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This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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Post by Weasel »

Originally posted by Damasta:
Oh if it like that i'm sorry weasel i dint't know that i was counting in normal time
Da Masta
No problem my friend.....I was meaning game time. Image

Unlike some I will not name.. (On the grounds I will get banned) I know I don't know it all.

Greetings from The Weasel!
The Lord Weasel!
The Warrior of the Spamland!
The Ayatollah of Spamolla!

The Ultimate Spammer
"Vile and evil, yes. But, That's Weasel" From BS's book, MD 20/20: Fine Wines of Rocky Flop.
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Hazim ibn Gorion
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Post by Hazim ibn Gorion »

The two years in IWD that Drakkon mentions above was me. I don't know if it works the same way in BG2, but in IWD, if you don't have a healer in your party (I was soloing F/T/M), then you end up resting a hella long time when you have "rest until healed" selected. The more hurt you have on you, the longer it takes. It wasn't unusual to see "You have rested for 45 days" come up after resting. Pretty damn funny. Anyway, it had no effect whatsoever on the game. Might not do the same thing in BG2 even with F/M/T because you have the Bhaalspawn cure minor wounds ability. Also, you spend a lot of time resting in Athkatla. Anyone playing without a priest-class character notice their rest times go up after the Asylum? Just curious.
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