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Just how annoying is Anomen?

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Post by Aqua-chan »

Aww, you know I have a puppy-dog admiration for you, don't you, Fablulous? Your opinions always matter to me. :)

Back on topic, I replaced Jaheira woth Faldorn in BG1. Frankly, I never noticed a difference. But in SoA is just is no equal replacement for her in class or in character, simply because she is well developed and scripted. I have gone a party without her a few times simply because, but I have a mediocre respect for her.

Incertainty - Sorry to hear about the computer bum. My computer always gets a virus right about the time I'm about to finish a game and near the climactic end of the story, and it's starting to get old. Don't feel left out. :)
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Post by kopywrite »

Originally posted by UncleScratchy
What makes her irritating is when you get to a high reputation and she incessently complains about maintaining the balance. By the way, I also think Aerie is irritating. Of, course in BG1 Jaheira is totally useless except as a healer and complainer.

Its the curse of neutrality, even with a rep. of 10 a neutral character isn't happy. The way the game works its impossible for them to be happy at all and I doubt they even had 'happy' comments written for them. Maybe someone's hacked Jaheira to neutral good and suddenly she starts chirping about how wonderful everything is when your reputation goes high enough...but I doubt it.
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Post by Coot »

This probably illustrates how computer-stoopid I am, but will changing her alignment (using SK) make a difference? Oh. Didn't think so.
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Post by kopywrite »

It would stop the moaning though. Personally it doesn't bother me, she's one of my faves as she is. But then again I like Nalia too...

I'm sure one of the components of Ease of Use stops all alignment/reputation related gripes anyway.
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Post by Coot »

I've never used Ease of Use, but any program or patch that will make alignment or reputation issues go away is popular with me.
The whole alignment/rep thing in BG never made any sense.
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Post by kopywrite »

Might be worth a shot then. You can install each component individually so even if you want to run a mostly unmodded game, inter-party harmony can be yours.
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Post by VonDondu »

Originally posted by kopywrite
Its the curse of neutrality, even with a rep. of 10 a neutral character isn't happy. The way the game works its impossible for them to be happy at all and I doubt they even had 'happy' comments written for them...
I don't think the problem is with the alignment system. Instead, I think the problem is that the Reputation system is flawed beyond repair. Why do evil NPCs dislike being popular? Why don't you ever become popular for doing things that fit the Neutral perspective of life? Druids are supposed to have a minimum Charisma of 15, which implies that they are supposed to be well-liked and influential, but how can they be so charismatic if their actions are always middle-of-the-road? It just doesn't make any sense to me. (Not to mention that we usually end up with obnoxious Druids like Jaheira and Faldorn whose Charisma is 15 only because they couldn't be Druids otherwise, which makes that particular stat requirement nonsensical to me).
Originally posted by kopywrite
Maybe someone's hacked Jaheira to neutral good and suddenly she starts chirping about how wonderful everything is when your reputation goes high enough...but I doubt it.
I always change Jaheira's alignment to Neutral Good when I keep her in my party. That way, at least she says "our actions are good, we serve the greater balance" instead of "now that we've just done something good, we need to get caught robbing a store to maintain balance".
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Post by Coot »

Well, the complaining aside, Jaheira is obviously not a neutral character. I think she's more like lawful good.
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Post by kopywrite »

Originally posted by VonDondu
I always change Jaheira's alignment to Neutral Good when I keep her in my party. That way, at least she says "our actions are good, we serve the greater balance" instead of "now that we've just done something good, we need to get caught robbing a store to maintain balance".

Does she actually say that? As in they recorded a 'happy' comments for her and the other neutrals along the lines of 'now I know why travelling with you was always such fun'...? If so, what does Jan say?
I don't think the problem is with the alignment system. Instead, I think the problem is that the Reputation system is flawed beyond repair.
That's what I was trying to say...neutral characters are cursed by the reputation system within the game as they can never be happy with what's going on. Reputaions of 8-12 should prompt their happy comments; you could also argue that they should leave a group with a reputation of 20 as they do when it sinks to 1.
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Post by kopywrite »

Originally posted by Coot
Well, the complaining aside, Jaheira is obviously not a neutral character. I think she's more like lawful good.

I'd say she was more neutral good than lawful good as Von D. says (thinking how she reacts in the harper quest for instance).

In Unfinished Business, she does have a chance to display her true neutrality though, in the restored spider quest.
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Post by Coot »

Originally posted by kopywrite
I'd say she was more neutral good than lawful good as Von D. says (thinking how she reacts in the harper quest for instance).
I'd say you were right. :)
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

Originally posted by Coot
This probably illustrates how computer-stoopid I am, but will changing her alignment (using SK) make a difference? Oh. Didn't think so.

yes....massive spoiler alert...

if you play her romance correctly, or have a mod installed that triggers the specific globals, you can get the harper pin....

this nifty item is better than the amulet of power, since it makes her completely immune to electricity, magic missiles, adds a obscene amount to all her saves and clears up acne and bad breath...

but she must remain neutral to wear it... :p :p :p

i once sked her into neutral good, and was i embarressed...

;) ;) ;)
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Post by Coot »

LOL! Forgot about that one... :D
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Post by Incertainty »

Yeah... gotta love the harper pin.

I do have a question about the Jaheira romance. I did the Proyer quest, and at that time, the guy with the lockets was standing in the harbour. For some reason I didn't buy it then (not that I said no when he asked me whether I wanted to buy one, I just didn't talk to him), after which I did some Umar Hills/Temple Ruins quests. I returned though, but now he is gone. Is there a chance to have him return? If not, does this ruin the romance once and for all? The romance is currently not going that bad however. She told me something about dreaming she was travelling together, with Khalid watching in the distance. When I told her he must be happy to see her travelling with the group, she said something in the lines of 'No, it was only me and you'. But is the locket required? Also, how high can my rep. go without ruining the romance?
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Post by Thrain »

your reputation should have no affect on the jaheira romance.

IIRC, the merchant who sold the locket merely kickstarted the jaheira least, that's how it was for me.
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Post by VonDondu »

Originally posted by UserUnfriendly
yes....massive spoiler alert...

...she must remain neutral to wear it... :p :p :p

i once sked her into neutral good, and was i embarressed...

;) ;) ;)
Really? I'm surprised at you. If you can change a character's alignment, why can't you hack an item so she can wear it? :)
Originally posted by Incertainty
...I did the Ployer quest, and at that time, the guy with the lockets was standing in the harbour. For some reason I didn't buy it then (not that I said no when he asked me whether I wanted to buy one, I just didn't talk to him), after which I did some Umar Hills/Temple Ruins quests. I returned though, but now he is gone. Is there a chance to have him return? If not, does this ruin the romance once and for all? the locket required? Also, how high can my rep. go without ruining the romance?
Neutral characters stop being "Happy" when your Rep reaches 19, but I don't think that ruins the romance. To get the best results, you want your Rep to be at least 15. (She will have a lot more faith in you, which will affect her decisions.)

The merchant doesn't stand around in the Docks District 24 hours a day. Try looking for him during normal business hours.
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Post by krunchyfrogg »

I thought Jaheira would get that pin even if you're not romancing her...
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