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Posted: Mon May 17, 2004 2:01 pm
by Armycardinal
I've only played SOA a couple of times. Once with Keldorn and second with an Inquisitor - I know, I know, why bother, they are the same guy.
Just wanted to try it. I enjoy the high level abilities of dispelling just about anything in the area, and using the True Sight ability.
My mages don't have to waste spell slots for these spells and can sell off the scrolls. Use the Prot from Undead and a Cleric Remove fear (or two) and you have everything the others have - minus Level Drain, and that you can cancel out with the amulet and Mace of Disruption (or a well placed Restoration scroll)
That's just my two cents worth. Will try one of those other "unsufferable" kits next time - and there is always a next time.
Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 12:50 pm
by krunchyfrogg
I think my decision is going to boild down to what ewach character adds to the party, and it's going to be between the Cavalier and the Inquisitor.
The Cavalier can Remove Fear, and is immune to it himself, making it an unneeded spell for the rest of my party members.
The Inquisitor can Dispel Magic, and cast True Sight (at twice his level). These are more spells, and higher level ones than those provided by the Cavalier.
I'm goin' w/ Inquisitor.
Posted: Sun May 23, 2004 2:40 am
by Eternal Winter
There is a real challange betweeen Undead hunter and cavailer.
Immunity to level drain is good but you can obtain that protection by the cleric spell "negative plane protection".
On the other hand cavailer has "20% resistance to Fire and Acid"
without using any items.I think restriction of missile weapons is not a problem.You can still use "return to user's hand once thrown" items (Azuredge and rifthome axe come in mind or firetooth dagger.)
I m wondering about that undead hunters are immune to Hold,
is that means they have free action?I mean are they able to pass through the webs and entangle spells?Because it is handy to let the enemies held by web and then kick them with the Carsomyr without held.

Posted: Sun May 23, 2004 6:21 am
by UserUnfriendly
Originally posted by Eternal Winter
There is a real challange betweeen Undead hunter and cavailer.
Immunity to level drain is good but you can obtain that protection by the cleric spell "negative plane protection".
On the other hand cavailer has "20% resistance to Fire and Acid"
without using any items.I think restriction of missile weapons is not a problem.You can still use "return to user's hand once thrown" items (Azuredge and rifthome axe come in mind or firetooth dagger.)
I m wondering about that undead hunters are immune to Hold,
is that means they have free action?I mean are they able to pass through the webs and entangle spells?Because it is handy to let the enemies held by web and then kick them with the Carsomyr without held.
neg plane action lasts a very short time if you cast the cleric spell...
and yes, that is the classic cheesy method of overcoming chavalier limitations..
nope, they are not immune to web, but are probably immune to see, only 3 things in the game makes you immune to the effect...
"web overlay"
which is what you need to stop web...
free action spell and ring
sufficient magic resistance...i've stopped keldorn with web...
and his armor and the kit are both suppose to have immunity to hold...

Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 6:19 am
by kopywrite
Originally posted by krunchyfrogg
The Cavalier can Remove Fear, and is immune to it himself, making it an unneeded spell for the rest of my party members.
Sadly the remove fear ability of the cavalier is stopped by the magic resistance of fellow party members...must be an older version of the spell pretty much like certain spells in BG1 or the version of haste that Valygar can cast.
Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 7:22 pm
by krunchyfrogg
Wow, thanks kopy!
I'm really glad I'm going with the Inquisitor now!
Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 8:41 pm
by UserUnfriendly
Originally posted by kopywrite
Sadly the remove fear ability of the cavalier is stopped by the magic resistance of fellow party members...must be an older version of the spell pretty much like certain spells in BG1 or the version of haste that Valygar can cast.
baldurdash i think fixes that...

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 3:51 am
by Adahn
That's right, Baldurash fixes that. Go Cavalier! Go Cavy! go Cavy!

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 10:47 pm
by Iyke
Having completed the game with one, I had to add my vote for the marvellous Inquisitors. It seemed to me that every fight against mages needed someone to cast True Sight - which Mr Inquisitor casts quicker than mages / priests. He also saves them having to memorise it ( I seem to remember lots of neat spells at that level which they are free to memorise, knowing that the tank will take care of True Sight).
Ultra powerful ( and immediate cast time) dispel also came in useful - I think i used this to help party members who were held/ confused etc.
BTW liches are immune to dispel, and immune to inquisitor dispel also.
Paladins and Ranged Weapons: If you want to skulk around out of sight shooting arrows or throwing stuff, make a warrior or ranger ( or a jester ). Paladins frown on such cowardice, and having played a couple of times, I completely agree. Ranged weapons are for wimps. Those who favor ranged weapons become specialists at 'running away'.
Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 9:58 pm
by Sir Redweed
Insufferable Creatures?
I have been an undead hunter for all of my days on BGII.
It also helps to get into the game you are playing sometimes. While ultimately looking for Irenicus you are hunting for Bohdi to restore Imoen's lost soul for most of the game. Role Play.
For some of us D&D was imagination, books, and dice.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 10:06 pm
by UserUnfriendly
Originally posted by Iyke
BTW liches are immune to dispel, and immune to inquisitor dispel also.
nope, they're not...
you probably had tactics mod installed, where liches use spell immunity abjuration...or your inquisitors are too low level...
liches ARE NOT immune to dispell...

Posted: Fri May 28, 2004 10:11 am
by kopywrite
Originally posted by Adahn
That's right, Baldurash fixes that. Go Cavalier! Go Cavy! go Cavy!
But I'm running a Baldurdash'd game and poor old Sola keeps letting the side down. Hmm, maybe something got overwritten.
Something else in favour of cavaliers; they're immune to poison which means they can withstand the chlorine breath-weapon of green dragons...
Posted: Fri May 28, 2004 3:31 pm
by Raumoheru
all those bonuses they get i think that the cavalier is the best

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 6:31 pm
by Imperator
I just finished playing as an Inquisitor, and I must say I never regret choosing this kit. His True Sight and Dispell Magic abilities really rock. The first comes in very handy when fighting thieves of mages, while the latter can be used in both an offensive and a defensive way. IMO the question "which kit is better?" really comes down to the question "what abilities give the most advantage?" To answer that question one must consider not only the actual abilities, but also the number of times you actually use these abilities. From that viewpoint, I would argue that the Inquisitor kit is the best, since you really use his abilities a lot.
But you have to take your planned party line-up into consideration as well. When you plan to take Keldorn, you might want to go for another pally kit, and probably a totally different class. And then of course, there's the issue of personal taste. So, I don't think this discussion will ever end, really.
Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 7:41 pm
by Raumoheru
i think you are right