Theory of Knowledge is a subject I've been taking for two years now, and it deals exclusively with the question you are asking, Ekental. Compulsory part of the IB, as a matter of fact - that's why I previously asked you if you were taking the that course- repeating the same things you will find in your book will probably not be very enlightening
However as you haven't replied yet, I find the topic interesting and for once have something to contribute (

), I'll chime in anyway.
"So what exactly is knowledge?"
Short answer: Knowledge is belief that is both true and justified.
Long answer: Obviously, knowledge is not equivalent to belief. Even if I believe the sky is pink, I can't say I
know the sky is pink, because the sky is
not pink. It is blue. To know something I must believe it and it must be true. But those two are not enough. A blind man who's never been told the sky is blue and has never seen the sky cannot know it is blue, even if he believes it. To give another example, if I haven't seen John for a long time, but believe he is well (which as a matter of fact he is) I wouldn't
know he is well.
The above definition of knowledge was first developed by Plato, IIRC. However, it leaves two large gaps. If knowledge needs to be both true and justified, we must know what truth and justification are.
Truth has three characteristics.
- It is public:
--If a is true, it is true for anyone, anywhere.
--If a is false, it is false for everyone, everywhere.
- It is independant of anyone's beliefs
--a may be false even if everyone believes it to be true. And vice versa.
- It is eternal
--If a is true, it is true until the end of time. And possibly beyond.
Strictly speaking, the only place where truth and subsequently knowledge exists is mathematics, because it is a closed system built entirely on definitions and deductions based on those definitions. It is completely abstract and in theory, an alien civilisation in an alien universe should be able to come up with the exact same mathematical equations as us. Consider Euler's equation:
iπ) + 1 = 0
e is related to the integral of 1/x on a flat plane. It doesn't exist in real life.
i is the square root of -1. You can't get any more abstract than that.
π is a the the ratio of the circumference to the diameter. A circle itself is an abstract concept, and so is
Natural sciences come close to truth, but they never quite reach it. The scientific method is, as CE previously said, is the best method for collecting knowledge in an open system (i.e. in a system not defined by humans), but the closest to truth you can get is having a theory which has not yet been proven wrong. To quote Einstein: "No amount of experimentation can ever prove a theory to be correct; a single experiment can prove it to be false".
Moving further away from absolute truth, there come the social sciences. Truth, or anything resembling it is very hard to find within them, but there is a general consensus. Different economists will give you very different explanations of events based on their own leanings
The areas of ethics and aesthetics are on the furthest end of the truth spectrum, if I can call it that. Looking back at the definition of truth, they fail on all three points. The truth is not public, what is ethical or aesthetical at one place is not so in another. Both are highly subjective, and are subordinate to the whims of time.
I could also go into the pragmatic, coherence, and correspondence theories of truth if anyone is interested, but I think I'll stop at the moment. I also didn't cover the second part of what makes a belief apart from it being true (i.e. it being justified using the ways of knowing - reason, emotion, perception, language), but that would make for another long-ish post, and I don't have the time/energy at the moment.
To conclude, knowledge, in its purest form, does not exist outside of closed systems such as mathematics.