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Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 1:11 am
by FireLighter
@Shadrach: Im playing a Crusader PC right now (mainly because ive never been a paly before) and I cant wait until I have carsomyr, i just started and am only up to the freeing hendak so far... havent left slums yet... but hopefully it will get fun!! :D

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 3:11 am
by Stahlherz
[QUOTE=Bad Karma]I didn't want to start a new thread about the same guy either. I'm in the middle of the quest with Keldorn, and just learned of his wife's affair. He took off and said to meet him at the Radiant Heart building in three hours. The trouble is, I made the idiot mistake of resting, for a good eight hours. Is he supposed to be inside the building, outside, or what? Did I screw up my game by doing this? I can't find him anywhere. The last save I have before doing this was quite a while back in game time.[/QUOTE]

Wasn't that 3 days? I think, you should rest for some more days or solve some minor other stuff/quests. e.g. the thief-thingy in the docks. (not that he would cause any trouble, while you steal, kill and harass people)

I like Keldorn, 'cause his anti-magic is cool and he is a decent fighter. Together with Minsk he states some funny things...