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Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 4:07 am
by Wrath-Of-Egg
She will teleport herself to that house... that is in same map..

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 9:46 am
by neocool00
[QUOTE=Wrath-Of-Egg]Oh her.. um sorry.. but i dont belive.. you,,,[/QUOTE]
What part do you not believe, that she sells an invisiblity spell or that you have to save her?

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 9:56 am
by Wrath-Of-Egg
neither... that emma thing...

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 2:15 pm
by neocool00
As I stated before, I was not referring to Emma, I was referring to Sabrina Fairwynd. When you get to the first part of Shaengrane Bridge, you fight some orges. After them, you run into Dereth Springsong. He thanks you and you get xp. He also asks you to clear the orges from his house and to free his wife Sabrina and then he returns home. Once you free Sabrina, she returns home. You can go to their home and get healed and purchase spells from Sabrina, one of which is the invisibility spell.

Chapter 1 Walkthrough: ... apter1.php

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 10:52 pm
by Wrath-Of-Egg
Did i want to have walktrough? Look at my post amount... and from that you could use your brain and notice that guy has high post number (well not so high) but still.. perhaps i HAVE PLAYED TROUGH THIS GAME few times too much..

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 10:36 am
by neocool00
I posted the link to the walkthrough in case you still didn't believe what I was saying. I realize that you know the ins and outs because you post on like every thread here. I just became annoyed with you and thought if you still didn't believe what I said then I would post a link to back it up.

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 10:54 pm
by Wrath-Of-Egg
neo.... just hold on and wait... i am going to SAY SOMETHING.... SINCE i´am posting every day... mostly answering other peoples questions.. i would go realy far if i would JUST post things that i have heard..

And after reading your post again i noticed this...'

Yes, that's what I did. The boss will still talk to you even if you are invisible, but you don't automatically unhide after the conversation. If you have the ability to hide all of your characters, you can get to the orcs pretty quickly. I know it's a little late, but you can get an invisibility scroll from the lady you save in the beginning '''***'''(not Emma, but the other one)'''***'''.

so it seams that i DIDN'T read carefully and i missed that (not emma, but the other one) thing.. so i called you you liar... becuse i thought that you were too shamed to say that you are WRONG...

And now i am sorry that i made you go like that... perhaps you arent mature enough to realise that i am saying something wrong and commenting your post.. it would have been nice of you if you had told to read that thing for second time.. perhaps there would be less angsty teenager talk then...

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 12:20 pm
by neocool00
WOE, that's all I wanted. I understand miss reading a post, I've done it before. But you did it twice. So I got annoyed and attacked; for that I am sorry.

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 5:43 am
by Brynn
Calm down, people. ;)

So, Emma is at the fortress, you gotta save her love - and the other lady back at the bridge will go to the house on the right and will sell goods after you saved her, right?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 7:12 am
by Leathorwen
Thanks for all the help on the Bridge guys. I have cleared that level, and now onto the Horde Fortress...

I finished the first part, and now onto the Cave (the first cave).
When i go northwest of the cave i get to the door where i need a password, so then i south, where there a herd of Goblins, a Shaman, a Wolf, some Archers, Elites, and i think Hoblins...Anywho i have learnt that i must find Punmuk (or someone with a similar name) for the password, but i cant get passed these damned Goblins at the first, so what strategy do you guys suggest i should use?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 7:19 am
by Wrath-Of-Egg
Room where is lot goblins just south from entrance.. use thorns spray and fire ball..

Goblins name is podmunk.. if i remember right..(he is alone in his own section in cave system..)

When you get to inside horde fortress try to kill all monsters before fightning with guthma.. this way game will be lot easier..

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 10:19 am
by neocool00
Spoiler {hi-light to view}
To get the most xp points, have one of your characters hide or use an invisibility spell. To the south, there are three groups of goblins. If you do not attack them you will get an xp bonus when you leave that level. After you hide/cast inivisible, head west past the first group and then continue west until you see a nook up north. Wander into the nook and there you will find a lone goblin. Talk to him and he'll ask you to get him some spiders. Agree to do the task, but don't sleep there or you'll be attacked. After accepting the task, hide again and head out of the nook, west and then take the path north up to the door. On the other side of the door is the spiders' nest. You have two choices on what to do here.
1) Open the door to let the spiders out and then hide again quickly. These will release the spiders and they will attack the goblins groups w/ no repecussions to you.
2) Open the door and attack the spiders. This will of course give you the xp from killing them.
Head through the door and in the upper top left corner, there will be two more spiders and a queen. Dispatch all three of them and collect their hides. Hide again and head back to the goblin and give him all of the spider bodies. After that, hide once more and head back to the rest of your party. The goblin will have given you the password so you can get past the door. The foes on the other side of the door you can attack, however you will find a goblin who won't attack you unless you attack him. You can talk to him and convience him to leave for additional xp.

If you decide later that you want to kill those groups, spells like Web, Spike Growth and Thron Spray are the way to take them down quickly. The first group is guarding some containers with 3rd level Wizard spells (one of which is Fireball). I decided to go back and slay them after I was done with all the fetching tasks.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 6:47 am
by Iliphar Nelnuve
Save the bridge!

Yes you can save the bridge quite easily :
before entering the map, cast invisibility on one mage and on one fighter.
Enter the map. Aganazar's on the Gobelours (all the others will take damage to), and neutralize the shaman. IN THE MEANWHILE, send your fighter and your mage to the bridge, place the fighter above the malarite (next to the cat) so Xuki will talk to him first (don't waste time: tell her to go to hell asap).
Xuki will attack your fighter even if he's invisible. Send your mage as far as possible to the right and when he's safe from Xuki, chromatic orb on the ogres and destroy them as you like with the mage (THE BRIDGE IS NOW SAVED). :cool:
As soon as Xuki attacks your fighter, send him back to the others (still invisible) and when you see Xuki following you, wait until she's in the middle of the ennemies (cat, serpent, malarite, gobelours etc..) and happily send an explosion oil in the center of this nice group: they will enjoy their stay on the bridge! Finish them with sleep and chromatic orbs. :)