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Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 2:02 pm
by Luis Antonio
Sytze, my friend,

Today I'm not very good for spam. Thats why I keep invisible. I like to see and say none see me now. Please, avoid confrontation. (I'd curse you with erotic sheep atraction for the rest of your life.)

Btw, SoTheBeach is nice.

And I cant drink, so I'm with CM. Tea.

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 2:05 pm
by Sytze
I'd post in your thread, but today I'm not so serious, so I'll avoid the confrontation :p

Seriously though, cheer up buddy ;)

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 2:25 pm
by Luis Antonio
[QUOTE=Sytze]I'd post in your thread, but today I'm not so serious, so I'll avoid the confrontation :p

Seriously though, cheer up buddy ;) [/QUOTE]

I'll attempt to, my friend, but the Morningblade is to heavy today... :p

Time to booze. A lot.

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 2:27 pm
by Sytze
Well, let lose of your morningblade for a change, drink some SotB and get a sound sleaping tonight ;)

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 2:29 pm
by Luis Antonio
Well, actually, and unfortunately, I wont drink cause it ruins the sleeping advantages. But man, seriously, I would like some wine or guiness to relax...



See? I'm trying... :D

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 2:41 pm
by Sytze
Do that every day and you'll be a reborn man :p

Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to follow my own advice. The last part anyway...I've got work tomorrow ;)

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 3:02 pm
by Chanak
[QUOTE=Sytze]Yes, that means you Lurkers!! and you, People Who Have Invisibilty Mode Turned On!!!

Stop hiding for crying out loud!!! :mad: [/QUOTE]


:p :p :p

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 3:14 pm
by dragon wench
[QUOTE=fable]I *knew* that would get your attention! Nostradamus Fable strikes again! :D ;) [/QUOTE]
lol! :D Evidently I am becoming far too predictable, I need to start changing my modus operandi :p

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 3:24 pm
by Weasel
Star date 89.683 "The Lost Ones"


My Goal The disordered state of unformed matter and infinite space supposed in some cosmogonic views to have existed before the ordered universe.

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 5:58 pm
by fable
[QUOTE=dragon wench]lol! :D Evidently I am becoming far too predictable, I need to start changing my modus operandi :p [/QUOTE]

No, it's my prescient nature. Besides, you're not going to change. I know that, too. :D

Do that every day and you'll be a reborn man.

Er, could we not use the word, "reborn"? It's very close to "born again," and I just got through adamantly turning away some JW's from our doorstep this past week. :rolleyes: Maybe we could say, "Do that every day and you'll be a new man," or "a different man," or even "a Weasel."

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 6:16 pm
by Bloodstalker
[QUOTE=Weasel]First question...What is this wonderful device?? :D

Second question, will it hide my great looking "Cher" hair if I use it??? :D

Third question, will you do away with the Lurkers???? ;) :D

What did a lurker ever do to you?
:mad: :D

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 6:35 pm
by sparky_kat
[QUOTE=Weasel]First question...What is this wonderful device?? :D

Second question, will it hide my great looking "Cher" hair if I use it??? :D

Third question, will you do away with the Lurkers???? ;) :D

OMG weasel the allmighty.. weasel the all powerfull... weasel the allKNOWING, doesnt know about invisibility mode??????
*looks around to all with shocked expression* :p

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 6:40 pm
by Bloodstalker
[QUOTE=sparky_kat]OMG weasel the allmighty.. weasel the all powerfull... weasel the allKNOWING

sigh...another one seduced

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 6:45 pm
by sparky_kat
[QUOTE=Bloodstalker]sigh...another one seduced
:( [/QUOTE]

*looks around with a suddenly blank expression*
CM ;) Can I be a COMM cheerleader????????


Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 6:51 pm
by Bloodstalker
I am going to figure out how you know so much. I am going to figure out why you like to quote innocent board members in your sig. Why you look to CM when I mention being seduced, you may keep that secret :o

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 6:59 pm
by dragon wench
[QUOTE=fable]No, it's my prescient nature. Besides, you're not going to change. I know that, too. :D

Do that every day and you'll be a reborn man.

