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Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 4:47 pm
by Anonononomous
Higher willpower=higher magic resistance.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 5:03 pm
by fable
Also higher likelihood of successful casting in most magical schools, which are based on Willpower.

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 8:05 am
by Aaron Kasra
Daedra heart
Hound Meat
(grandmaster mortar, master everything else, gulped some Fortify Intelligence)

Restore Magicka - 13 pts for 32 seconds
Reflect - 8% for 18 seconds
Restore Fatigue - 51 points for 146 seconds
Fortify Fatique - 98 points for 288 seconds.

Can someone tell me the general point/counterpoint over using Fortify Intelligence to make better potions? I've heard it referred to as "cheese" and have come to realize cheese means, like, "cheating."

I already feel kinda weird about relying so much on chemicals (for my character; I've come to terms with my own chemical dependencies) because using potions in combat takes you out of game time and into this paused realm where you can spend 30 seconds of real time every 6 seconds of game time searching through the seven or eight dozen vials of 0.0-weight potions you've somehow managed to carry in your robes all this time. I have a kinda lame rationalization, but wanna know what the Morrowind playing community at large thinks.

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 8:22 am
by dragon wench
Well, until I have decent intelligence and alchemy stats I do make potions to increase my intelligence by a bit, but I only take one IQ enhancing draught (rather than stacking them) prior to creating the other potions. Now that my current character has an intelligence of 92 and an alchemy skill of 64 I don't really worry about it.

The thing is, there will always be people who are absolute purists and others who indulge in cheese. I suspect most of us probably fall somewhere in between.

While this is more the subject for another thread... ;) I am the same with mods, I avoid those that make gameplay itself easier but I do use those that allow for less hassle, such as House D'Orthay since it makes travelling around the island far less time-intensive. I do enjoy simply wandering and I often just walk to places, but if my gaming time is limited it's nice to have an expedient way of getting from place to place.

So I guess what I am saying here is that it all depends on personal playing style and circumstances ;)

As far as relying on potions during battle, well again.. it depends on how frequently you want to reload. I know that with tougher battles I'll attempt different strategies for a while, but if I just want to get the job done because of RL time constraints I'll down a potion or two.

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 8:36 am
by Aaron Kasra
Having discovered the joys and benefits of homebrewing, I don't see any need to cheat or cheese to make the game easier (nothing against folks who are into that, of course). I thought Fortifying Intelligence before going into a task that demands high intelligence was consistent with the game, but maybe its impact is, unintentionally, out of proportion and throws game balance off.

But maybe the cheese is in stacking them? I never thought of that, though I've stacked feather potions and strength potions to carry extra stuff or do a bunch of extra damage.

It seems like it would be overkill at my XBox character's current level anyway. Look at the fatigue restoring and fortifying numbers for that potion I was talking about above. I don't think there's any way you'd need 98 points a second for 288 seconds of extra Fatique, y'know?

I wanna hit you guys up for information about mods, too, but I'll start another thread since it's going way off topic....

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 7:09 pm
by Aqua-chan
These are acouple of potions that I use frequently. I especially use Magebane and Raider's Aid when going through Daedric Shrines to best off those nasty cultists. :)

Potion of the Windwalker - Functions as the Windwalker scroll, serving as Invisibility and Levitation.
  • Bittergreen Petals
  • Racer plumes
  • Lloramor Spines (Tribunal)
  • Sweetpulp (Tribunal)

Magebane - Endows the drinker with Reflect as well as Resist Magicka.
  • Comberry
  • Houndmeat
  • Belladonna Berries (Bloodmoon)
  • Ash Salts

Thief's Brew - Enables the drinker to become invisible and fortifies speed.
  • Diamond
  • Moonsugar
  • Wolf Pelt (Bloodmoon)
  • Lloramor Spines (Tribunal)

Raider's Aid - Edows the drinker with Fortify Health, Restore Magicka, Frost Shield, and Spell Absorbtion. Also Paralyzes, so a Cure Paralyzation potion should be taken in combination with this mixture.
  • Large Kwama Egg
  • Frost Salts
  • Void Salts
  • Vampire Dust

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 8:12 pm
by UserUnfriendly
Originally posted by Jofus
In regards to the Grandmaster Alchemy tools there is a full set at Valenvaryon (sp?) stronghold in the propylon chamber. Also the woman there can train you to 100 in alchemy.

tes also lists...

secret master sets...

even BETTER than grandmaster set...

unless you got a mod that puts it in the game, you can use console commands to put it in your inventory..

