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Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 4:46 pm
by GFreeman
Well've just come one step closer to selling this to me. This could easily end up as a last minute addition to the xmas lists. i likey what i hear...
Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 5:38 pm
by Stilgar
Ok, some bad reply's about battle for middle earth.
1. The balancing is horrible, the good hero's are much to powerfull (also in multiplayer), and some units aswell.
When you play (for example) mordor, and havent invested in firearrows (an upgrade) and you meet 2 or 3 ents your screwed.
2 ents can easaly destroy half your army when you have maximum commandpoints when you dont have firearrows.
You can say this is ballancing, but if you havent created lots of orcs, you cant upgrade your archers with firearrows.
2. The evil campaign feels a little rushed. Alot of boring "destroy all good forces" missions.
3. Evil party's lack in hero's, the book offers alot more evil-hero-options, but they created the game entirely out of the movies
4. Battle can become very crowded, and your unable to controll your armies properly. You will quickly use the q-q-rightclick-tactic (q-q selects all armed units on the map) But thats just a C&C thing
These are just some of the downsides of the game, there are certainly some good points, but on the list of games i posted earlyed it's on the second last place, just above Armies of Exigo
Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 8:34 pm
by GFreeman
oh you had to go and throw in the negatives....heheh....well in my book, the goods outweigh the bads at the end of the day. as long as the game wows me....its all good. still thinkin i'll pick this up.
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 2:38 am
by Jandau
Has anybody played the War of the Ring? Yet another LotR RTS....
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 4:24 am
by Rookierookie
I've heard that it's total crap.
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 7:18 am
by Yeltsu
[QUOTE=Jandau]Has anybody played the War of the Ring? Yet another LotR RTS....[/QUOTE]
I played the demo, and yes, it's total crap
I agree with Stilgar's points on the BFME topic, but one thing that balances the game a bit, is that orc warriors are free if you play as mordor, so you can really build a horde of orcs (not free if you play as isengard though)
Concerning the dull "wipe out the good guys" battles, the good campain is all that after battle for Mineas Tirith.
But as I stated earlier, the good heroes are hidiously overpowered, Gandalf alone (at lvl 10) can take out every enemy on the entire screen with one skill, while the best Sarumann can do is to charm a few of them to his side for a few seconds.
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 11:29 am
by GFreeman
Wow...thats too bad...yet another bad one huh? This seems to be happening way too often with games recently. Let's get a solid game out please.... half life 2......thats perfection
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 1:18 pm
by Jandau
[QUOTE=GFreeman]like half life 2......thats perfection[/QUOTE]
I tend to disagree.... HL2 is good, even great, but hardly perfect....
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 3:20 pm
by GFreeman
What do you think could've used work? Maybe I'm just a novice, but I thought it was amazing. Would love to hear your thoughts.
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 4:13 pm
by Stilgar
A multiplayer mode is one thing.
And i dont see the counterstrike version with just some better looks as a real new multiplayermode.
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 4:25 pm
by GFreeman
well that seems reasonable...i was tlaking more to the single player...thats really whats been blowing me away. i like doing this game solo...much more exciting and kinda freaky sometimes.
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 4:41 pm
by Noober
[QUOTE=Stilgar]A multiplayer mode is one thing.
And i dont see the counterstrike version with just some better looks as a real new multiplayermode.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Yeltsu] But as I stated earlier, the good heroes are hidiously overpowered, Gandalf alone (at lvl 10) can take out every enemy on the entire screen with one skill, while the best Sarumann can do is to charm a few of them to his side for a few seconds.[/QUOTE]
Only Gandalf is hideously overpowered. Not because of the level 10 ability, but because his spells have good recharge rates, and most importantly, his damnable horse. Lurtz is one of the most powerful heroes, and if you've ever had fully upgraded glorious charged knights charmed, you would change your opinion on Saruman.
But this doesn't really matter if you play online since everyone you meet that's of decent rank will just disconnect.
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 5:35 pm
by Yeltsu
I do believe that Aragorn and Legolas are quite overpowerered as well. When you have Aragorn use his blademaster ability he'll take down most things in one hit. And Legolas fires to fast that he usually get 3x the head count as any other hero.
Not to mention that Aragorn can summon them dead guys, they'll kill anything.
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 5:39 pm
by Noober
[QUOTE=Yeltsu]I do believe that Aragorn and Legolas are quite overpowerered as well. When you have Aragorn use his blademaster ability he'll take down most things in one hit. And Legolas fires to fast that he usually get 3x the head count as any other hero.
Not to mention that Aragorn can summon them dead guys, they'll kill anything.[/QUOTE]
Not really. Aragon is too expensive (though he does come out at level 5) and Legolas is usually used for killing Lurtz, as otherwise he is too expensive. I would prefer a level 4 Theoden to any of them because Glorious Charge is just so good. But let us not divert this thread any further.
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 5:44 pm
by Yeltsu
Oh, I wouldn't know, I very rarely play skrimish on any C&C game. I usually stick to the campain. I find the skirmish to be kinda dull. In the campain you at least have a goal
Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 3:04 pm
by Jandau
[QUOTE=GFreeman]What do you think could've used work? Maybe I'm just a novice, but I thought it was amazing. Would love to hear your thoughts.[/QUOTE]
Oh, the game was quite amazing, no doubt there. Most aspects of the game are marvelous: gameplay is nice and fluid, AI is at good, music is great (I'm listening to it on my MP3 player on a regular basis) and the graphics are wonderfull. But the story is poorly presented (or to be precise, too little of it is presented, leaving huge gaps in the storyline), the last few levels (in the Citadel with the Ultra-G Gun) feel rushed and pointless and the ending was just:
a.)wrong; b.)bad; c.)crappy; d.)unsatisfying; e.)to-be-continued; f.)all of the above
Basically, great but not perfect. A pitty, it was close....