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Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 7:17 am
by garazdawi
[QUOTE=Ieldra]You'd need Chain Contingency (L9) ir Spell Trigger (L8) to put three LRs in. My preferred method uses three mages with, for each one, three Magic Missiles in a Spell Sequencer. Nine Magic Missiles from mages L12+ will kill Firkraag if his resistance is sufficiently lowered. Hit him with 3x Lower Resistance simultaneously, followed by the Sequenced MMs. The other characters are there to keep Firkraag from frying the mages.[/QUOTE]
Why not just use 3LR and then finger of death? If you have three mages atleast one of the fingers should kill him...

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 9:45 am
by moltovir
Do the cool thing... melee them to death :cool:

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 11:41 am
by Ieldra
[QUOTE=moltovir]Do the cool thing... melee them to death :cool: [/QUOTE]

Since this thread is named "Beginner's Tricks", here's another piece of tactical advice:
Don't melee enemies with Wing Buffet.

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 11:48 am
by Ieldra
[QUOTE=garazdawi]Why not just use 3LR and then finger of death? If you have three mages atleast one of the fingers should kill him...[/QUOTE]

The answer: saving throws. LR doesn't lower saves, so Firkraag has his usual save of (quite probably) 2. Even if he had 5, I'd need four Fingers for a 66% chance of killing him without wasting yet another round by casting Greater Malison first. The Magic Missiles will kill him in the second round with a 95% chance of success, and even if he survives, the mages will have enough Magic Missiles left to finish the task.
The difficulty with this method is finding three Spell Sequencer scrolls. Or you could use a Sorcerer to complement the mages.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 9:48 am
by moltovir
[QUOTE=Ieldra]Since this thread is named "Beginner's Tricks", here's another piece of tactical advice:
Don't melee enemies with Wing Buffet.[/QUOTE]

It is quite possible actually... I melee'd Firkraag with my solo blade without losing a single hitpoint. Doing things like the Finger of Death/Chromatic Orb/Magic Missile tactic, the "lots-of-skull-traps" or the traps-tactic take away the fun of battling dragons. It are supposed to be epic fights, no magic-walk in the parks.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 10:39 am
by ensaro dai
Problem is moltovir, not every1 plays with an uber blade :D . What protections did he have =|, must have been quite alot to be invulnerable to Firkaags attacks. But a 1on1 fight sounds quite epic :) , if you want to beat a 36 foot dragon on your own, u will need quite some patience and reloads i guess :D .

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 2:32 pm
by Ieldra
[QUOTE=moltovir]It is quite possible actually... I melee'd Firkraag with my solo blade without losing a single hitpoint. Doing things like the Finger of Death/Chromatic Orb/Magic Missile tactic, the "lots-of-skull-traps" or the traps-tactic take away the fun of battling dragons. It are supposed to be epic fights, no magic-walk in the parks.[/QUOTE]

Of course it's possible for an experienced player. But for a Beginner, which this thread is about, my suggestion stands.

As for the epic battles, in my very first game, the Black Dragon gave me one, although never again - and Kangaxx, and the Twisted Rune still managed to make some difficulty occasionally. I'll see how it is this time with Improved Firkraag and Improved Dragons, and (shudder) Improved Twisted Rune. I've never soloed BG2 and I don't intend to - too much of the fun is in the NPCs.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 4:56 pm
by glenfar
[QUOTE=Ieldra]Of course it's possible for an experienced player. But for a Beginner, which this thread is about, my suggestion stands.[/QUOTE]

I would tend to disagree ... or at least say it depends on your style of play (and possibly your party ... but then that also comes down to your style of play ;) ).

For a beginner, I think all the various spells are pretty overwhelming. At least I found it so ... and I just don't see a beginner using fancy spell tactics to take out Firkragg (or anyone else).

But then again, I tend to use spells sparingly regardless, and generally only have 1 mage in my party (with possibly an additional multi-class mage or a bard as backup). So as I said, it may depend on your style of play ...

My tactic for Firkragg is simply this: Cast any buffing spells you have just outside his lair. Then go in, send your melee fighters right up to him, and spread the rest (with range weapons) out at a distance. When everyone's in place, just tell everyone to attack, and see what happens ...

You should be around level 12-13, with a fighter-heavy party, to do this successfully. And it might take 2 or 3 reloads to do it without losing anyone.

Of course the essential beginner tip for Firkragg is this - don't be afraid to leave him alone - you don't have to kill him to finish the quest. And you can always come back later when you've gone up a couple more levels!

[QUOTE=Ieldra]I've never soloed BG2 and I don't intend to[/QUOTE]

Your loss ;) Personally I find it more fun to solo, but hey, that's me ... :D

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 9:52 pm
by Grandpa
[QUOTE=moltovir]supposed to be epic fights, no magic-walk in the parks.[/QUOTE]


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