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The most rewarding class?

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Post by nephtu »

My 2 gold worth

I think probably my multiclassed Fighter/Cleric was the most fun overall for me, but Kensai/thief (dual or multi - yes, I know multi is a cheat) is also mucho fun.

Sorcerors probably have the most cheese potential.

For a new character in group, it really doesn't matter - flavor to taste. Solo, I'd go Fighter-Mage or Thief -Mage.
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Post by Coot »

[QUOTE=dj_venom]I noticed when I played, it said 'can't memorize any more with this intelligence level'[/QUOTE] If you have ToB installed, you have the option to erase spells that you don't like.
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Post by LotharBot »

[QUOTE=Bodmerocity]Should I not go straight-up-mage?[/QUOTE]

Well... if you start the game as a level 7 fighter and immediately dual-class to mage, you get most of the benefits of being a fighter, and your mage can still make it to the highest level, so you haven't lost out on anything except for the mage kits.

If you start the game as a fighter (in particular, with a kensai kit), that means you can get strength in the high 18/** range, about 80 HP, and 6 proficiencies. Then you dual-class to mage right away (or, right as you get to the end of the starting dungeon -- before you go outside, so the quest EXP counts for your mage) and start writing spells and generally building up your mage. By the time you've finished the first few quests you should get back all of your fighter abilities -- including those proficiencies. That means you now have a mage with the extra benefits of high strength, lots of proficiencies in your weapon of choice (and ability to use just about every weapon in the game), high hitpoints, extra attacks per round, etc.

I recommend the same if you want a straight cleric or a straight thief -- start with a level 7 fighter base (using whichever kit fits best -- I prefer berserker-cleric, wizslayer-thief, and kensai-mage.) There are very few disadvantages to doing this, the only one of note being that your second class (mage, thief, or cleric) can't have a kit unless you use SK to hack your character. I think the advantages are far too great to pass up.

(Of course, if you're big into role-playing rather than power gaming, throw this all out the window.)
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Post by Deadalready »

Unfortunately I'm pretty sure most beginner players don't check their manuals, know how to roll the right ability die or know about potions increasing their max spell limits.

I really botched my mages the first time I played through by doing that, I didn't know about spell cracker spells, contingencies or anything like that. So having extra mages was pretty pointless :rolleyes:

I filled up Aeri's, Nalia's and everyone else's spell books by simply inscribing all the spells I found for experience and their books really filled up fast. Especially when in truth with even with descriptions, I didn't know what the spells actually did.

I still stand by my words that it's not advisable to start off as a mage or even worse a sorceror.


I forgot that my character was wearing the non detection cloak when he was sneaking : P, but I'm pretty sure there's a very special advantage when comparing hide in shadows to spells, I can't remember it...

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Post by blayze »

My favorite is the Paladin, and more accurately the Cavalier kit. Big hit points,
lay on hands, strength, charisma for leading (not needed of course, but it's more
real), draw upon the holy might, and becomes a nutcase asswhooper after killing
Firkraag. I've equipped him with all of the best stuff I've found yet on this save
I'm playing and now, after defeating Kangaxx he has like ca. 120 hitpoints, ring
of gaxx, girdle of strength 19, helm of balduran, red dragon scale, boots of speed, some ****ty gauntlets, rop +1 and Carsomyr. level 12 if I recall correctly,
and kicks ass. But the fact that other party members are so slow when walking
around the town is so annoying that I always cast haste on my party when arriving to a new area.
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Post by Edar Macilrille »

Personally I prefer to play single-classed characters. Mostly fighter types since I am one;-)
I have played all the way through ToB with a pure fighter, all through SoA with a Paladin (Cav) and the game that freezes right now in Irenicus' Dungeon is a Kensai. I plan to try a sorcerer or deathbringer next, but first Kensai. I would find it cheesy to dual to mage though, but to each his own playing style.
What could make me do it is the fact that you stall and can rise no more in lvls after a certain amount of heroics, but the XPcapremover will deak with that I hope.

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Post by Nimiety »

@Edar - you could also just install ToB, as that will remove the cap (allowing up to 8 million exp).

I've tried a team of 6 characters that were all single class, and I've also tried all multi-class. My next one is all dualled characters. The totemic druid dualled to fighter looks interesting. If you bring a druid over from BG1, you can add 3 points to your wisdom from the three manuals in that game, giving you a potential wisdom of 21, which means extra spells galore. Dualling the Druid over at level 12 only takes 300K exp which is easy to hit within chateau irenicus, and although it takes much longer to reactivate the druid class as a fighter (around 1.25 million exp) you end up almost having a single class character for a while who can then suddenly cast spells like iron skin and righteous magic (by far the singly most underrated spell I've barely heard of), stop mages with insect plague, summon creatures via special ability or spell, heal or doom others, etc. That seems like a particularily strong combo, especially considering that it's only 300K exp so they won't be far behind their companions in levels. Did I mention they can wear all the plate you can find?

Of course, you'll need a thief and maybe a mage for the anti-mage breach spells, but that's one powerful character.

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Post by Thrain »

IIRC, druids can't cast righteous magic, it's a cleric spell
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Post by Nimiety »

I hadn't noticed, but my multi druid-fighter casts it on a very regular basis now, and a totemic druid I had played with also had it, although I never noticed it at the time in favor of iron skins. That spell is the equivelant of the Kensai kai or Bard's offensive spin - max damage and bonuses to hit and to HP.

