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Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 1:25 pm
by SP101
Edwin? In a GOOD Party? He'll die really fast :P

He fight with Valygar & Minsc, and maybe some other NPCs...

BTW : I like Edwin because he's always picking on other NPCs :)

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 2:22 pm
by Eadaii
Well, Minsc isn't in my party right now. I know they fight (verbally), but do Minsc and Edwin ever come to blows. They seem like a fight waiting to happen.

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 2:31 pm
by SP101
In my first game, they fought togheter (Minsc won, of course :P )

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 2:39 pm
by Eadaii
I mostly keep Minsc around for Boo anyway. Can't I kill Minsc and give Boo to Viconia as an engagement present or something? ;)

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 2:43 pm
by SP101
That would be funny...

Now let's stop spamming :)

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 3:07 pm
by Eadaii
Good idea. Right, so I was thinking that if I tried out an evil party, I might download the Valen mod, since she's an evil rogue and there aren't any in the game and all. Does anybody know if Valen goes on to ToB, as I'd like to play through SoA and ToB with the same character and party.

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 3:15 pm
by SP101
Yes she's done for ToB too. Just look at the Readme before selecting Valen in your party. She's strong, but have LOADS of weaknesses (She can kill innocent people because she's blood-thirsty, she's weak when outside (Day only, not night), etc.)

BTW : Here's a little piece of Valen's FAQ concerning Valen + SoA
Q: I do not have ToB but I really want to install Valen anyway. A: Install Valen and then remove the file override\VALENMST.SPL. The mod should then "work" (although some aspects, like the vampire hunters, will be a little strange). However, this is *not supported* and you should not send me any mail whatsoever about Valen + SoA.

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 5:24 pm
by fable
Characters of opposing alignment will only start an inter-party fight if your reputation rises into the very good or falls in the abysmal area--something like 17 and above, or 4 and below. That makes everyone nervous. Otherwise, you're saving mixing and matching, however much they verbally complain.

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 5:26 pm
by SP101
My reputation was arround 14 when Edwin and Minsc fought togheter... (But it can be different for them : They are enemy since BG1...)

Say, does anyone know if the paladin party leaves or anything if you choose Bodhi?

No they don't. They say something like this : "Well... we have to side with vampires or shadow thieves... so we'll let our leader decide wich one is the best one to side because they are all evil anyway"

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 5:41 pm
by Numinor
Keldorn and Mazzy will not tolerate you siding with Bodhi and will leave the party. Some others (like Aerie for example) will state their distrust of Bodhi, but still follow the main character.

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 5:52 pm
by SP101
Anyway, just kick them out, pay Bodhi, and then take them back in the party.

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 6:03 pm
by Numinor
That is of course an option ;)

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 10:39 am
by Eadaii
Right, well, I guess it would be kind of wierd role playing if you played a paladin character, rounded up a paladin party, and then frolicked off to join with the evil vampire clan that hangs around the graveyard. One question (I've heard mixed stuff about this) is it possible to join Bodhi while playing a thief?

SPOILER-Don't highlight unless you've already done the whole spellhold bit.

Since Bodhi betrays you anyway, isn't joining her just extra killing anyway? I mean, I don't think the shadow thieves betray you, so if you just joined them, you'd only have one guild to wipe out. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is there any advantage to joining Bodhi?

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 11:45 am
by SP101
The Thieves and the Vampires reward you (in xp and in $$$) almost the same, so you doesn't have advantage to take one. Thief have to take the Shadow Thieves' side because of the stronghold (But with a mod, you can take Bodhi's side)

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 12:32 pm
by Eadaii
Right. But will the thieves betray you? I mean, its pretty obvious that Bodhi's working with Irenicus from the beginning of the game, so if you join Bodhi, first you have to wipe out the thieves, and then you when she betrays you you have to wipe out the vampires. If you join the thieves, (if they don't betray you, that is) you only have to wipe out the vampires.

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 2:01 pm
by Ekental
The thieves will not "betray" you in any sense that they drug you and steal your soul or anything, what they will do is give you Saemon Haevarion, (who drugs you and so Irenicus captures you and then steals yoru soul). Bodhi does the same thing so either way you end up in the same place.
Also, you wipe out Bodhi's guild twice... once as the last part of siding with the shadow thieves and once to get the Rynn Lanthorn... So the amount of "killing" (or staking) is the same just about. (Though vamps are prolly more annoying because of level drain)

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 10:17 am
by Eadaii
Right, so either way I have to wipe out two guilds, so it just depends on which guild you find harder to exterminate. You can join Bodhi as a multi-classed thief, but since Bodhi and the Shadow Thieves really don't like each other, I wonder, is that gonna lose me my guild?

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 1:30 pm
by SP101
I think so. When you side with Bodhi, every Shadow Thieves will attack you on sight.

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 5:20 pm
by Ekental
You cannot get your stronghold (as a thief) when allied to bodhi, shadow thieves will attack you on sight
Though conceivably if you do the Renald Bloodscalp quest first then you can

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 12:37 am
by JackOfClubs

Yes, you must get the thieve's guild before choosing sides. You don't lose the guild and the characters still talk as if you were working for Renal, even though he is long gone.

I have done this every time I play a thief, it works. I like the fact that you get to wipe out 3 evil organizations (although Mae'Var's guild is really a sub-group of the Shadow Thieves.)