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Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 12:12 am
by Brynn
[QUOTE=Numinor]Oh well... beaten by UU ;)
I'll admit my error and hide in some corner to cry for a while :D [/QUOTE]

Oh, no need for that, Numinor :) We all make mistakes sometimes. At least your post made me think about it thoroughly and look up the spell descriptcion to gain proper information! LOL!

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 4:30 am
by Morril

I'm sure many people have noticed this, that Bernard holds an infinite supply of prismatic spray scrolls. That means, in ToB, you can max level in a matter of hours after you free Hendak from the Copper Coronet. Just take Jan (Well, I like Jan) to steal a couple hundred scrolls. Then, through scribing and erasing, you can gain 7k exp per scribing of the spell. I just thought I should mention this since you're soloing. I admit, that's a horrible way to play the game, but if you're ever interested in beating the game in the shortest amount of time possible, then I don't see a reason why it wouldn't work. I'm talking game-time, of course.

Ok - thanks!
But I started this thread because I wanted to find spells WITHOUT being cheesy ;)

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 7:25 am
by Brynn
If you want a clean game (I prefer it that way, too, cheating is not much fun, imho), the only way to find what you want is talking to everyone and looking around in every building. Patience pays off :)

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 7:46 pm
by JackOfClubs

I'm sure many people have noticed this, that Bernard holds an infinite supply of prismatic spray scrolls.
Nifty. If you like doing this kind of thing (and obviously not everyone does) you can use this item to get infinite cash as well. Here's how:

1. Make sure you have enough gold to purchase 1 scroll. Also, you will need something to sell (I usually use spears because you can buy and sell them for a single gold piece.) Equip or store all of your items in a safe place so that your inventory slots are empty.

2. Select as many scrolls as possible (probably 16) to purchase but don't hit the buy button. The cost will calculate normally, but ignore it for now.

3. Sell the spear or whatever you chose to be . Upon completing the sale, you'll notice the cost will drop to the price as if you only selected a single copy of the scroll.

4. Now buy the scrolls. You will be allowed to make the purchase as long as you have enough money to cover the cost that is displayed (ie the cost of one scroll). The game will try to charge you for the total purchase. However, it will not leave you with a negative gold value. So you wind up purchasing severl scrolls for price of one.

5. Your gold will now be down to 0. Sell a few scroll back so that you have the price of a single scroll again.

6. You can repeat this as often as you like, as long as you have inventory slots available. Technically you can get infinite gold this way if you are willing to drop your items on the ground after filling up all of your slots. The reason this is necessary is that the game will try to charge you for every purchase, so if you sell back too much stuff, you basically lose that excess gold when you repeat the process.

I have only tried this with Rings of Air Control (from the Adventure Mart) which don't stack. But since scrolls do stack, you can get more gold out of the process without resorting to dropping stuff as in step 6. But in practice, you never need more than 100,000 gold anyway.

Using this tactic too much really destroys the fun of the game. But it can be a time saver if you are saving for an expensive item and don't want to wait around.

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 9:36 pm
by Miser

Hmmm... didn't know you can do that.

I would still prefer stealing/reselling from Roger though. It's much faster because just 1 selling of 16 wands (of any kind) will net me already of about 40k, and that alone is more than enough to cover the cost of all the thievery potions in the game. In less than an hour game-time (which is about 7-10 mins real-time), you can have your gold amount to the 7th digit. Of course, you won't ever need that much gold, but i mean, just to give you an idea of how it works.

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 11:24 pm
by UserUnfriendly
back to topic...

never ever buy a license to practice magic on the streets...just cast spells, and when the cowles show up, ambush them using naughty tactics, (use wand of cloudkill in a deserted area) and steal their can pick up sone 9th level scrolls, and some really good scrolls and junk... :D

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 11:31 am
by Morril
[QUOTE=UserUnfriendly]back to topic...

never ever buy a license to practice magic on the streets...just cast spells, and when the cowles show up, ambush them using naughty tactics, (use wand of cloudkill in a deserted area) and steal their can pick up sone 9th level scrolls, and some really good scrolls and junk... :D [/QUOTE]

Agree, agree.
But does the number and/or level of the cowled mages depend on your level?
I mean if you are low-level, will the cowled be more easy to fight??

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 11:37 am
by SP101
I don't think so...

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 5:15 pm
by glenfar
If you're still looking for it, I just picked up a Summon Nishruu scroll from that guy in the Copper Coronet running the back rooms (Lehitian? something like that ...). Anyway, he dropped when Hendak killed him.

I don't know if that's random and/or affected by a mod (I have the Big Picture mod installed ...), but in any case, that's where I found one ...

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 10:21 am
by Brynn
Attacking the CWs will end up you being pursuited by the authorities everywhere :eek:

Btw, why do you (I mean whoever came up with it) want to do this store-trick? I've always found enough money to cover my needs... Are you after a valuable item you can't afford, or sg?

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 11:15 am
by Deathknight
[QUOTE=Brynn]Attacking the CWs will end up you being pursuited by the authorities everywhere :eek:

Not sure what you mean by this? If you cast a spell and the cowled wizards show up you can kill them without any issues with the guards.

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 11:19 am
by Brynn
??? Are you sure? Every time I tried this they (the gurads) turned hostile even after I left the place and entered a new area. Maybe I cast an area spell, or sg, that affected them...?

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 12:41 pm
by Morril
[QUOTE=Brynn]Attacking the CWs will end up you being pursuited by the authorities everywhere :eek:

You are persuited by the CW's, not by the guards. And they only attacks you if you use magic. Guards never attacks me if I fight Cowles.
Better kill and loot them, than pay for being "allowed" to use magic in the city... After all - they kidnapped my friend ;)

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 12:45 pm
by Brynn
I wish I knew this before... I LOVE killing mages :)

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 1:52 pm
by Numinor
It's especially easy if you have Jaheira or Cernd with you or if yuo are are a druid (or cleric/ranger) yourself. With some Insect Plagues memorised and cast at the right time the wizards will never get a spell cast ;)

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 3:19 am
by Brynn
That's right, yeah... What a pity I didn't know this... No matter, I'll replay it again anyway ;)