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 3:17 pm
by dragon wench
Originally posted by UserUnfriendly
tes also lists...

secret master sets...

even BETTER than grandmaster set...

unless you got a mod that puts it in the game, you can use console commands to put it in your inventory..
Now *that* has to be one of the stinkiest recipes for cheese I have seen from you yet! :p


Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 4:38 am
by UserUnfriendly
Originally posted by dragon wench
Now *that* has to be one of the stinkiest recipes for cheese I have seen from you yet! :p


fraid not...i've come up with lot stinkier...

like summoning a golden saint after you've levitated to the max possible, and they drop, losing most hp... :p

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 5:40 am
by Dark Master
I have a question regarding the effectiveness of certain potions. If I mix a large and small Kwama Egg together I'll get 'restore fatigue'. If I add in crab mean it will still be 'restore fatigue' but the fact that I'm using three ingrediants - will that make it harder of eaisier for me to make, and if I do make it will the potion be more effective, does it give the same amount of points towards a skill increase as one with two ingrediants would?


I have found a couple of decent recipies in my time, but nothing to compete with what you guys have come up with, and I can't remember them although I am mixing some stuff just to see atm.

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 7:59 am
by fable
The more ingredients you use, the more difficult success is. On the other hand, the more parts of an alchemical set you have in your inventory when adding ingredients, and the better the equipment, the greater your chance of success.

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 8:25 am
by Dark Master
So three restoring fatigue ingrediants won't improve the amount of fatigue or time it lasts assuming all other variables are the same, and I'm using 2 incrediants in another potion?

Also if I've got vampire dust, its worth 500. Is that just because its so rare, or are the effects it creates rare? Or are the effects from a more valuable ingrediant stronger than the same effect from a cheaper one?

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 11:04 am
by Aqua-chan
Generally, more expensive ingrediants mean that they're rare and hard to come by. (Vampire Dust, Diamonds, Ebony, Deadra Hearts) I haven't noticed any rare spell effects.

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 11:14 am
by fable
Originally posted by Dark Master
So three restoring fatigue ingrediants won't improve the amount of fatigue or time it lasts assuming all other variables are the same, and I'm using 2 incrediants in another potion?

Right. What will improve it are 1) the quality and quantity of your alchemical set, 2) your Intelligence, and 3) your Alchemy skill.

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 11:14 am
by Dark Master
OK, thanks for clearing that up. :)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2004 7:32 am
by Aaron Kasra
I haven't studied it real close, but I'm pretty sure adding crab meat, in that example, would increase the amount of fatigue that gets restored each second, and maybe extends the number of seconds the potion is in effect.

I think that's true of any potions where there's an effect of so-many points for so many seconds.

Where the effect is, like, binary -- cure poison, cure this or cure that -- adding a third reagent doesn't help, and maybe makes the potion harder to make

@Aqua-chan -- thanx for the recipes

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 6:06 pm
by i4v02v95i5p09k9
Im going to search through my cupboards for ingredients that will give us a shield (Im thinking about fire shield since almost every mage in the game uses fire magicka) and give the user good attributes, perhaps increased strength if possible, and with as little side effects as possible.

I'll be searching through ingredient databases and such for the next hour or so and then probably another half an hour gathering and brewing it, then finally testing it.. I'll get back to you all

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 6:41 pm
by i4v02v95i5p09k9
Ok, ladies and gentlemen I got it.

Poet's Will
Ash Yam
Fire Salts
Bear Pelt
Sload Soap

This mixture will give you:
Fortify Agility
Fortify Strength
Fire Shield
Resist Common Disease

Good place to use this:
Sixth House Dungeons

The items are all usually easy to find, save the bear pelt, which has no restocking vendor that I am aware of. If Fortify Strength is not needed by most people, I can alter it perhaps to add something more useful perhaps... Give me some feedback!

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 9:24 pm
by beornica
Oooo, but you need resist BLIGHT disease in those sixth house dungeons!

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 9:35 pm
by dragon wench
Though it is outside the topic of this thread, you could always just Spoiler, highlight to read get corprus before heading into the sixth house dungeons. ;) Though that does make things rather easy... :p