Er, could we not use the word, "reborn"? It's very close to "born again," and I just got through adamantly turning away some JW's from our doorstep this past week. :rolleyes: [/QUOTE]

The threads of these two conversations remind me of an incident that occurred some time ago..... :D

A number of years back we lived in the upstairs apartment of an older home. Now for some odd reason, the street we lived on was particularly favoured by JWs, I'm not entirely sure why. Hence, we were awakened routinely on Saturday mornings by their banging on the door. :rolleyes: Needless to say, we were not exactly amused..
Anyway, one morning during the week I had just gotten out of the bath, and the doorbell rang. Since I was expecting a friend, I pulled on my robe and went down to the door... Standing on the steps were two fresh-faced Jehovah lads... *evil grin*
So I stood there nodding sweetly at their comments, but meanwhile I was quietly and invisibly loosening the belt of my robe. At an opportune moment I let it fall open :D They went ashen and slack-jawed, and then bolted down the steps. We were never bothered by JWs again :D

I highly recommend this approach, works like a charm :p

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 7:11 pm
by fable
[QUOTE=dragon wench]So I stood there nodding sweetly at their comments, but meanwhile I was quietly and invisibly loosening the belt of my robe. At an opportune moment I let it fall open :D They went ashen and slack-jawed, and then bolted down the steps. We were never bothered by JWs again :D

I highly recommend this approach, works like a charm :p [/QUOTE]

If I do it, they'll probably turn to dust. It's worth a thought.

As long as we're spamming, has anybody else been bothered at home (or, for that matter, not at home) by religious proselytyzing? I would love to greet some of these annoyances in my full witch robes (I also worship skyclad, but I don't answer doors that way ;) ), but I'm afraid they'll actually put out the word that we're in desparate need of conversion. Either that, or an exorcist.

This pair of JWs wouldn't initially give up. When I tried being nice and turning them away, they countered with "Oh, we just want to do a little bible reading with you." I responded, "We're perfectly satisfied with the religion we've got. Go away." That seemed blunt enough to get through to them. The ones you meet on the streets, a place which they seem to think guarantees them a right to get in your face, are not so easily ignored. Usually I just sweep past, but if you're waiting for a bus or a train, they're not so easily avoided. The fact that they're not supposed to be there doesn't matter, not when you can't leave, and they won't.

On a somewhat sunnier note, I remember heckling a rightwing Baptist preacher who had decided to stop a lecturer by a pagan some 20 years ago. Got a lot of laughs and some applause, and he left cursing. I realize this sounds vindictive, but whatthehell, you take what pleasures you can when you're up against a dominant religion that barely tolerates your existence. :)

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 7:11 pm
by Bloodstalker
[QUOTE=dragon wench]The threads of these two conversations remind me of an incident that occurred some time ago..... :D

A number of years back we lived in the upstairs apartment of an older home. Now for some odd reason, the street we lived on was particularly favoured by JWs, I'm not entirely sure why. Hence, we were awakened routinely on Saturday mornings by their banging on the door. :rolleyes: Needless to say, we were not exactly amused..
Anyway, one morning during the week I had just gotten out of the bath, and the doorbell rang. Since I was expecting a friend, I pulled on my robe and went down to the door... Standing on the steps were two fresh-faced Jehovah lads... *evil grin*
So I stood there nodding sweetly at their comments, but meanwhile I was quietly and invisibly loosening the belt of my robe. At an opportune moment I let it fall open :D They went ashen and slack-jawed, and then bolted down the steps. We were never bothered by JWs again :D

I highly recommend this approach, works like a charm :p [/QUOTE]

Well, now that fit in pretty well with the title of this thread to be off topic, didn't it?

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 8:25 pm
by Gwalchmai
[QUOTE=fable]Yes, it's strip poker. The good news is that the women are participating. The bad news is that they get to laugh at anyone who's naked and they find funny.[/QUOTE]For me these days, being laughed at by women is pretty much my only attainable goal.... :p

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 9:04 pm
by fable
[QUOTE=Gwalchmai]For me these days, being laughed at by women is pretty much my only attainable goal.... :p [/QUOTE]

LOL! :D Surely it can't be that bad, can it? I mean, you've got a sense of humor, you're well spoken, intelligent, you frequent the best, most cultured of boards...what more could a woman want?