This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
Originally posted by Aaron Kasra I think it was Falasmaryon where I got, like, five full sets of Orish armor off a group of Orcs living in the huts on top of Falasmaryon.
My thoughts exactly.
Usstan inbal l' uyl'udith ssinssrigg jihard wun l' tresk'ri! ^^ And it's true too hehe
The easiest set of orc armor to get is in Caldera. Just go into Gorak manor where Creeper resides and go up to the top level where the sculpture orc is standing. The crate in the corner has pretty much a complete set of orc armor for the taking. Just take it - no need to be stealthy or anything fancy. The orc will say something in protest but he wont attack nor will you get a bounty. Couldn't be any easier.
"The Khajiit mind is not engineered for self-reflection. We simply do what we do and let the world be damned."Quote from the Ahziirr Traajijazeri