Hmmm... I just tested on a druid with only SoA installed and I didn't get it. I wonder if it's only if you have ToB installed that you can get that spell? Either that or one of the mods I installed modified the druidic spell table to mirror the cleric table (I've already removed the one that changes level progression). On a vanilla system, you may be right! Oh well.
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Post by moltovir »

[QUOTE=Sytze]Archer-Mage all the way.

Never played a Wild mage myself, but I can see the appeal of the class. The random element must give a very unexpecting shape to the Wild Mage.[/QUOTE]

Do you mean a Generic Archer/Mage or do you use SK to make one?

My favorite classes are Blade or Skald (very good in everything, and cool to sole one), multiclass Thief/Mage, and for powergaming multiclass Cleric/Mage. No other cheeseclass matches the sheer power of the Cleric/Mage :)
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Post by Sytze »

Generic Archer/Mage (also requires SK to create, though :p )
If you want a true multiclass, then creating one with SK and using the Ranger kit is out of the question.

I just started an Archer/Swashie/Mage with only a few (4-6) mage spells. Weak for now, but I'm expecting him to become more powerful later on.
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Post by Deadalready »

Wow the Bounty Hunter is an absolutely beautiful kit, even without being cheesy they are strong characters with great abilities to solo.

I'm currently playing as one and soloing through the game with comparitive ease, I dare say easier than having a group of people.

Many of the missions like Mae'Vars guild, the Fallen Paladins, random encounters and many others it's possible to backstab every single person to death. Absolutely loving the backstab skill, almost any mission or fight can be won with ease with just a single thief and increadibly satisfying as well because you have to use tactics when being a real backstabber character and the more effort you put in the more fun you have.

Mellisan Istar: Backstab Quintuple damage 15+9=24 hit 56 damage
Slaver Guard: (Damage Taken) 56
Slaver Guard: Death
Mellisan Istar: Hide in Shadows Succeeded
Mellisan Istar: Attacks Yuan Ti
Mellisan Istar: Backstab Quintuple damage 13+9=22 hit 46 damage
Yuan Ti: (Damage Taken) 46
Yuan Ti: Morale failure running away

Read this faq and be inspired into the thief's potential ... _thief.txt
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Post by Yeltsu »

If you like backstabbing so much, why don't you use an Assassin?
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Post by Deadalready »

I'm considering it by installing the level cap remover, but the reduced thieving points you get being an Assassin are too much. It's a good thing to be able to open all the locks and disarm all the traps you come across otherwise I wouldn't be able to Hide in Shadows without a large portion of points into it (even with items). Also the special functions of the special traps he gets are very useful with their throwing abilities.

In many encounters I run away throw a trap to disable the enemy with hold/otillukes and back stab the remainder with considerably less monsters or people chasing me with weapons. Battles are slow to hell when soloing due the fact it's less health efficient trying 3-7 on 1 thief, especially with mages in the picture. Some enemies have an annoying shared vision where if one person knows where you are the rest do :mad: so they all run along and attack you at once, again being able to hold or slow them with the bounty hunters traps means you can split them up for better hit and run tactics.

Can't wait till I get to level 21 and maze traps instead of otillukes.


I'm very much considering an Assassin too, though but I'll try soloing either a mage or sorc once I'm done before that.
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Post by Nimiety »

My next game I've just started includes a bounty hunter dualled at level 8 to fighter (with points given to traps and hide in shadows), to get a great bang with the backstab, a conjuror dualled at 8 to thief, and a kensai dualled at 9 to thief. I'm starting to like backstabs myself, especially if there is a little more force behind it.

The problem with Assassins is that it takes so long to get the extra multipliers that it only makes sense if you stick with that character (ie don't dual) for a long while.

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Post by hyaline »

I have always enjoyed playing as a sorcerer; I have also played as a fighter but I didn't like it as much, it was kinda boring. You can do so many thing with a sorcerer if you know how to use them to their full potential.

anyways happy hunting! :p
What's he so angry for? All i did was accidentaly run over his dog. Except change 'accidentaly' with 'repeatedly' and 'dog' with 'son'.

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Post by RP80 »

I just started my to play baldurs gate after ALONG time not toutching anything besides Starcraft.
I had a lot of troubles choosing what class to play, have posted a few posts at this forum about it. Anyway, I now have a super strong charachter that is super fun to play and so so strong, a neutral evil half elf blade.
I got really lucky with the stats. Got a total of 95 points, but on the other hand I rolled stats for like two hours so maybe not surprising...
What impressed me was the strenght of defensive spin ability early, being able to tank while I have casters throw missiles/spells at the enemy. Another thing which I thought was almost overpowered is pickpocket skill. I know I'm not an experienced BGII player but to me this skill sort of functions as having +xxx damage in combats.
What I mean is since you basically can loot anything from the shoops your party is always using magical items/non stop magical ammo directly from the start. Right now I have stolen stuff in the promenade for about 30 000 gold or so I think. Best thing at the moment being 40 arrows of dispellings worth 14 000 gold or so.
The downside of pickpocketing is however that since I'm a greedy bastard I spend to much time trying to steal and I advance sloooooowly... :P
Yeah I might as well ask while I'm posting in this forum, is it considered cheating to steal the regen ring from the adventurers mart shopkeeper? I couldn't resist doing that and the ring sort of changes the whole way to play BGII, basically takes away the importance of healing spells since you just switch the ring between party members.
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Post by Coot »

Why would it be cheating? You're using one of your abilities and you're doing it the legal way. Ribald is a shopowner who sells terrific magical stuff... why wouldn't an evil blade steal from him?
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