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Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2002 1:58 am
by Astafas
Machiavelli - half-elven Bard/Blade or elven Archer (H'D:s portrait)

Wilfred/Wilford Wildfire - Invoker (Edwins portrait)

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2002 5:58 pm
by Melkor
Melkor, Paladin, for those who have read the silmarillion

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2002 7:37 pm
by ParadoxIncarnate
My favorite is Aodhnelbchallteandr. My brother was trying to think of a DAoC name when he just banged on the keyboard a few times. A few days later we actually tried to figure out how that monstrosity of a name would be prounounced, and I still remember it.

Also, Sailor Saturn, where did you learn your japanese? My girlfriend timidly informed me it was monko or omonko, but there's probably more than one word for it. Anything to throw the shiirojin off. Heh, a much funnier name for one of your girls would have been chinko suu. :P

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2002 10:20 pm
by Sailor Saturn
Originally posted by ParadoxIncarnate:
<STRONG>Also, Sailor Saturn, where did you learn your japanese? My girlfriend timidly informed me it was monko or omonko, but there's probably more than one word for it. Anything to throw the shiirojin off. Heh, a much funnier name for one of your girls would have been chinko suu. :P </STRONG>
Well, for those names, I relied mainly on my Jap-Eng/Eng-Jap dictionary, though I've checked it with a couple of other sources, though they aren't necessarily more reliable, but I haven't had a chance to legitimately learn Japanese yet. The Mune translation was loosest as, IIRC, it is generically referring to the chest, not specifically to a woman's breasts. What would monko, omonko, and chinko suu be? I see "monko" as being "door." Best I can figure with "omonko" is a door that belongs to someone, though my knowledge is limited and I'm probably mistaken. No idea whatsoever on chinko suu. I've considered naming a male char ChinChin, but I rarely create male chars.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2002 10:29 pm
by UserUnfriendly
also tried Bhaal, in hopes of triggering interesting dialog.

so does any name besides drizzt generate interesting dialog? if you meet drizzt in chap 6 with your name drizzt and low reps, he tries to whack you, I think.

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2002 10:58 am
by Ned Flanders
first time through
Human Ranger: Johnnie Walker
origin: named after the liquor

Second time through
dwarven fighter/cleric: Oban
origin: named after a single malt scotch

third time through
Human fighter: W. L. Weller
origin: named after a kentucky bourbon

fourth time through
Human Kensai/mage: Groo the Wanderer
origin: named after sergio aragone's comic

fifth time through
barbarian/thief: Conan
origin: duh

sixth time through
priest of helm: Remy Martin
origin: named after a good cognac

seventh time through
sorcerer: Old Milwaukee
origin: named after canned urine

[ 01-22-2002: Message edited by: Ned Flanders ]

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2002 9:22 am
by Mister Popo
Often call him Sir Robin ("Brave Sir Robin Ran away" for all you other MP fans) Though my new one is called Shellac, cause I had a cd on my desk when I needed a new name.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2002 10:11 am
by TheDude
for my 6th time trough
i play: Shade, Assassin/Mage
the name is pretty obvious i think. :D

all my other names are just some Random keyboard pressing given some shape:
Lord (ok that just sounded better) Elsaver: ranger/cleric
Merdarinda: female bezerker/mage
Thorin Theelsord, a little Tolkien and i got the lastname from a Gamebanshee member: Bordin Steelaxe: Theelsord~Steelsword, but i thought Theelsord looked more dwarfish :D .
he was an assassin btw

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2002 10:47 am
by Frobb2
Elkor Alish - Wizard Slayer
Morgan Hearst - Paladin

Both from 'The Wizards and the Warriors' by Hugh Cook

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2002 12:12 pm
by Craig
Originally posted by Invincible121

I asked my little brother(4), what I should call my character and straight away he came out with Agarnna.
The boys got talent methinks.

