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Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 5:28 pm
by pennypincher
If I were putting together the perfect, Table Top vampire, my Discplines would be... THIS!!

Obfuscate: Perfect invisibility for no blood cost with no roll? Thank you very much!! imagine the endless possability that comes from being perfectly invisible without any effort and no chance of stuffing it up unless you do something stupid. Sounds good in my book. Latter levels, like changing your apperance need rolls, so that gets more tricky, but your not REQUIRED to use them, so just use your head and be subtle.

Potence or Fortitude: Physical defence, instantly, for 0 blood or physical dominance, instantly, for 0 blood! In my book, nothing is better then passive powers like this... No need to plan ahead, no need to activate, nothing needs to be happening under certain circumstances... It's just always with you. Bullets do just bounce off, or you can just snap doors off their hinges instantly. Blam!

Presence: Again, 0 blood cost, instant loyalty, instant love, instant rioting mob... Cult status anyone? Sure! Small army of angry loaylists ready to die for you? Why not! Just want that beautiful woman over there to want you SO BADLY she could just cut herself up if she didn't? Go for it! Oh dear, your in a fight and want to terrorise your enemies so badly they flee? Ding! Uh oh, the police suspect you of a crime... Want to appear so innocent and appeal to their hearts so much that they wouldn't even bother invesitaging you? Ha!! Summon friends and enemies, command the earth with your very words!

Now, no clan gets that combo... I spose that makes me a dirty scum Caittif. If I could make the perfect computer game character... Hmmm. Seeing as EVERYTHING costs blood...

Obfuscate: Stealth 0? Ahhh well, no big deal! Just walk around the guy! Save your ability points for something that you CAN'T buff with a discpline... Like a little lock picking and computer to help you when you blood buff or auspex, if thats your thing.

Fortitude: I don't like dying. It sucks. I like NOT dying. I like standing in a mob of enemies and watching my health bar not even shift slightly as they slam hopelessly against me time and time again. I like walking into the room with the fire and shrugging. I like shooting a gang member in the night club in china town and then dancing while the others panic and try to blast me! I like it!!

Dominate/Dementation: Look, we both know how this conversation NEEDS to end... So lets just skip the BS and go right to the part where I tell you what I want and you give it to me without me having to beat your head against the parked car okay? Or even better, I'll tell you that your a head lice and you can jump 30,000 feet into the air with your mighty muscles and watch you throw yourself off the building while I quietly go through your belongings for money, drugs, pawn-able goods and maybe the keys to your car.

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 6:43 am
by Lone_Wolf
I think Celerity rulZ, cause noone can defeat you when you get it on level 5. It's almost impossible. That's why Brujah and Toreador are the most powerfull clans for me. What do you think? However, my favorite clan is Gangrel...