," because usually through sheer stubborness I can :D But in this case it really was not there, I looked extremely closely in both his stock for barter and *all* the books in his shop. It is not a big deal, I am long past the main quest, and my character specialised in stealth, so lifting it in the library was like taking candy from a baby, and given that I was stealing the thing right beneath the ordinator's noses, it was rather fun from a roleplaying perspective :p
I only mentioned that I could not find it because searches I have done on the subject yield conflicting information, which is why I am wondering if its presence in Jobasha's shop is random or perhaps related to game edition. This is not unusual with games... when I was playing Baldur's Gate One, I heard much talk of a certain ring you were supposed to be able to find. Much as I looked I could not see the thing, later I discovered it had been removed in later versions of the game.

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 7:35 am
by robot flux
hey you deleted my message! grr.

But again, I advice you to check him properly (the stock I mean). It doesn't matter which version the game is or so, doesn't the name

"Joshaba's RARE books" tell enough?

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 10:02 am
by dragon wench
I take it you were referring to Fable or somebody else... I didn't delete anything :confused:

Okay, since you insist, I will take yet another scout around Jobasha's the next time I'm in Vivec. I suppose it is possible I missed it, though I know I looked very carefully :)