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Posted: Fri May 11, 2001 4:06 pm
by Nightmare
Yo warfar, the moderaters are going to ask you to remove the pic because some people have dial-up modems.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2001 10:05 pm
by Warfer
oh ok

Warfer the Nether Mage :D

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 6:09 am
by Edar Macilrille
Necro :eek:

1) If you have/save all pantaloons through the game in ToB there is a pretty nifty bonus. Hint,
in that desert village/monestary whose name I forgot, there is a smith with a resident gnome
who can make something very useful with all

2) Question; If you tell Welther that she is somewhere around in the houses near The Copper Coronet, then go back (I wanted to rape and kill her, being an evil Drow wishing to get back at females),
the "Police" in the form of 3 Amnish Legionnaires, an Amnish Centurion and two Cowled Enforcers come to arrest you. Does this automatically make you an enemy of the state and all the forces of good in the town starts hunting you
? Being Drow, I like to move like a fish in the water, then sometimes perform something horrible, but untraceable and unnoticed by 99% of the city. That will be significantly harder if everyone is hunting me.

In general there are very few evil paths and solutions to quests. One could wish for a mod that adds more of that. Any modders? RPGGuy, you want to make BG III; what about training for it with an evil mod?