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Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 4:29 am
by Sojourner
[QUOTE=CM]However the mods here are very fair and just. Never seen a better set of mods or in general speaking of SYM a set of moralistic and good natured humans. Kudos to you all, i like you :p [/QUOTE]

*cough* <whispers> Sh! You're inflating their egos! :D

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 5:39 am
by Luis Antonio
[QUOTE=Sytze]Already getting regrets you volunteered to be a mod Xandax? :D [/QUOTE]

I'm not sure he volunteered... :D

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 5:53 am
by Sytze
True that :D

Let me rephrase then:
Already mad at us for voting for you, Xandax? :p

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 6:04 am
by Luis Antonio
[QUOTE=Sytze]True that :D

Let me rephrase then:
Already mad at us for voting for you, Xandax? :p [/QUOTE]

Yes, thats perfect.

You know, Sytze, sometimes you're just good with words. :D

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 6:09 am
by Brynn
I don't hate moderators - HERE. Actually, I like them, they're nice and even gave me answers for my technical questions :) They're patient and helpful, and when they really "moderate" they do it politely, so the one breaking the rule doesn't feel like a criminal who has just finished off his whole family.

But on another forum I was "moderated" by a stupid little girl who just didn't know her limits.

The thing was, I started a thread and discussed a matter with some people(obviously :) ). We agreed finally, and the discussion simply ended. Recognizing this, I said "OK, seems the discussion is over, we can close the thread :) Where's a moderator when you need one? :) " (I put the smilies in there, just like now.
And there she came (both in PM and right there on the thread), ripping my head off, saying how on earth do I dare giving orders to her, when she's a moderator and I'm just a simple memeber. Huh. Never visited that forum again :rolleyes:

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 8:32 am
by Xandax
[QUOTE=CM]Nah we like fable and all as mods. We only have a probem with you. Just you :p [/QUOTE]

figures :(

[QUOTE=Sytze]Already getting regrets you volunteered to be a mod Xandax? :D [/QUOTE]

Yes - you guys are not nice to me at all :(


Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 8:37 am
by Sytze
[QUOTE=Xandax]Yes - you guys are not nice to me at all :( [/QUOTE]

Here, a cookie. Happy?? :D :p

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 8:39 am
by Luis Antonio
[QUOTE=Sytze]Here, a cookie. Happy?? :D :p [/QUOTE]

Give him a bone and a "I dont wanna be a mod anymore!" form, he will be very much happier... :p

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 9:11 am
by Sytze
I think Xandax is the kind of guy who thrills on having mod powers. :p

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 9:20 am
by C Elegans
[QUOTE=Xandax]I didn't know I was hated :( ...... well - hated here.[/QUOTE]

If it's any consolation Xan, I can tell you I hated you long before you were a Moderator. So no need to regret becoming a Mod! :)


Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 10:21 am
by Weasel
[QUOTE=Xandax]Well - I did recive something, but as with most things I recive from you it gets detonated just to be on the safe side :D [/QUOTE]

You plan on living a long life or something?? :D


If Weasel were to ever become a mod, I may reconsider my stance. Maybe :p

And for the love of God, no one else spam my inbox asking why I don't like Weasel. You will only be saddened to know I simply like the badgering back and forth :D [/QUOTE]

If I were ever to lose my mind and become a mod...(which is not going to happen, my mind is beyond the threshold of going mad. :D )... I would change my stance as well. :D Please spam BS's inbox asking him why he hates me. LMAO :D :D

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 10:24 am
by CM
Already spammed his inbox oh HIGH COMM! :D :D

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 10:27 am
by Weasel
Fas I'm not going to get any work done today. :D I'm LMAO :D

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 10:30 am
by Xandax
[QUOTE=Sytze]I think Xandax is the kind of guy who thrills on having mod powers. :p [/QUOTE]

Well ... yeah. That is why I've secretly set up a board for myself, so I can assign myself as much "mod power" as possible :D

[QUOTE=Weasel]You plan on living a long life or something?? :D [/QUOTE]

It is relative. I plan on living longer then if I simply opened up anything I got withouth putting it through the furnace first. Strange enough though - it dosen't seem as if I get much mail anymore :confused:

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 11:13 am
by fable
[QUOTE=Xandax]Strange enough though - it dosen't seem as if I get much mail anymore :confused: [/QUOTE]

"No, we don't need to worry about walking, here. There hasn't been a train on this line for the last twelve years." -last words of a man who was subsequently run over by a train.

You really want to test the gods, don't you? :D

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 11:54 am
by dark_raven
hmmm... why people hate Moderators... HATE is such a strong word to be used to lightly... "dislike with a strong passion" is more like it. but i'm not saying i dislike them or anything (hatred/disliking is truly pointless) but... oh nevermind

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 12:11 pm
by Morril
I don't think anybody here really hates moderators.
Of course I can only speak for my self. But I think most mods here do a great job. It is not so easy to be moderator. What ever you do there are always some who agree and some who disagree with your decisions.
But on the other hand I also think that being moderator you must be aware that you have both rigths and responsibility. Because you have the right to close an topic or correct people doesn't necessarily mean you have to do it only because you can. But it is my opinion that most mods are aware of that and do a good job :)

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 12:16 pm
by Xandax
You really want to test the gods, don't you? :D [/QUOTE]

Well - I have made an agreement with Microsoft to scan my letters, so I'm sure everything is fine and there are no holes in security :D

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 1:38 pm
by giles337
i've started from page three, so apologies if my comments have already been made.

ok. the reason we all hate mod's is because they smell of poopie :p

I sure hope these mods are friendly ppl who can take a joke :rolleyes:

I think the REAL reason some people dislike mods is not because they don't do their jobs, but because they DO, do their jobs. It is a basic human instict to be against those with more power than us. :)

But i don't hat you wondeful wonderful wonderful people. :D

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 1:42 pm
by Adahn
Do moderators even like what they do ? o.o