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Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 8:05 am
by Garthdawg
but you are kinda right about it making things no fun. But I have this problem of never doing quests because I focus too much on levelling, so made I should just max my stats first and then enjoy the dialogue/plot aspects of things. I guess I'll do cheesy stuff to get better skills, but I don't think I'd do things like 100% Chameleon CE, which would definitely take the fun out. But a lot of ingredients are sold in replensihable quantites, so I'll have to scrounge to make some potions. I really like taking cliff race ears and making levitate potions with them.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 8:31 am
by fable
Anyway, the trick is to sell it back to them. It will add to their basic inventory and actually become their new level.

Yes, yes...oldest cheese in the book. My point remains: how did you max Alchemy at 100 in 20 minutes, since I presume it started no higher than, what, 40, 45 at best? :D

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 8:57 am
by Garthdawg
Mine was actually at 15 when I started, and it was miscellaneous. Are you just saying that you can't click fast enough to do it? I really don't think it was more than 20 minutes of clicking.

I loaded up about 3000 of both ingredients and just clicked. I also had the grand master mortar and pestle and masters of the others, which may have helped me have more successes.. In fact, I have a wireless mouse, so I walked around my house clicking without looking.

I'm not sure what your hang up is. It seemed like alchemy goes up a skill level every 10-30 successes or so, and you can attempt to create a potion probably 3 times/second. Let's say you fail on average, half the time. So 1.5successes/second, which means 10 seconds per alchemy point, and we need 85, so 850 seconds or about 15 minutes.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 9:00 am
by Garthdawg
[QUOTE=fable]a lot of effort making potions. [/QUOTE]

I think this is what I don't understand. It takes very little effort from what I can tell to make potions, especially in stacks.