Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 8:41 am
D&D 3.5 Monster, NPC, Random Encounter Generator, Advancer, Customizer
I write to express my support for the thriving 3.5 community via the recently released Monster Advancer (Monster Advancer 3.5).
This free compact suite of applications allows for swift monster generation, advancement and customization, all within the context of 3rd edition(3.5). What once took up to an hour of dungeon masters' time, now takes seconds. Large Fiendish, Half-Dragon Dire Wolves with 18 hit dice can now take their place of honor amongst the kraken and the hydra.
There are currently three applications worthy of note: There is a version made for massive customization (allowing templates, magical items and equipment, stat adjustments and feat selection), a version made for speed and simplicity, and another which can generate multiple creatures randomly based on the challenge rating or encounter level desired.
The entire project is completely free and available now. It is continuing to be enhanced frequently and all the OGL creatures will be in the tool soon. (If you have creatures you must have now just let me know and I will move them up the list.)
My goal is to help foster and reinvigorate the 3.5 community by contributing to the tools that enhance the game by allowing time for creativity rather than crunching numbers.
I would love to hear if this tool helps and what you think I should add to it to have it fulfill all your needs.
I write to express my support for the thriving 3.5 community via the recently released Monster Advancer (Monster Advancer 3.5).
This free compact suite of applications allows for swift monster generation, advancement and customization, all within the context of 3rd edition(3.5). What once took up to an hour of dungeon masters' time, now takes seconds. Large Fiendish, Half-Dragon Dire Wolves with 18 hit dice can now take their place of honor amongst the kraken and the hydra.
There are currently three applications worthy of note: There is a version made for massive customization (allowing templates, magical items and equipment, stat adjustments and feat selection), a version made for speed and simplicity, and another which can generate multiple creatures randomly based on the challenge rating or encounter level desired.
The entire project is completely free and available now. It is continuing to be enhanced frequently and all the OGL creatures will be in the tool soon. (If you have creatures you must have now just let me know and I will move them up the list.)
My goal is to help foster and reinvigorate the 3.5 community by contributing to the tools that enhance the game by allowing time for creativity rather than crunching numbers.
I would love to hear if this tool helps and what you think I should add to it to have it fulfill all your needs.