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Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 4:08 pm
by Berethor
[QUOTE=Rhûn]I'm completely against all evil alignments and have never played one for more than 5 minutes. I sometimes keep evil characters in my partner in hope to try and help them see the good path, e.g. Viconia. I also carry Edwin around a lot because he is very powerful, and you want someone like that in a GOOD team rather than wandering around in evil persuits, right?[/QUOTE]

Thats exactly how I feel, I try to take evil NPC's, but if my rep is high I keep the sound off.

And I am also like you, I played for 3 mins and hated being evil, I cant role play that way. also if aerie is in my party and she starts a romance dialogue i can never say anything mean, even if I am trying to romance viconia.

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 5:25 pm
by Veaman
I usually play whichever alignment is more suitable for the party I'm intending to play, which is, I belive, the way many people think. I have a question though: What are the different innate abilities beloning to the different alignments? If you think this question is irrelevant to the thread (which I don't) I'd be greatful if someone could send me a private message explaining it.

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 7:44 pm
by krunchyfrogg
Wow Berethor, that was one heck of a bump! :)

I'm usually NG, I like it the best and can relate. :)

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 1:44 am
by Sarg
I solo'd a chaotic neutral gnome fighter/ Illusionist through BG, ToSc and now I'm taking him through SoA and ToB.
One word describe's it... BRILLIANT!!!
He does what he want's, when he want's, no argument's, and with a charisma of 6, it's not very wise to tell him otherwise ;)

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 1:12 pm
by frdchkn
I'd actually have to say that I mostly play neutral evil, as that probably befits my personality in real life. I like how neutral evil characters are all about themselves, and nothing, not even party members or friends will get in the way of their goals. In my opinion, evil has many shades itself. Evil/Good doesn't necessarily translate into mean/nice. An evil person can be a completely agreeable fellow: pleasant, intelligent, fun, tolerant. A neutral 'evil' person to me, is someone who believes in a social darwinistic type of world view. Everyone for themselves, strongest and fittest survive and deserve power. Most people would view that as 'evil'; I however, view it as a justifiable ideal.
Anyways, I also like to play neutral evil because 'good' 'heroes' who slay innocent kobolds and goblins are annoying. If you're going to go around forcing your beliefs on everyone else by violent means, is that really a 'good' thing? I prefer the character who realizes what he does isn't purely good, and doesn't care. Plus, I like to play characters that aren't afraid of power. That is the ultimate goal is it not? :D Neutral evil seems to fit the bill.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 1:17 pm
by FireLighter
I prefer Lawful Neutral for the neutrality part and because I RARELY do anything to lower my reputation although I do things evil because I'm not on either side but neutral. Also for all the abilities :D

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 11:42 am
by Edwin
i always end up playing a chaotic good that's my vote.
Probably it reflets well my personality.... :p

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 12:08 pm
by Mr.Waesel
Lawful Good, because you get the highest starting rep which means the cheapest store prices.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 12:45 pm
by TonyMontana1638
I too am a fan of Chaotic Good, mostly because I'd like to think it reflects my personality and ethics (or at least the kind of person I wish I was): unafraid to go against the tide and stick up for others but not a self-righteous, loud-mouthed bigot.

Or maybe I'm delusional, which wouldn't come as a surprise to many I'm sure :rolleyes:

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 4:30 pm
by Patrick
Me is a fury pickel player. I play with evil, evil names, like Lucifer or Sauron. The I follow the path of good. Also I streach thing to the extream, thus if a npc or something is slightly bad or wrong to good, I kill them after any exp or item based quest. I never played evil, would love to learn the dark side through Bodi, read it so,...hmmm, maybe not. Like mods too

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 5:11 pm
by Fenix
Errm...Lawful Good, basically because I love paladins and well...but occassionally I might use good 'ole Shadow Keeper and change it to Lawful Neutral, because I really hate criminals, and Vhailor's extremist ideals kick ass. :)

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 5:39 pm
by Aule
Neutral evil! with lawful evil as a possivle second.
I love the evil, because i think it is unique. It is one of the things that makes Add special. Most rpg's just force you to be good (blegh hippies!). I like to kill anyone at any given time, always choosing the path which allows me to loot/kill (for xp) the most.
I recently tried a paladin and it was a challange. I mean i am so used to the paths of evil and i kinda wanted to try if i could still be a good person :angel:
Anyway i didn't want to do ANYTHING bad. So no killing unless someone is spreading chaos or evil. Killing for greater good is allowed unless it is against the law in some way. So no intruding in someone's house because you know there is a celestial fury inside.
It turned out pretty wel. But evil just rocks. I like to kill the amnish soldiers. Then kill the cowled wizards. And so on. It think its very lame to call yourself good and then do some evil things which dont lower your rep. You got to roleplay right?
I choose neutral because i like to choose whats convenient. Sometimes thats lawful. somethimes it isnt.

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 12:16 pm
by Philos
Neutral Good

For many of the already stated reasons. In PnP it is usually because it is most comfortable (closest to my own outlook), and that way I focus more on developing the character's personality and little quirks rather than focusing on how this or that would react. Have enjoyed playing some that are a stretch like true neutral but usually play some variation of good. Just can't go the evil route personally. NG (to me) is best as I feel we need some of both order and chaos. Yet on the other hand not too much of either, but always with what's best for the "needs of the many" in mind.

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 7:33 pm
by Fenix
Anyway i didn't want to do ANYTHING bad. So no killing unless someone is spreading chaos or evil. Killing for greater good is allowed unless it is against the law in some way. So no intruding in someone's house because you know there is a celestial fury inside.

If it makes you feel better, they are slavers and were involved somehow with Nalia's abduction by Isea (You learn from Isea's documents that a bunch of slaves were sent to a private compound in the Temple District), but anything more was cut from the game.
That helps me to perform a justice raid on them. :)

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 7:53 pm
by Pellinore
My personal alignment fluctuates from Chaotic Good to Lawful Good so I tend to reflect that in my characters for role play. If I just want to hack & slash then I do an evil party every now & then.