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Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 2:22 pm
by UserUnfriendly
[QUOTE=iamweaver]I classify feeblemind with the instakill spells because, unlike all of the spells that you mention, there are absolutely no "side effects" from the spell (monster movement/actions at all), and most importantly, there is no spell duration. If you Feebleminded Firstraag in Act 2, then returned in act 6, he would still be Feebleminded. The only way that feeblemind is unlike an instakill spell is that scripted plot movements won't occur, because the monster is not dead - merely immobile, helpless, unable to speak/cast/attack/defend/resist.[/QUOTE]

oh yeah...if you feeblemind a blue circle enemy, like mencar pebble crusher, you can toss in cloudkills and sit back with a ice tea...if you FAIL, IT WON'T ATTACK YOU!!! feeblemind is NOT seen as a hostile spell!!! tactics mod fixes that, but without tactics mod, feeble mind firky until he fails the save, then have aerie bash with a stick...

finger of death is better than disintegrate...better save penalty, will not destroy loot and looks cool.. :) :eek:

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 7:41 pm
by Rune
ah yes...feeble mind. the one spell that i really like using. death spell's are ok but with feeble can have FUN!!!
because after feeble mind you can:
Turn a nasty evil dragon like the shodow dragon and then turming it into a fulffy squirill.Which remains a dumb animal for the rest of it's sad pathetic life.
The best revenge against Dragons. Arrogant gits.I like to play the game as a story, so that even though it's not really gonna happen i get a warm feeling imagining it. whats the point of a role playing game if you don't play it as a story?
Or if you want a pure game helping move level up player that despretly need the exp but are not in the party as of yet.or if you just want to be the one who kill's it and get it recored in the most powerful enemy vanquised.
all in all feeble mind is the most fun spell to use. that's all thats important in the end.
Besides i like subjecting the black dragon to an invetive death. like several pit fiends summond when we all (including he) are proteted against evil. then dispel effects on him.
It's fun. :D

This is the one aspect of the feeble mind spell you failed to mention. Since the game is primarly about having fun (or at leat enjoyment) I thought it worth mentioning ;)

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2004 4:34 pm
by Screaming Johny
Never used it. Is there spells other then Breach at level 5? (sarcasm)