[QUOTE=DashGore12]omfg... i just spent about an hour righting a post... tyhen... when i tried to log in after posting it... it got deleted ... then started over... and frgot wat caused last poroblem... then i did it again... ill check up in an hour....!!!!!!!!1 grrrrr.. sry[/QUOTE]
Something similar happened to me last week. I spent over half an hour writing a post, and then my cat sat on my keyboard and hit the ESC key, which erased the whole message. It wasn't the first time that has happened.
There are ways to avoid such catastrophes. Do you know how to cut and paste? I sometimes save my messages to the "clipboard" on my computer (everything you cut or copy goes to a hidden "clipboard") while I'm writing them. All you have to do is highlight the whole message and hit CTRL-C; when you want to paste it, just hit CTRL-V. Sometimes I compose messages in Notepad and then paste them into the "Reply" box, especially if my cat is lurking nearby.
[QUOTE=DashGore12]i htink im extremely lazy so i just dont feel like going on haveing kids ect.[/QUOTE]
Get up and DANCE. You want to change your mood really quick? You want to get motivated? Then get up off your booty and energize yourself.
[QUOTE=DashGore12]im not mopey or depressed just i AM contemplating suicide.. so unless one of you got an answer that will alter my thoughts on life completely.. my suicidal thoughts still stand strong.[/QUOTE]
I don't think I could alter your thoughts on life completely. But I can make a prediction: your thoughts on life will be completely different in twenty or thirty years, when you are my age. I don't have to do a thing.
When I was your age, I didn't know what it would be like to be older. Please listen to me. I remember clearly what it was like to be 16. I have a little more trouble remembering what it was like to be 12. It is a lot more difficult to remember what it was like to be 8. But I can tell you this much: being 12 was a lot different than being 8; being 16 was a lot different than being 12; and being 38 is a lot different than being 16. I still feel very youthful (which is relative, of course), but on the other hand, I'm nearly middle-aged. I'm not sure how I'll feel when I'm 80, but if I live to be that old, I'll probably feel different than I do now.
Speaking from experience, I don't think you can put your whole life in perspective when you're 12 years old. I'm not trying to put you down or tell you that you don't know anything; all I'm saying is, don't act like you know everything.
I think it's a blessing to be so young. You have so many chances ahead of you that are no longer available to someone my age. Look on the bright side:
you haven't screwed up yet. Lord almighty, you don't know how good you have it.
Let's put it this way: you're worried about things that haven't even happened yet. Hey, I know what a pain that is, and you're dealing with a lot right now. But here's something that might help you put things in perspective:
you haven't screwed up yet. Yes, I know I'm repeating myself.
Most of the time when people feel bad--people my age, for instance--they feel bad about things that have already happened, not about things that haven't even happened yet. You might feel bad about some things you've done twenty years from now, but don't be mad at yourself about them now.
I hope that makes sense to you.
But if it didn't, here's an argument I can always fall back on: I would LOVE to have as much energy as I did when I was 12. You're a boy, so you probably have even more energy than I did. Why would you let that go to waste?
[QUOTE=DashGore12]friends... i got no real friends.. i cant sit down and say i got some problems i need to work out... can u help me?
i dont blame them for this its just that most boys have serious trouble comforting other boys.[/QUOTE]
I won't lie to you. I don't think it's easy to make friends (not friends you can trust, anyway).
If I were you, I don't think I'd ask other 12-year-olds for advice or help. 12-year-old boys aren't supposed to be able to comfort other boys.
The most you can expect from other boys your age is friendship, fun, and loyalty. That's what you should seek from them.
If you can find things you enjoy doing (like dancing, for instance), then it's easier to find people who enjoy doing the same things with you. Nobody's going to come to your room and say, "Hey, can I sit around the house doing nothing with you?"
I don't know what sort of activities to suggest, because it all depends on what you like to do. I started taking Tae Kwon Do lessons when I was your age. I just read the Harry Potter books a couple of months ago (I'm waiting for the next one to come out in November). Hey, I know how to have fun, and I can find people who enjoy the same things I do. You can do it, too!
Of course, in addition to making friends, there's also another reason to find things you enjoy doing: so you'll have things to do when you don't have any friends around. Who knows, maybe you'll even find something you want to dedicate your life to. That might make you change your plans, or even change your outlook on life.