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Is this game worth Buying?

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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Post by Miser »

I'll try to be helpful on this one. First of all, I'm sure you can get BG2 and the expansion for much less than $40. I hope you were talking USD. I got mine for $20, SoA and ToB (<-- that's the expansion) together. That was 3 months ago, so now it may be cheaper than that even. You pretty much just have to look for them at EB or CostCo. For $20-30 bucks, I say the game's definitely worth it. $40 is so-so, but at that price, you're likely to really have to find the place that sells it that high.

Now, the game itself is good. I found it hard to get use to the change from Diable 2 to BG2, but it was worth it. I liked that BG2 requires more for the player to think and implement strategies to beat the game than D2. The spellcasting part of the game is more complex and it does take some 'trial and error' to understand, but it's also what I've found to be the most fun. Everything else like Armor Class and Thac0, or all the hack/slash fighter stuff are easier to understand, but has less strategic potential. I use D2 as comparison because they're made at about the same time and similar in gameplay.

In the end, though, D2 for me became more like a treasure-hunt game than anything else, which was why I left it. What a waste if you consider all the work the game developers must have put into the game's storyline when most gamers don't even care enough to read it.
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Post by CrownHead »

Well, I guess you can compare that to bg2, doesn't really make much sense to me seeing as virtually everything about the two games is different. Except for the fact that you can pick classes, but on that note BG2 outshines d2 by a landslide. Actually the only thing that I think would have been cool is something similar to the weapon system from d2 (random magical properties) being implemented somehow into bg2. Nothing against the weapons in bg2, they're still awesome.

Getting back to the main subject, bg2 seems to be one of the biggest games I've played, with so many different classes and class combinations added to the sheer size of the game, you can still be playing this years from now. I mean look at me, I bought this game when it came out and I'm still addicted to it.
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Post by Miser »

It depends on how you look at it. I looked at the gameplay in general, like just hitting monsters or buying items and as you pointed out, picking classes, those simple stuff. I didn't want to go into specific things like how the magic weapons are different and such because knowing that doesn't help as much in adapting to the game or deciding whether or not to buy it.
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Post by Daveron »

Thanks for the advice guys i went to eb today and they still havent got it :( . Miser if you could tell me where you got it for 20 bucks with the expansion that would be really great :D .
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Post by fable »

Did you check Amazon? Search on "Baldur's Gate 2." They had it for $16. ;)
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Post by Luis Antonio »


This game is old. This game is huge. This game has storyline. This game has Jan Jansen!!!!


VICONIA!!!!! (the male crowd cheers)

Not to mention the awesome weapons and Jon Irenicus. This game was the first to make me feel really angry with some big bad boss. After the first scene you'll know what I mean.

Buy it. But if you have time to spare. Like, 4-5 hours a day.
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Post by SP101 »

And... this game can be played alots of times without getting bored.
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Post by Baldursgate Fan »

SoA was my first ever computer game I bought for myself.

I saw it in a shop 3 years ago when I was out looking for a birthday gift for my nephew, and I read the words "RolePlaying Game of the Year" on the back of the Collector's Edition box.

Never looked back since. :D

After that, a string of RPGs followed: BG1/ ToTSC (naturally), Planescape, Fallout 1 & 2, Icewind Dale 1 & 2, ToB, Deus Ex GoTY, NWN (which kinda brought me down to earth a little) and Morrowind (now on GoTY edition). Never got into the groove with the clickety-click Diablo, although my nephews and nieces swear by it.

Now I am even dabbling into other genres when I manage to steal some time: Warcraft 2 and 3, Starcraft, Civ 2 and 3, Black & White, Age of Empires 2, Age of Mythology, Prince of Persia, Thief 2: The Dark Project, and now retro-ing to The Longest Journey and No One Lives Forever.

Sorry for the long digression, my point is that SoA started it all for me and I still come back to it now after all these years.

So my answer to the thread's question is a resounding YES. Most definitely worth buying the game.
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Post by Miser »

I bought mine for $20 at EB, but I live in the east coast so maybe that has something to do with it. I don't know.. but like fable said check Amazon, or Ebay, though for some reason I dont really trust Ebay. ... s&n=229534
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