Selphie is also a good name, taken from Selpie Tilmitt, out of Final Fantasy 8.
I called one of my characters from Icewind Dale that...a mage she was.
Merlin+Worlock mayhaps? :D

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2002 1:08 pm
by fugitive
Originally posted by Tomoe Hotaru

What would monko, omonko, and chinko suu be? I see "monko" as being "door." Best I can figure with "omonko" is a door that belongs to someone, though my knowledge is limited and I'm probably mistaken.
i've attended a school in england (international) and there i learned the meaning of the word monko (from some japanese dude). now, if im not mistaken, monko doesnt mean door, it means something else (yeah, door to something else if you know what i mean). but since its r rated i dont think ill spell it out. ;) anyway, am i talking about a different word here or does it have more meanings?

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2002 7:24 pm
by Sailor Saturn
Originally posted by fugitive

i've attended a school in england (international) and there i learned the meaning of the word monko (from some japanese dude). now, if im not mistaken, monko doesnt mean door, it means something else (yeah, door to something else if you know what i mean). but since its r rated i dont think ill spell it out. ;) anyway, am i talking about a different word here or does it have more meanings?
Well, IIRC, there are many words that have a traditional meaning and a modern meaning. That is likely the case here, with "door" being the traditional meaning. I could be wrong, though.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2002 5:42 am
by Krimmy
I usually stick withJaden. I always play male characters in this game and always choose the same name. Funny I usually play female characters in games like Quake or even Diablo but never in this one, the romances are to blame I think.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2002 8:24 am
by fugitive
Originally posted by Sailor Saturn

Well, IIRC, there are many words that have a traditional meaning and a modern meaning. That is likely the case here, with "door" being the traditional meaning. I could be wrong, though.

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2002 9:23 pm
by telcontar
telcontar - elven warrior/mage
*see signature*
its aragorns tweak on his nickname, making it high elven...
if i were really inclined to make it accurate, i'd make him a ranger...but...nah.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2002 5:13 am
by Sethir
Name: Sethir de Carnovia
or sometimes Ondrej Malik (because this is my REAL name)
Human stalker or fighter/thief
bckstb rulez!

Telcontar: your name is Manervu Telcontar, isnĀ“t it?
(the customizing site)


Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2002 8:18 am
by Eerhardt
I'm planning on importing my BG I character:
Lara, a female dualclassed fighter/mage
Used Photoeditor and Paint to edit pictures from the Tombraider III cd. Cool sunglasses in my small portrait! Of course, not very accurate from a pure RPG point of view.

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2002 1:28 pm
by limorkil
I used to DM pnp rpgs years and years ago when I was in my teens. Back then I always found it easy to come up with NPC names. For some reason I find it impossible to come up with anything original these days. Maybe it's one of the effects of old age. So I tend to stick with the same few names that belonged to my more popular NPCs. The actual race/class varies depending on the type of game. If you've played Gemstone III, Asheron's Call or DAoC then there is a small chance you will recognise one of the following:

Mordwyn (my current BG2 char name, half-elf F/T)
Fear Morrigan (my first BG1 char name, human paladin)
Garmaren Grave
Raith Vasharra
Kerral Lavaborn
Garrick the Ungodly
Manic Firewielder
Maugh Turiedh (pronounced "Moytirra")

As to the origins of these names:
"Mordwyn" is from Dr. Who ("Mordwyn Undead")
"Kerral", "Manic" and "Garrick" are from an old ZX Spectrum game called "Sorderon's Shadow". So is "Limorkil", except that I changed one letter. "Garrick" is, of course, an NPC in BG1, which annoyed me no end.
"Maugh Turiedh" is a plain in Ireland, the site of a famous battle of legend (I forget which one, Tuatha vs Fomor maybe). "Morrigan" is a pagan irish goddess.
I like to think that the rest are totally made up, but I've read so many fantasy books that I might have stole them from one without knowing.

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2002 8:46 pm
by dadayo
Amon d'Azur, a chaotic-good gnome illusionist

This name is very cool, and very funny at the same time, and it's very FRENCH. I used this character for all my BG games, including BG 1, SoA, and ToB. :D
I like gnome! I like illusionist! I like my Amon d'Azur!

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2002 9:44 pm
by samcu
Stingbat - Human assassin
You will know what I mean when you see him backstab!

Xena Potter - Kensai/mage
The name said it all...

Trapmaster - Bounty Hunter
as above

JRR Tolkien - Fighter/Mage/Thief
He should be the best out of the group

That's all I can think of...