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Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2004 6:24 am
by JesterKing
can you sell mud crab (heretofore reffered to as muddy) soul gems? and theres the advantage with muddy, you can just take a 24 hour nap right next to him, creeper is in a house and you have to go out and find lodgings. If you, as fable suggested, put a mark and recall spell by the mudcrab you can get rich a lot faster than with creeper, dont you think?

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2004 8:13 am
by Illistil
No, you can still wait 24 hours with Creeper and you don't have to deal with enemies interrupting you. Muddy has more gold, but I'm not sure if he buys everything? I just use Creeper with a mark and recall.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2004 8:53 am
by dragon wench
The thing is, although you can become fabulously wealthy, unless you pay to train up in all your skills there is not that much to actually spend cash on. There are only so many items you can have enchanted (unless you want to make the game even easier than it already is), and having spells created is not all that expensive... :rolleyes:

Given these realities and the fact that it is so much of a hassle to sell high-priced weapons and armour, I'm becoming increasingly convinced all of those 15 K + items you acquire are really just intended as collector's pieces.

Okay, sorry for the cynical rant :p *crawls back into cave* ;)

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2004 10:44 am
by Dark Master
[QUOTE=JesterKing]can you sell mud crab (heretofore reffered to as muddy) soul gems? and theres the advantage with muddy, you can just take a 24 hour nap right next to him, creeper is in a house and you have to go out and find lodgings. If you, as fable suggested, put a mark and recall spell by the mudcrab you can get rich a lot faster than with creeper, dont you think?[/QUOTE]

Disagree. Mudcrab doesn't buy soulgems, and Creeper does, and him being in a house is not a problem, you simply wait for the 24 hours to pass, by pressing the rest key.